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Ulster Pelan Discrete Trees

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Date: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: ulster_pelan
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A list of all the discrete Ulster Pelan trees from the project. There are at least 30 to be transferred to wikitree and some are being merged. While it may be obvious that some trees are linked, the evidence to support it needs to be there and this is being carefully re-examined. Having a parent with the same name and occupation is not always sufficient to prove siblings etc.

DNA groups shows autosomal links between groups on PELAN line. The standard of proof here is not very high and there is risk of a common ancestor not being on PELAN line but being close so this does need to be confirmed - with Y-DNA where possible.

DNA Short Description People at/near top GedMatch Associated Surnames
Group 1 Belfast - Pelan-Shields - painters etc. Pelan-73 Shields, Murphy, Long
Group 1 USA - Pelan-Goodman, Lisburn Pelan-44 , Pelan-80 Goodman, Bateson, Kelly
Group 1 USA - Pelan-Willet (Galveston, Texas) Pelan-119 Willet
Group 1 Australia - Pelan-Tate, Morrison Tate, Lurgan Pelan-18 Tate, Hazleton, Griffin
Belfast Basket Manufactory - Christopher Pelan-462 Rankin
Toome - Pelan-Breedlove - New Orleans & Scotland Pelan-111 Steele, Breedlove
Lisburn - Weavers - Old Hickory migrants Pelan-19 & Pelan-130 Egee
Wexford Pelans - Samuel & James Pelan-32 & Pelan-34 Scott, Clarke
Lisburn - Rutherford / Erskine Pelan-29
Lisburn - George (Soap / Merchant) Pelan-136
Lisburn - Fred Wills Pelan-53
Lurgan - Albert "David" / Wilkinson Pelan-55 McGregor, Fader, Hemingway
USA - Tupelo Murder Pelan-2
England - Barrow
England - Woolwich / Royal Artillery Pelan-346 Ellender, Bryan, Henke
Tullynacross / Lambeg - Frank Pelan-93
Lisburn - Bridge St. - Christopher Pelan-121 Lowey
USA - Dubuque, Iowa & Pelan Township Pelan-198 Simplot, Wilcox, Walsh
USA - Rhode Island Pelan-380
Ulster - Richard, House Painter (& Peter Pelan, old soldier) Pelan-160 , Pelan-215 Corkan, Corkin, Boylan, Nesbit
Ulster - Joseph Pelan-5 Dawson
Belfast - John Henry, printer compositors , painters Pelan-178 & Pelan-189 Tierney, Hamill, McNulty
Belfast - Mayo Street / Publicans James & William Ritchie, Harvey, Toole, Moreton, Millar
Canada - Pelan-Elliott / Palen Pelan-211
Canada - Rideau Canal / Mathew Palen Palen-26 Palen, Addison, Kerr, Sexton
Canada - Ontario / Palen Palen-212 Palen, Martin, Adams, Gibb

Richard Bryson Pelan

We know of a number of Richard B. Pelans :

  1. Richard B. Pelan (born ~1800 or earlier, Lisburn), chandler - appears in early trade directories
  2. Richard Bryson Pelan (b. ~1836, Lisburn, death ???), son of George (chandler / soap-manufacturer)
  3. Richard Bryson Pelan (b~1830?), father to Alexander, husband of Mary Ann
  4. Richard Bryson Pelan (b .1888, Belfast), son of Alexander (compositor / printer)
  5. Richard Bryson Pelan (b. 1936, Belfast), son of Alexander (plasterer)

Number 2 and 3 could be the same person. Number 1 is also believed to be Essy Pelan's father as, to have been her father, he must have been born ~1790 or earlier.



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