Location: Upper Hutt, New Zealand

Surname/tag: new_zealand
Chairmen and Mayors of the city of Upper Hutt, New Zealand
1908-1910: George Isaac Benge
1910-1912: Job Harrison
1912-1914: R. Herbert Webb
1914-1918: Peter Robertson
1918-1920: GA Campbell
1920-1924: William Greig
1924-1926: Angus McCurdy
1927-1931: P. Robertson
1938-1939: P. Robertson
1939-1947: James Blewman
1947-1950: Ed Nicolaus
1950-1953: George Williams
1953-1959: Dick Slacke
1959-1968: Percy Kinsman
1968-1971: George Thomas
1971-1977: Doris Nicholson
1977-2001: Rex Kirton (son of Lorna and Weston Kirton)
2001-present: Wayne Guppy
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