Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: african_american cemeteries cemeteries us black heritage
This page is used by the US Black Heritage Cemeteries Team to list identified African-American cemeteries that need the category, space page and profiles to be created.
What's the difference between a graveyard and a cemetery?
The terms graveyard and cemetery are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings.
Graveyard: A graveyard is typically attached to a church and is part of the churchyard. They were originally common in Europe and early America. Graveyards are usually smaller and often contain the graves of people who were members of the church or lived in the surrounding parish.
Cemetery: A cemetery is a more modern term and refers to a large burial ground that is not affiliated with a church. Cemeteries are often larger and can be found in urban and rural areas. They are designed to accommodate the burial needs of entire communities and are often operated by municipalities, private companies, or nonprofit organizations.
In essence, all graveyards are cemeteries, but not all cemeteries are graveyards. The distinction largely lies in their historical and functional context.
African-American Cemeteries that need profiles and categories created
There are thousands and probably hundreds of thousands of African-American cemeteries throughout the United States. This provides a link to a list of African-American cemeteries that still need categories and profiles created in WikiTree.
See List of African-American Cemeteries for a list of the cemeteries that need to be worked, meaning at least one profile from the FindAGrave memorials and the creation of the cemetery category.
Refer to US Black Heritage Cemetery Team Home Page for details on creating African-American cemetery categories.
African-American Cemeteries - Need Space Pages
Although the US Black Heritage Project does not require space pages, there are some circumstances where documenting the history of the cemetery is a story worth telling. Especially cemeteries that are now defunct and the interred were not moved.
Here is a list of the cemeteries where space pages are recommended:
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: US Black Heritage Project WikiTree, Denise Jarrett, and Emma MacBeath. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)