Location: At Sea

- Name: SS Carolyn
- Type: Steam Merchant
- Tonnage: 3,209 tons
- Completed: 1912 - Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia
- Owner: A. H. Bull SS Co, New York
- Homeport: New York
- Name: USS Atik
- Type: Steam Auxiliary
- Tonnage: 3,209 tons
- Completed: 1942 - Q-ship conversion Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia
- Owner: US Navy
- Homeport: New York
- Date of attack: 27 Mar 1942
- Nationality: American
- Fate: Sunk by U-123 (Reinhard Hardegen)
- Position: 35° 38'N, 70° 14'W - Grid CA 9578
- Complement: 141 (141 dead - no survivors)
- Convoy: Independent Steaming
- Route: Portsmouth (26 Mar) - patrol area - Portsmouth
- Cargo: Pulpwood as floating cargo
Collecting information and creating profiles for the Crew of USS Atik. Sunk on 27 Mar 1942 by the German submarine U-123.
Contents |
- Official notification of death by the Department of the Navy is dated 5 April, 1944. The primary reason for this is that USS Atik was a Q-ship and the mission was highly classified. Atik was declared over due and MIA notices were sent in April of 1942. The actual date of loss was 27 Mar 1942 and except for typos and errors should be used for all members of USS Atik's Crew.
- To the extent possible all profiles should include siblings, spouses, children, parents, etc. and connect to the 'mother' tree,
USNR Program Codes Fleet Reserve
- F-4-c Recalled to Active Duty from Fleet Reserve. Infered from usage in muster reports and information about US Navy Fleet Reserve.
Naval Reserve Volunteer Code Meanings:
- Volunteer Reserve
- V-1 Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps member
- V-2 Aviation branch
- V-3 Communications branch
- V-4 Intelligence branch
- V-5 Naval Aviation Cadet
- V-6 General Service & Specialists:: Not as can be found in some places duration of the war plus 6 months. The confusion may come from notations about enlistment which use the historic statement "Duration of the war plus 6 months." which was common in post civil war enlistment of volunteers.
- V-7 Midshipman Officer Candidates
- V-8 Aviation Pilot Training
- V-9 WAVES Officer Candidates
- V-10 WAVES Enlisted Personnel
- V-11 Officer Candidates "O-Group" (Older candidates)
- V-12 College Training Program
- Organized Reserve
- O-1 Organized Reserve (Seagoing)
- O-2 Organized Reserve (Aviation)
- Merchant Marine Reserve
- D-M Deck Officers
- E-M Engineering Officers
- SC-M Supply Corps Officers
- MC-M Medical Corps Officers
- M-1 Mariners Selected for service at sea
- M-2 Mariners Selected for service for salvage service
Web Sites
- Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Atik
- U-boat Net, Atlantic submarine war resource: https://uboat.net/allies/merchants/crews/ship1476.html
- Ship wreck information: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?22462
- Draft Cards, Muster Rolls, Etc.: https://www.ancestry.com/search/categories/mil_draft/
- Find A Grave Virtual Cemetery (USS Atik): https://www.findagrave.com/virtual-cemetery/449382?page=1#sr-83961151
- USS Atik (KA-101) Commissioning Muster List https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/23282938:1143?tid=&pid=&queryId=5c8a744fc413ddd15cab7e694bb44225&_phsrc=qML64&_phstart=successSource This document should be used with care. Several persons on this list were transferred to other commands before sailing.
- 'https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/q/q-ships-during-world-war-ii.html
- American Battle Monuments Commission Search: https://www.abmc.gov/search/node
- WWII Navy Enlisted Ratings https://www.ussmarblehead.com/pdf/WWII__PettyOfficerRatings2.pdf
- WWII Officer Ranks https://ww2-facts.fandom.com/wiki/United_States_Navy_Ranks
- Civilian Conservation Corps https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_Conservation_Corps This article clears up one mystery of young men being promoted early in their military service. Successful service in the CCC was considered a point in favor of the young men and they received accelerated promotion to NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) ranks. Reserve officers assigned to the CCC also received evaluation and promotion based on their CCC service.
- US Naval History Command: World War II Abbreviations: https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/u/us-navy-abbreviations-of-ww2.html
- https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/q/q-ships-during-world-war-ii.html
- [U. S. Naval Reserve Force] September 1924 article in U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings giving a history and justification of the Fleet Reserve Force.[1]
- Q-ships during World War II. Accessed February 9, 2025. https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/q/q-ships-during-world-war-ii.html.
- Beyer, Kenneth M. Q-ships versus U-boats: America’s secret project. Shrewsbury: Airlife Publ, 1999.
- United States Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual (Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1942), 383; digital image, Ancestry (https://archive.org/details/bureauofnavalper00unit/page/382/mode/2up : accessed 10 June 2024); Archive.org. This copy of the Personnel manual does not address the V-11 or V-12 programs as they did not start until 1943.
- Blair, Clay. Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters, 1939-1942. New York: Random House, 1996. [see index for individual ship names.].
- Chatterton, E. Keble. Q Ships and Their Story. Annapolis MD: Naval institute Press, 1972.
- Farago, Ladislas. The Tenth Fleet. New York: I. Obolensky, 1962. [see ch.7, pp.85-89].
- The Dramatic True Story of Germany's First U-Boat Attacks Along the American Coast in World War II [see index for "Q-ships"]
- Grenfell, E.W. "Discussions, Comments, Notes: A Japanese Q-Ship." US Naval Institute Proceedings 79, no.8 (Aug. 1953): 899-900. [1942 incident involving USS Gudgeon (SS-211) and an armed Japanese steamer].
- McElroy, John W. “Discussions, Comments, Notes: The Loss of an American Q-Ship in World War II.” US Naval Institute Proceedings 81, no. 2 (February 1953): 215. [loss of USS Atik].
- Morrison, Samuel Elliot. The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Co, 1947. [see ch.11, "Amateurs and Auxiliaries: Mystery Ships," pp.281-286. Morison observes that 148 personnel, 1/4 of all personnel involved in the program, died, making it the most hazardous branch of the Navy.].
- Sanderson, James Dean. “Ch. 7 The Q-Ship Killers.” Giants in War, 141–74. New York, New York: D Van Nostrand, 1962.
- Smith, Richard W. “The Q-Ship - Cause and Effect.” US Naval Institute Proceedings 79, no. 5 (May 1955): 532–41. [Q-Ships in World War I].
Boiler Plate
[[Category:Purple Heart]]
[[Category: USS Atik (AKA-101), United States Navy, World War II]]
[[Category: East Coast Memorial, Manhattan, New York]]
{{Occupation |image= Occupation Image Capture-62.png|text=was a Gold Star Mother. }}
{{Medal|image = Purple_heart.jpg|Medal = Purple Heart}}
{{Medal|medal= American Campaign Medal|image= Military_Medals.png}}
{{Medal|image = Military_Medals-1.gif|Medal = World War II Victory Medal}}
{{Veteran Recognition |badge-image=Military_Badges_and_Insignia-6.png |nationality =United States |branch =Navy |start-year = |end-year = 1942 |text = (S2c), USS Atik (KA-101)}}
Award of American Campaign with service star documented in [2]
- Seaman First Class (S1c) Applegate, Gilbert Betts USN
- Chief Boatswain's Mate (BMC) Arledge, Kenneth Ulver USN
- Water Tender Second Class (WT2c) Hollis Fred Bagley USN
- Pharmacist's Mate First (PhM1c) Forrest Augustus Baily USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c) Robert Douglas Barnard USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c) Jack Farrill Barr USN
- Lieutenant (LT) Harold James Beckett USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c) Robert Edwin Bell USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c) Robert Earl Blaine USN
- Machinist Mate First Class (MM1)Carl Homer Blum USN
- Seaman First Class (S1c) Leroy Melvin Bowen USN
- Machinist Mate Second Class(MM2)Charles Seldon Boyd USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c)David Samuel Boykin USN
- Coxswain (Cox) Frank Brunet USN
- Radioman Second Class (RM2c) Kenneth Mortimer Buck USN
- Commissary Steward Chief|(CCStd) Frank R. Cahalan USN
- Shipfitter First (SF1c) Lester Monroe Cash USN
- Seaman First (S1c) Donald Caudle USN
- Water Tender Second Class (WT2c) William Joseph Cinowalt USN
- Gunner's Mate Third (GM3c) Willis Clinkinbeard USN
- Metalsmith Second (M2c) James Perry Collins USN
- Electricians Mate First (EM1c) Irving Griswald Cornwell USN
- Coxswain (Cox) Joseph F. Covati| USN
- Chief Water Tender (CWT) Alec Cutner USN
- Machinist's Mate Second (MM2c) William Joseph Czinky USN
- Yeoman First | (Y1c) Edwin LeGrand Dana USN
- Quartermaster Third (QM3c) Henry Darrah USN
- Seaman Second (S2c) Joseph Mitchell Davenport USNR
- Fireman First (F1c) Ralph Morgan Deatrick USN
- Lieutenant (LT) Daniel Bernard Deckelman USN
- Gunner's Mate Third (GM3c) Charles F. DeWitt USN
- Machinist's Mate Third (MM3c) Harold Vernon Dibble USN
- Lieutenant (LT) Leonard Vincent Duffy USN
- Seaman First (S1c) Marvin Boone Dunaway USN
- Fireman First (F1c) Harold Everett Dykeman USN
- John Wallace Edmiston USN Chief Shipfitter (CSF)
- Irving Eisenman USNR Seaman Second (S2c)
- Joseph Embrogno USN Boatswain's Mate Second (BM2c)
- John Joseph Finnegan, Jr. USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- William Owen Freeland USN Shipfitter First Class (SF1c)
- Lawrence Albert Galusha USN Storekeeper First Class (SK1)
- Manuel Garcia, Jr. USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- Peter Albert Gayde USN Chief Storkeeper (CSK)
- John Primo Ghilani USN Carpenter's Mate First Class (CM1c)
- John Dougal Goddard USN Fireman First Class (F1c)
- Henry J. Goebel USN Chief Bosun's Mate (CBM)
- Vernon Wayne Guest USNElectricians Mate Third Class (EM3c)
- Walter Joseph Hass USN Coxswain (Cox)
- Raymond Allgood Hall USN Machinist Mate First Class (MM1c)
- John Dennis Haynes USN Gunner's Mate Third (GM3c)
- Fred T. Heath Seaman USN Second Class (S2c)
- Harry Lynnwood Hicks USN Lieutenant Commander (LTCDR)
- Byron Eugene Holcomb USN Storekeeper 3rd Class (SK3c)
- Carl Edward Hoyle USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- Lowell Henry Huber USN Machinist Mate 2nd Class (MM2c)
- Stuart Irvin USN Fireman First Class (F1c)
- Edward Foster James USN Seaman First Class (S1c)
- Benjamin Elmer Jared USN Carpenter's Mate Third Class (CM3c)
- William Hector Jarvis USN Shipfitter's Mate First Class (SF1c)
- Elbert McKinley Johnson USN Chief Shipfitter (CSF)
- Joseph Franklin Jordan USN Machinist's Mate Second Class (MM2c)
- Edgar Thomas Joyce USN Lieutenant (jg USNR)
- George James Kaiser USN Gunner's Mate Second Class (GM2c)
- Thomas Bryant Kilsby USN Boatswain's Mate Second Class (BM2c)
- Muhrl Franklin Kinder USN Ship's Cook Third Class (SC3c)
- Daniel Kosmider USN Chief Yeoman (CY)
- Charles Stanley Kowalewski USN Machinist's Mate Second Class (MM2c)
- William Irwin Kutz USN Shipfitter Third Class (SF3c)
- William Gerard Lane USN William Gerard Lane Fireman Second Class (F2c)
- Terrene Henry Langeliers USN Terrence Henry Langeliers Coxswain (Cox)
- Edwin Madison Leonard USNR Edwin Madison Leonard Ensign (ENS)
- James Norman Little USNR Painter First Class (Ptr1c)
- Donald Banks Low USN Fireman First Class (F1c)
- Julius Arthur Mantel USN Painter First Class (Ptr1c)
- Chester Ansel Maple USN Storekeeper Second Class (SK2c)
- Jewell Asa Mathis USN Mate Third Class (MM3c)
- Robert Elias May USN Coxwain (Cox)
- Ernest Kessler McArthur USN Seaman First Class (S1c)
- Wilson Porter Noble USN Signalman 3rd Class (SM3c)
- George John Olesnevich USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- Armand Raymond Ouellette USN Carpenter's Mate 2nd Class (CM2c)
- Robert Walter Pamperin USN Shipfitter 2nd Class (SF2c)
- Roy Lee Pittman USN Seaman Second Class, (S2c)
- Ladislaus Podres USN Water Tender 2nd Class (WT2c)
- Anthony Dominic Quatrara USN Boilermaker First Clasee (B1c)
- Horace Franklin Raines USN Signalman First Class (SM1c)
- Don Edison Ray USN Gunners Mate 3rd Class (GM3c)
- John Rice, Jr. USN Gunners Mate 3rd Class (GM3c)
- Len Grundy Rickard USN Fireman First Class (F1c)
- Raymond Jack Roberts USN Gunner's Mate First Class (GM1c)
- John Allen Robertson USN Seaman First Class (S1c)
- Louis Joseph Robusto USN Seamam First Class (S1c)
- Richard Roth USN Chief Pharmacist's Mate (CPhM)
- Adam Joseph Schmidt USN Machinists Mate Third Class (MM3c)
- Leo Franklin Schultz USNR Shipfitter Third Class (Sf3c)
- William Henry Seeley USN Electrician's Mate Third Class (EM3c)
- Clarence Edward Smith USN Carpenter's Mate First Class (CM1c)
- George Blane Smith USN Gunner's Mate First Class (GM1c)
- William Lansing Snow USN Boatwain's Mate Second Class (BM2c)
- Lionel Stephenson USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- Wilbur William Stevenson USN Seaman First Class (S1c)
- Thomas Ayers Stewart USN Storekeeper Third Class (SK3c)
- Guy Stinchomb, Jr. USN Seaman Second Class (S2c)
- Bernard William Stumpf USN Machinist's Mate Third Class (MM3c)
- Theodore Roosevelt Sutton USNR Metalsmith Second Class (M2c)
- Carpenter's Mate First Class (CM1c) Donald Charles Taylor USN
- Seaman Second Class (S2c) Chester Hendon Templeton USN
- Chief Signalman (CSM)Robert Tempte
- Ship's Cook Third Class (SC3) Jessie Daniels Thompson USN
- Machinist's Mate Third Class (MM3c) Noel James Walker USN
- Machinist's Mate Third Class (MM3c) Joe Harvey Warner USN
- Water Tender Second Class (WT2c) Woodrow Wilson White USN
- Seaman Apprentice (S2c) Myer Theodore Wool USNR
- Radioman Second Class (RM2c) Carroll Fletcher Young USN
- Boatwain's Mate Second Class (BM2c) Joseph Matthew Zeiger USN
- Machinist's Mate First Class (MM1c) Philip John Zeringue USN
- How much information is too much in a biography Aug 19, 2024.
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