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United States Census Transcription Project

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Census, United States Census_United_States
Profile manager: Charlie Vines private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 842 times.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to transcribe each image in the multiple United States Censuses (both states and U. S. territories. This is include federal, states and colonial censuses. If possible we will include census data from the Republic of Texas.


Right now this project just has two members, I am Charlie Vines.

I have created a page for Texas at Texas Census Transcription Project. Please drop in to check it out. Drill down through Hunt County and I think you will see my vision.

Task List

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
1) Create National Page (this page)
2) Create State / Territory Pages
3) Create county pages (or territorial equivalent) that will list all censuses in which the county has participated.
4) Create create a county/census page for each census (i.e., 1850 census for Hunt County, Texas)
5) If necessary, create enumeration district pages
6) Create individual pages for each census image or create page that contain multiple images on one page.
7) Transcribe the census image
8) Link each name on the image to profile page. If profile page does not exist, create a profile page.
9) Link profiles back to the transcribed pages.
10) Link existing Free Space Pages to the project

Additional task

I would like to consider how to refer transcribed page to appropriate other projects.
1) If a person on an image is African American, refer the transcribed page to the African American Project.
2) If a person or his parents were born in another country, refer that persons page to the appropriate country project if one exist.
Not sure how to do this.


The naming conventions used on the pages will correspond with the equivalent category page.

To Do List

How To Volunteer

Interested in helping? There are several ways that one can help. 1) Sub-Project: State/Territory Team Lead
2) Sub-Project: Census Team Lead
3) Sub-Sub-Project: County Team Lead
4) Help create "skeleton" for project. This would include all levels down to the image page.
5) Transcriber
6) Proofer - Verifying accuracy
7) Linker - Link transcribed page to profiles and profiles to transcribed pages.
8) Transcribe your family. Don't want to transcribe an entire page, but willing to transcribe family members.
9) Profile creator


Select A State/Territory
Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida
Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Massachusetts Michigan Minnesoata
Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina
North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas United States Virgin Islands Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Select A Census
1790 Population Schedule
1800 Population Schedule
1810 Population Schedule
1820 Population Schedule
1830 Population Schedule
1840 Population Schedule
1850 Population Schedule 1850 Mortality Schedule 1850 Slave Index
1860 Population Schedule 1860 Mortality Schedule 1860 Slave Index
1870 Population Schedule 1870 Mortality Schedule
1880 Population Schedule 1880 Mortality Schedule 1880 Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes
1890 Population Schedule 1890 Veterans Schedule
1900 Population Schedule
1910 Population Schedule
1920 Population Schedule
1930 Population Schedule
1940 Population Schedule
1950 Population Schedule

There is also a 1840 veterans schedule (if I remember correctly) and an 1883 pensioners list that could be added.


See interested state


Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

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Comments: 1

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Please don't add these as empty categories. They need to be attached to a profile!

Thanks, natalie, Categorization Project Leader

posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott