
Uskela Mother Church Cemetery

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Vanha Perttelintie 169, 24260 Salo, Finlandmap
Surname/tag: Finland
Profile manager: Juha Soini private message [send private message]
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The Uskela Mother Church

Memorial stone.
The memorial stone for the church states:
On the ground of this pre-christian sacred grove stood the Uskela Mother Church, dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours for half a millennia. On Christmas eve 1825, a landslide damaged the church so badly, it had to be deconstructed. [1]
The old bell tower.
Only the bell tower is still standing on the grounds of the greatly reduced cemetery, as the landslide also took with it most of the old cemetery. The church was then relocated to a safer position on a hill overlooking the entire city and built in stone. [2] The Uskela Mother Church Cemetery is still in use today. [3]

A model of the old church has been constructed from blueprints and the relief on the above memorial stone by Juhani and Matti Vihervirta. It is on display in Salo-Uskela congreation offices. Pictures [4]


  1. Salo congreation list of cemeteries
  2. Wikipedia-projektin osanottajat, "Uskelan kirkko," Wikipedia, , // (haettu 3.07.2019).
  3. Wikipedia-projektin osanottajat, "Uskelan Isokylän emäkirkko," Wikipedia, , // (haettu 3.07.2019).
  4. Salo-Uskela congreation website

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