
Umbria Region

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Location: Umbria, Italymap
Surnames/tags: Italy Italian Roots Umbria
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Region of Umbria

Umbria (/ˈʌmbrɪə/; Italian pronunciation: [ˈumbrja]), is a region of historic and modern central Italy. It is the only Italian region having neither a coastline nor a border with other countries. It includes the Lake Trasimeno, Cascata delle Marmore, and is crossed by the River Tiber. The regional capital is Perugia. Umbria is known for its landscapes, traditions, history, artistic legacy, and influence on culture.

The region is characterized by hills and historic towns such as Assisi (a World Heritage Site associated with St. Francis of Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and other Franciscan sites, works by Giotto and Cimabue), Norcia (the hometown of St. Benedict), Gubbio, Perugia, Spoleto, Todi, Città di Castello, Orvieto, Castiglione del Lago, Narni, Amelia, and other small cities. [1]

Provinces (Province)

Umbria consists of two provinces[2]:

Locations of provinces of Umbria.
Province Number of Comuni Population Area
Web site
Province of Perugia 59 660,690 6,337 Perugia
Province of Terni 33 228,218 2,127 Terni

History (Storia)

Sources (Fonti)

  1. Wikipedia on Region of Umbria
  2. Italian Wikipedia on Regione Umbria

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