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Under Development - JS BookMarklet convert GRO Birth to WT ready detail and source

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  • This is a development page for a bookmarklet script

JS BookMarklet convert GRO Birth to WT ready detail and source

A working copy of the script can be found here.

This Javascript bookmarklet is to be manually added to a browser (currently tested on firefox only) bookmark. When on the GRO website (UK General Registry Office) with an active birth result, click this bookmark to activate the radio buttons (this has to be done with every new birth result's page). There is no obvious change to the page but when a radio button is clicked a textbox appears with data from the birth clicked formated into a wikitree biography ready format with an adequate source included - just copy and paste into the person's wt profile.

Development aspect:-

  • looking to add a textbox into which a Name (first name xx surname), sex and birth year can be pasted and textbox.onBlur the script will automatically populate the GRO search input parameters with the details in order to facilitate ease of next search.
  • Example
    Jane Austen

javascript:{function toProperCase(str){return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});} var GRO_Gender=['the','the','her','his']; var quarter={M:'Jan and Mar',J:'Apr and Jun',S:'Jul and Sep',D:'Oct and Dec'}; function DisplayInlineMenu(resultid) { var x=document.getElementById(resultid); x.innerHTML=''; var tableCell=x.parentNode; var tableRow=tableCell.parentNode; var nameCellContents=tableRow.previousElementSibling.innerHTML; var FoundNames_Array=new Array(); var GROBirthNames_regex=/[.\n]*?\<strong\>(.*?),\<\/strong\>\ [\n\s\<i(?=\>)\>]*([\w -]*).*[\n\s]*?\s*(.*?)\ (.*?)\ [\n\s]*.+[\n\s]+.+[\n\s]+\<strong\>[\n\s]+(\<i\>)*([\w -]*)/m ; FoundNames_Array = GROBirthNames_regex.exec(nameCellContents); var FoundDetails_Array=new Array(); var GROBirthDetail_regex= /(\d\d\d\d)\n\s*\ ([MJSD])\&.*\n\s*in (.*)\n\s*.*?Volume\ (.*)\n\s*.*?Page\ (.*)/m ; var GROBirthDetailNew_regex= /Q(\d).(\d\d\d\d)\n\s*in (.*)\n\s*.*[\n\s]*.*?Volume\ (.*)\n\s*.*?Page\ (.*)/m ; FoundDetails_Array= GROBirthDetail_regex.exec(tableCell.innerHTML); if(FoundDetails_Array==null){FoundDetails_Array= GROBirthDetailNew_regex.exec(tableCell.innerHTML);} x.innerHTML='<textarea name="inbox" onblur="GROBirth_outboxReset(); return false;" rows="10" cols=96% style="max-width: 100%;">The birth of [['+(FoundNames_Array!=null?toProperCase(FoundNames_Array[2])+(FoundNames_Array[3]!=''?' '+toProperCase(FoundNames_Array[3]):'')+(FoundNames_Array[4]!=''?' '+toProperCase(FoundNames_Array[4]):'')+' '+ FoundNames_Array[1]+']] was registered with ':nameCellContents)+(window.document.SearchIndexes.Gender.selectedIndex>0?GRO_Gender[window.document.SearchIndexes.Gender.selectedIndex]:'')+" mother's maiden name listed as "+FoundNames_Array[6]+', between '+(FoundDetails_Array!=null?quarter[FoundDetails_Array[2]]+' '+FoundDetails_Array[1]+' in the GRO registration district of '+toProperCase(FoundDetails_Array[3])+', United Kingdom.<ref>GROBirth: General Register Office - Births; Index of England and Wales Birth Registrations; [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/re-using-public-sector-information/uk-government-licensing-framework/crown-copyright/ Crown Copyright]; online repository search https://www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates/indexes_search.asp ; Volume '+FoundDetails_Array[4]+', Page '+FoundDetails_Array[5]+'</ref>\n\n':tableCell.innerHTML)+'</textarea>'; if(x.style.display === "none"){x.style.display = "block"; } else if(x.style.display == ""){x.style.display = "block"; } else{x.style.display = "none";} var Einput=document.getElementById("OccasionalCopy"); var EtdL=Einput.parentNode; EtdL.innerHTML='<table><tr><td valign=top>Firstname Surname<br/>Sex<br/>Year of Birth</td><td><textarea name="NextSearch" onblur="; return false;" rows="10" cols="50" style="max-width: 50%;"></textarea></td></tr></table>'; }}

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