Location: [unknown]
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Currently a page for collecting project pages' URLs that need review as to whether they're current or inactive/retired/no-longer-within-scope-but-not-picked-up-by-another-project.
don't add here, add Category: US Southern Colonies Project to the found page (unless you're unsure, then add in the TBD section)
don't add here, add Category: US Southern Colonies Inactive Project Pages to the found page (unless you're unsure, then add in the TBD section)
I need to go through & check that they're either Category: US Southern Colonies Inactive Project Pages or Category: US Southern Colonies Project (done for Categories - just one left).
- belongs to another project, maybe should be renamed:
Space Pages
- US_Southern_Colonies_-_British_Maryland - needs to be merged away (requested to be added as manager Nov. 2020)
- US_Southern_Colonies_Recommended_Sources - probably needs to go away (green/I'm not on it).
- US_Southern_Colonies_History - seems to duplicate US Southern Colonies Resources page - I think probably both should go away (unless Sourcerers Team might want to use the Resources page).
- US_Southern_Colonies_Sandbox - needs project category (green/I'm not on it).
- US_Southern_Colonies_-_British_Alabama,_Georgia... not a project page.
- Southern_Colonies... not a project page (asked to be added as a manager so I can merge it away, Nov. 2020)
- US_Southern_Colonies_Native_Americans - needs to be renamed (posted a comment)
- US_Southern_Colonies_British_Colony_of_South_Carolina - needs to be merged away (asked to be added as a manager so that I can do that, Nov. 2020)
- The following pages for Surnames and/or Name Studies that strongly fit into US Southern Colonies Project. The Topical Team "Surname Teams" (renamed, then retired) would have been the logical place to collect these, but the Colonial Teams would be the Teams to work on them (which is why Surname Teams -> Founding Families Team was retired).
- BUT. A category is needed to collect these pages. The ones that had been collected previously were distributed among the Colonial Teams (see for example Virginia Team#Virginia Surnames). However, having a single category for US Southern Colonies xxx ("Category: US Southern Colonies, Surnames" maybe?) would be good. In the meantime, they're here:
- D
- The Dillard Family Association (Georgia)
- H
- The Origins of The Hunt 14 (Virginia)
- J
- K
- Kirkland Name Study - U.S. Southern Colonies (from Virginia to Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and elsewhere)
- P
- Peyton Families (Virginia)
- S
- T
- Templeton Name Study (maybe the Carolinas)
- W
- See also
- Category: Surnames
- Category: Family
- Category: Family Projects -> Category:John_Sessions-Sarah_Ransom_family -> Sessions-12 (NC)
- Books...
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Sayler%2C_A_History_of_the_Sayler_Family (Maryland - Seiler-151)
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Jillaine Smith, Liz Shifflett, and David Douglass. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)