
Vadstena klosterkyrka, Vadstena, Östergötland

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Vadstena, Östergötland, Sverigemap
Surnames/tags: vadstena cemeteries östergötland
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In the book Vadstena klosterkyrka. 3, Gravminnen, Robert Bennett and Evald Gustafsson write about all the funeral slabs that can be found today in the Abbey Church and in its museum. The slabs that are unreadable have been left out in the list below.[1]

TBT = To Be Taken

No Last Name First Name Born Died Notes Photo # GPS Location
0VasaMagnus25 Jul 154226 Jun 1597son of king Gustaf VasaNo 0N/A
1GetJöns?1410 Married Katarina EsbjörnsdotterTBT N/A
2UnknownHenrik??born in Ljung parishTBTN/A
3NipertzKort?1412Knight in the service of queen MargaretaTBTN/A
4GuldsmedJacob?ca 1500TBTN/A
5JonssonAnund?1397 buried with his second wife, Agneta NipertzTBTN/A
6Jonsson GripBo13351386 buried with his son Knut and daughter in law ErmegardTBTN/A
6Bosson GripKnut?1406buried with his father and his wifeTBTN/A
6BülowErmegard13641421buried with her husband and father-in-lawTBTN/A
7PeterssonLars?? with his wife MargaretaTBTN/A
8Röriksson BondeTord?21 Mar 1417a knight, buried with Margareta, the wife of Kristiern VasaTBTN/A
8Johansdotter (Moltke)Margereta?1413the wife of Kriestiern Nilsson Vasa, buried with Tord Röriksson who was Kriestierns brother-in-lawTBTN/A
9GunnesdotterSigrid??married to Sigge HolkTBTN/A
10Stensson (Bielke)Tureca 13801425a knight, buried next to his first wife; Birgitta AbrahamsdotterTBTN/A
10AbrahamsdotterBirgitta?1415buried next to her husband, the knight Ture Stensson (Bielke)TBTN/A
11SkrivareBengt??probably from the 16th century, buried with his wife CeciliatBTN/A
12KrummedigeEggert?1414 buried in Alvastra Monestary but the slab was later moved to Vadstena, buried with his wife ElinTBTN/A
12PedersdotterElin?? buried with her husband Eggert, who was buried in Alvastra Monestary but the slab was later movedTBTN/A
13ThoresonOlaf?early 16th COlaf lived at Nybble in Väderstad parishTBTN/A
14IngemundssonHalsten??buried with his wife ElsebyTBTN/A
15FinssonJohannes?before June 28, 1427Johannes was the sheriff of Dalarna 1393-1412, and then at Stegeborg from 1414 until his deathTBTN/A
16VärnerssonBirger??buried with his wife IngeborgTBTN/A
17Bonde FilipssonTord?1484a knight buried with his second wife; Katarina KnutsdotterTBTN/A
17KnutsdotterKatarina??buried next to her husband, the knight Tord Filipsson BondeTBTN/A
18 UnreadableUnreadable? ca 1500master glazierTBTN/A
19BeseJohannes?ca 1413buried with his wife Cecilia JönsdotterTBTN/A
19JönsdotterCecilia?ca 1413buried with her husbandTBTN/A
20?Hemming in Borgunda??a priest buried with two colleagesTBTN/A
20?Björn (or Bero) in Hjällstad??a priest in Västergötland buried with two colleagesTBTN/A
20BarthoriJohannes?bef 1439a priest in Råda, Västergötland, buried with two colleagesTBTN/A
21TrolleErik?1459dean in Linköping, died in Lübeck, buried with his father's half brother Håkan KarlssonTBTN/A
21KarlssonHaqinus (Håkan)??buried with his half-brother's son Erik TrolleTBTN/A
22MagnussonAlgot?1434A knight, buried with his wife Märta/MargaretaTBT N/A
22Bosdotter (Natt och Dag)Märta/Margareta?1414buried with her husband Algot MagnussonTBTN/A
23GynterssonThomas??Thomas was part of the House of Bukhorn, he was buried with his wifeTBTN/A
23PedersdotterMärta??she was buried with her husbandTBTN/A
25Turesson BielkeSten?1431Sten was a squire and the commander at Piksborg, he was buried with his first, and maybe with his second wifeTBTN/A
25Karlsdotter (Sparre av Tofta))Margareta?ca 1428buried with her husband and maybe his second wifeTBTN/A
25Eriksdotter (Krummedige)Agnete?ca 1452remarried and perhaps not buried with her first husband and his first wifeTBTN/A
28StykeArend?ca 1414Ared was Vitaliebrother from Mecklenburg, buried with his son Albrekt and probably Albrekt's wife AlhecteTBTN/A
28StykeAlbrekt??son of Arend Styke, whom he was buried with, Albrekt's wife Alhecte Dume was probably also buried with himTBTN/A
30von VitzenThomas?1426a knight, buried with his first wife, his second wife, Ida, was supposed to be buried with her second husband in no 36TBTN/A
30FinvidsdotterMärta??first wife of Thomas von VitzenTBTN/A
32JohannisArnold?1428this could be the grave of Erik of Pemmerania's secretary who later became bishop of SträngnäsTBTN/A
33 HalstensdotterMärta?ca 1383Märta was the daughter of Halsten Birgersson of the Likvid sons. She married the squire Sune AnderssonTBTN/A
34BeckmanHenneke?1430a squire and immigrant from Germany who was the commander at Axevall castle, buried with his wifeTBTN/A
34?Ermegard?1419buried with her husband Henneke BeckmanTBTN/A
34PerssonKrabbe?1566Krabbe reused Beckman's slab and they might have been relatedTBTN/A
35?Håkan??might be the grave of the priest and later monestary brother Håkan Larsson who died in 1527TBTN/A
36PogqischBengt?1432a Danish cabinet minister, his wife Ida was supposed to be buried with him but she is not mentioned in the monastary booksTBTN/A
36KöningsmarkIda?1450Ida was first married to Tomas von Vitzen (no 30) and then to Bengt, in 1434 she held castel Kastelholm on ÅlandTBTN/A
37SjundessonTyrgil?15th cburied with his wife MektidlTBTN/A
38Larsdotter av AspenäsKatarina?pre 1433wife of the knight Lars SnakenborgTBTN/A
39Ulfsson (Roos af Ervalla)Peter?bef. 1442buried with his wife Gertrud AmundsdotterTBTN/A
39AmundsdotterGertrud??wife of Peter Ulfsson (Roos af Ervalla, daughter of Amund BoltTBTN/A
40BarkhusenHans?1628an accountant in the town of VadstenaTBTN/A
40UnknownBirgitta?1518wife of Anders Torsdsson who became a brother in the monastary in 1516TBTN/A
41MagnussonErland?1414Erlend was a canic in Strängnäs who witnessed two of Saint Birgitta's miracles and settled in the monastary of Vadstena.TBTN/A
42LekssonGustav?1411a knight of Lek Ofradsson's family, came from Värmland, his wife Katarina Erengisledotter is buried under no 53TBTN/A
43RyningPeter?ca 1458 a squire, buried with his wife Sigrid Karlsdotter (Sture) and their son GertTBTN/A
43Karlsdotter (Sture)Sigrid?1430buried with her husband the squire Peter Ryning and their son GertTBTN/A
44GyltaBengt?aft 1480lawspeaker in Västergötland who lost his post and lived in Vadstena from 1475, slab created during his great granddaughter's time when she was the abesses of the monastery of VadstenaTBTN/A
45Eriksson Lykke Johannes (Jösse)?1436a chieftan in Västerås and sheriff of Västmanland and Dalarna, buried with his wife Birgitta Ulfsdotter (Roos af Ervalla)TBTN/A
45Ulfsdotter (Roos af Ervalla)Birgitta?ca 1441buried with her husband Jösse LykkeTBTN/A
46UnknownHåkan?early 1500'spriest in Tjärstad parishTBTN/A
49BengtsdotterHelena?early 1400'ssevaral possibilities for who she was, buried with her sonTBTN/A
50NilssonIvar?1417a knight and a lawspeaker in ÖstergötlandTBTN/A
51SedenhusJohannes??buried with his wife ElisabetTBTN/A
52Nilsdotter (Bielke)Ingegerd?1415married to Håkan Fadersson, buried with her sister Katarina, her daughter Katarina and her son-in-law Peter RagvaldssonTBTN/A
52RagvaldssonPeter??buried with his wife Katarina Håkansdotter and his motehr-in-law and her sisterTBTN/A
52HåkansdotterKatarina?1411buried with her husband Peter Ragvaldsson, her mother Ingegerd Nilsdotter (Bielke) and her aunt Katarina Nilsdotter (Bielke)TBTN/A
52Nilsdotter (Bielke)Katarina??married to Anund Hemmingsson (tre sjöblad), buried with her sister Ingegerd, her niece Katarina and the niece's husbandTBTN/A
53ErengisledotterKatarina?before 1443daughter of the knight Erengisle Nilsson (Hammerstaätten), first married to the knight Gregers Bengtsson (Aspenäsätten), secondly married to the knight Gustav Leksson (no 42)TBTN/A
55MagnussonSune?1500'sburied with wife Ingeborgis JonasdotterTBTN/A
55JonasdotterIngeborgis?1500'sburied with her husband Sune MagnussonTBTN/A
60ErikssonDaghir?ca 1405priest in Vadstena 1397TBTN/A
61OlaviPetrus?1390research points to this being the funeral slab of Petrus Olavi, the father confessor of Saint BirgitTBTN/A
65HenriksdotterSigrid?bef. 1451a nun in the monastery, widow after Gunnar ÅlenningTBTN/A
66UnknownHemming?1411a monk in the monasteryTBTN/A
67PeterssonStefan?1402aka Stephanus Petri, a piest in the monastery buried with Jakob BägareTBTN/A
67BägareJakob?1404a monk in the monasteryTBTN/A
68DortmanLars?ca 1500probably the son of merchant Hans DortmanTBTN/A
69MagnussonJöns?bef.144son of the squire Magnus Jönsson in ÅsakaTBTN/A
73UlfssonMårten?30 Mar 1600Married to Barbro Larsdotter73N/A
73LarsdotterBarbro?14 Feb 1640Married to Mårten Ulfsson73N/A
74HornerElisabet Gustava?1796wife of Johan Gustaf BromanderTBTN/A
75DachsbergDavid?1667a small slab that might have been connected to no 165 which belongs to David's son David, David Senior was buried in ByarumTBTN/A
76NilssonArvid?1583served under king Gustav Vasa, sheriff of Alvastra and Skänninge, Dal and Lysings, and Vadstena Castle, buried with his first wife DortiaTBTN/A
76UnknownDortia?1569buried with her husband Arvid NilssonTBTN/A
77ReimerIgnatius?1678a barber surgeon buried with his wife Maria BernfeltTBTN/A
77BernfeltMaria??buried with her husband Ignatius ReimerTBTN/A
78JohansdotterKerstin?1610buried with her husband Tomas Johansson and their daughter Anna TomasdotterTBTN/A
78TomasdotterAnna??buried with her parentsTBTN/A
78JohanssonTomas??buried with his wife Kerstin Johansdotter and their daugter Anna TomasdotterTBTN/A
79TrastJonas?1694born in Visby, county sheriff and secretary at the castleTBTN/A
80RasmussonErik?ca 1636buried with his wife Ingeborg ByrgsdotterTBTN/A
80ByrgsdotterIngeborg?ca 1636buried with her husband Erik RasmussonTBTN/A
81LaurentiDaniel15861640minister buried with his wife and several childrenTBTN/A
81AndersdotterIngeborg??buried with her husband Daniel Laurenti and several of their childrenTBTN/A
81DanielssonAnders?1641buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielsdotterChristina?1621buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielssonJacob??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielssonLars?1621buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielssonLars??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielssonPeder??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielssonStephan??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielsdotterChristina??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
81DanielsdotterMargreta??buried with parents and several siblingsTBTN/A
82UddessonHans?1586mayor of Vadstena, son of Udd Jönsson, buried with his wife Elin Larsdotter and their childrenTBTN/A
82LarsdotterElin?1581wife of mayor Hans UddssonTBTN/A
82HansdotterLisebet Brita??daughter of Hans UddssonTBTN/A
82HansdotterAnna Sara??daughter of Hans UddssonTBTN/A
83GrubbSamuel?1650a chief accountant in HalmstadTBTN/A
84DovbergPeter16421671son of customs collector Gabriel Jönsson, buried with his brother JacobTBTN/A
84DovbergJacob16561675son of customs collector Gabriel Jönsson, buried with his brother PeterTBTN/A
85TollbomPeter?1754a district courd judgeTBTN/A
85WetterlingMaria Catarina??buried with her husband Peter TollbomTBTN/A
86OttessonPer?1550buried with his brother Lars and sister Ingeborg, and probably brother Bengt Ottesson and his wife KarinTBTN/A
86OttessonLars?1550buried with his brother Per and sister Ingeborg, and probably brother Bengt Ottesson and his wife KarinTBTN/A
86OttessonBengt?1565buried with his wife Karin and what probably was his siblings Per, Lars and IngeborgTBTN/A
86UnknownKarin?1566wife of Bengt OttessonTBTN/A
87KortsdotterKatharina?1560'sburied with two other girlsTBTN/A
87HansdotterElizabeth?1560'sburied with two other girlsTBTN/A
87MatsdotterAnna?1560'sburied with two other girlsTBTN/A
88AnderssonPeder15781642Duke (later king) Johan's accountant, not burried in Vadstena but in Kimstad churchTBTN/A
88ClemensdotterBritta?1616wife of Peder Andersson, buried with some of their childrenTBTN/A
88PerssonClement?1618son of Peder Andersson and Brita ClementsdotterTBTN/A
88PersdotterChristina??daughter of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
88PersdotterKarin??daughter of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
88PerssonAnders??son of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
88PerssonJakob??son of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
88PersdotterDorothea?1616daughter of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
88PersdotterBrita??daughter of Peder and BritaTBTN/A
89NilssonNils??trustee at the hospital, buried with his wife Karin OlofsdotterTBTN/A
89OlofsdotterKarin??buried with her husband Nils NilssonTBTN/A
89ErikssonJöns?1696supervisor at the hospital, buried with his wife Elizabeth Andersdotter and their children Erik, Erik, Sara,and MariaTBTN/A
89AndersdotterElizabeth??buried with her husband Jöns Eriksson and their children Erik, Erik, Sara and MariaTBTN/A
89JönssonErik16861687son of Jöns and ElizabethTBTN/A
89JönssonErik16921694son of Jöns and ElizabethTBTN/A
89JönsdotterSara1689?daughter of Jöns and ElizabethTBTN/A
89JönsdotterMaria1695?daughter of Jöns and ElizabethTBTN/A
90AnderssonMårten?1566buried with his daughter Anna and her husbandTBTN/A
90MårtensdotterAnna??buried with her father Mårten and her husband LarsTBTN/A
90UnknownLars??gold smith, buried with his wife Anna and her father MårtenTBTN/A
91FlistedtMagnus17301767principal at KrigsmanshusetTBTN/A
92van RoeyJohannes?1566a young childTBTN/A
93ArvidsdotterAnna??wife of Gudmund Larsson, buried with their son ErikTBTN/A
93GudmundssonErik?1564son of Gudmund Larsson and Anna ArvidsdotterTBTN/A
95Jöransson WadmanChristoffer16561689mayor of Vadstena, hiw wife may be buried with him, Margareta Persdotter Talle, and some of their childrenTBTN/A
95Persdotter TalleMargareta16581742wife of mayor Christoffer Wadman, may not be buried with him, her second husband was Johan Arvidsson Dahlman (no 97)TBTN/A
95WadmanNatha1679?child of Christoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
95WadmanPetrus16811681son of Christoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
95WadmanGöran16831683son of Christoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
95WadmanJohan1684?son of Chirstoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
95WadmanChristopherus1686?son of Christoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
95WadmanGideon Petrus1688?son of Christoffer and MargaretaTBTN/A
96PäppelmanSaumeul?1717costoms collectorTBTN/A
97Arvidsson DahlmanJohan16521714merchant, buried with his first wife Anna Olofsdotter Kielling and their son Olof, his second wife was Margareta Tallén (no 95)TBTN/A
97Olofsdotter KiellingAnna16561700buried with her husband Johan and their son OlofTBTN/A
97DalmanOlof??son of Johan and AnnaTBTN/A
101TrozeliusJohan17081766minister at Västgöta kavalleriTBTN/A
102UlfssonPer?1550buried with his sister Ingrid, may be the children of mayor Ulf PerssonTBTN/A
102UlfsdotterIngrid?1550buried with her brother Per, may be the children of mayor Ulf PerssonTBTN/A
103Didriksson BrunMikael?1668a chamois tanner, buried with his two wives, Ageneta and BritaTBTN/A
103SvensdotterAgneta?1662first wife of Mikael Brun, together they had seven childrenTBTN/A
103SvensdotterBrita?1681second wife of Mikael Brun, together they had three childrenTBTN/A
104HanssonD?late 1500'sDuke Magnus' accountantTBTN/A
107AnderssonL17681823brewer, buried with his wife Elisabet AnderssonTBTN/A
107AnderssonElizabet?1812buried with her husband L AnderssonTBTN/A
108SvenssonHåkan?1592city council member, buried with his first wife Karin Andersdotter, four grandsons buried in no 159TBTN/A
108AndersdotterKarin??buried with her husband HåkanTBTN/A
109AnderssonOlaf??bellringer in Vadstena, buried with his wife Karin and their childrenTBTN/A
109MånsdotterKarin??buried with her husband Olaf and their childrenTBTN/A
109OlofssonAnders?1622buried with his siblings and their parents Olaf and KarinTBTN/A
109OlofssonNils?1622buried with his siblings and their parents Olaf and KarinTBTN/A
109OlofssonPer?1622buried with his siblings and their parents Olaf and KarinTBTN/A
109OlofsdotterGertrud?1622buried with her siblings and their parents Olaf and KarinTBTN/A
109OlofsdotterMagrita?1622buried with her siblings and their parents Olaf and KarinTBTN/A
110Eriksson WestenAnders16761726merchant, buried with his wife IngeborgTBTN/A
110Larsdotter BorgIngeborg??buried with her husband AndersTBTN/A
113AmbjörnssonBengt?1644saddle maker, buried with his wife AnnaTBTN/A
113LarsdotterAnna?1640buried with her husband BengtTBTN/A
114StingSven?1611second leuitenant under Duke JohanTBTN/A
116KockJohannes1560?a doctor, probably a younger relative of the Royal Clerk Anders Kock, buried with his wife and their childrenTBTN/A
116ChristoffersdotterAnna15701609wife of doctor Johannes Kock, buried with him and their childrenTBTN/A
116KockChristoffer??son of Johannes and AnnaTBTN/A
116KockGabriel16041627son of Johannes and AnnaTBTN/A
116KockJohannes??son of Johannes and AnnaTBTN/A
116KockChristina1609?duaghter of Johannes and AnnaTBTN/A
117UnknownChristina?early 1500'seither daughter of wife of Petrus Bagge, slab reused for Hans GuldsmedTBTN/A
117GuldsmedHans?1563Gold smith, the slab had been reusedTBTN/A
119Eriksson WetterlingDaniel16711738merchant, buried with his wife Elisabet Jonasdotter WigmanTBTN/A
119Jonasdotter WigmanElisabet16761751wife of Daniel WetterlingTBTN/A
120NeunkirchChristopher15821650gold smith, buried with his wife Margareta and their childrenTBTN/A
120LarsdotterMargareta?1668wife of Christoffer, daughter of Lars Uddsson (no 246), buried with husband and their childrenTBTN/A
120ChristofferssonLars?1619son of Christopher and MargaretaTBTN/A
120ChristofferssonKnut?162?son of Christopher and MargaretaTBTN/A
120Christoffersson NeukrichJohannes??son of Christopher and MargaretaTBTN/A
122CoppTheophelus?1564perhaps a son of Johannes Copp von Raumenthal, doctor first for Ferdiand I and then Gustav ITBTN/A
123NilssonGabrielca 16261710surveyor, buried in S:t Per's church with his wife Maria Lorentsdotter and their son LorensTBTN/A
123LorentsdotterMaria1629?buried in S:t Per's church with her husband Gabriel Nilsson and their son LorensTBTN/A
123GabrielssonLorens?1698survayor, buried in S:t Per's with his parents Gabriel and MariaTBTN/A
124BertilssonNils?1567Served with Erik XIV and was rewarded with land in Finland, died in OsloTBTN/A
125MagniPeder?1613vicar in Vadstena, buried with his wife MargaretaTBTN/A
125EriksdotterMargareta??buried with her husband the vicar Peder MagniTBTN/A
126SvenssonLars?1631former commander at the castle and the county, buried with his wife Kirstin, and a grandson and his nieceTBTN/A
126HåkansdotterKirstin?1632wife of commander Lars and daughter of Håkan buried in no 108, buried with her husband and a grandson and his nieceTBTN/A
126Eriksson ScheningLars16391697customs collector in Halmstad and the grandson of Lars and Kirstin, his sons are buried in no 159TBTN/A
126Månsdotter GötheSara?1715niece of Lars Schening, wife of Lorens BarkhusTBTN/A
128HanssonOlof?1568died in the Northern Seven Years' WarTBTN/A
129HidricksonErick?1641a merchant born in Söderköping, died at Tistorp, left behind his beloved fiance Ingel Hansdotter, was buried on what should have been their weddingdayTBTN/A
130 BårdskärareJohannesca 151015 Mar 1576married to Anna AndersdotterTBTN/A
131HåkanssonArvid?1632a slate with same information as no 217TBTN/A
133PederssonGermund?1652buried with his wife Sigrid and a daughter, two children in no 134TBTN/A
133JönsdotterSigrid?1652buried with her husband Germund and a daughter, two more children in no 134TBTN/A
133GermundsdotterElisabet16321632buried with her parents and siblingsTBTN/A
134GermundsdotterMaria16291652 her parents Germund and Sigridburied in no 133TBTN/A
134GermundssonPeter16301652his father Germund and mother Sigrid buried in no 133TBTN/A
135IkornsköldLennart?1644introduced as Noble family no 283TBTN/A
136UddssonMauritz?1581son of Udd Jönsson, brother of Hans in no 82TBTN/A
136TistelLasse?1549a wealthy man who supported the monasteryTBTN/A
138AmbjörnssonPer?1585sheriff at Vadstena castle and several of the HundredsTBTN/A
139HenrikssonHenrik?1611secretary for Duke Karl (later king Karl IX)TBTN/A
140Waale WelcherClaus?1608TBTN/A
141von ParchuusenHans?14 Sep 1566Gold smithTBTN/A
142JonssonLasse?1570buried with his two wives, Anna and BritaTBTN/A
142ArvidsdotterAnna?1548buried with her husband Lasse Jönsson and his second wifeTBTN/A
142ArvidsdotterBrita?1564buried with her husband Lasse Jönsson and his first wifeTBTN/A
143JacobiOlavus?7 Jan 1572personal physician to king Johan IIITBTN/A
144GrijsAnders?20 Apr 1587tax sheriff for the hundreds of Norra Vedbo and Vista in Småland, Hammarikind in Östergötland and at Vadstena castle. Knighted by king Johan III, wife Gunnil PersdotterTBTN/A
146LaurentsdotterIngegerd?ca 1525TBTN/A
147RibbingCarl Philip16071609son of the commanding officer at Vadstena Castle, Lindorm Ribbing and his wife Märta BondeTBTN/A
148RibbingArvid?1564exactly who this arvid Ribbing was is not establishedTBTN/A
150BaggeMåns?1552sheriff of Dal and Lysing hundreds and son of Halsten Bagge, brother of Bröms BaggeTBTN/A
152OlofsdotterKarin?1580on the the slab also mentions a Lars ClementssonTBTN/A
153GeronimussonPaul?1566Gold smith PaulTBTN/A
155HannemannaAgnes?1593Agnes was the wife of Gerhard Joestinck from the Netherlands, sheriff of DagöTBTN/A
156AnderssonPeder?1644district court judge, buried with his wife Sigrid JoensdotterTBTN/A
156JoensdotterSigrid?1649buried with her husband Peder Andersson, their daughter Karin was married to Petrus Gotschalci SchedviensisTBTN/A
157Magni MörtPetrus16401720Minister, , buried with his wife Anna Elisabet Ascania and their son Isak MörtTBTN/A
157AscaniaAnna Elisabet?1729wife of the minister Petrus Magni Mört and their son Isak MörtTBTN/A
157MörtIsak??son of the minister Petrus Magni Mört and his wife Anna Elisabet AscaniaTBTN/A
158Olofsson (Stenbock)Gustafca 15031571Nobleman, vicegerent and marshal of the realm, buried wit his wife Brita Eriksdotter (Leijonhufvud), sir Joakim Brahe, and sir Casimir GyllenstiernaTBTN/A
158Eriksdotter (Leijonhuvud)Brita15141572wife of sir Gustaf Oloffson (Stenbock) whom she was buried with, also buried with sir Joakim Brahe, and sir Casimir GyllenstiernaTBTN/A
158BraheJoakim??uncertain which Joakim Brahe the slab refers toTBTN/A
158GyllenstiernaCasimir?1640son of sir Johan Gyllenstierna and Sigrid BraheTBTN/A
159LarssonSven?1630son of the castle sheriff Lars Svensson and his wife Kerstin Håkansdotter, daughter of Håkan Svensson (no 108), buried with his brothers Håkan, Johan and SamuelTBTN/A
159LarssonJohan?1630son of the castle sheriff Lars Svensson and his wife Kerstin Håkansdotter, daughter of Håkan Svensson (no 108), buried with his brothers Håkan, Sven and SamuelTBTN/A
159LarssonHåkan?1630son of the castle sheriff Lars Svensson and his wife Kerstin Håkansdotter, daughter of Håkan Svensson (no 108), buried with his brothers Sven, Johan and SamuelTBTN/A
159LarssonSamuel?1630son of the castle sheriff Lars Svensson and his wife Kerstin Håkansdotter, daughter of Håkan Svensson (no 108), buried with his brothers Håkan, Johan and SvenTBTN/A
160Larsson GiötheAnders?1694family grave of the Giöthe family, originally placed in the city church S:t Per, merchant buried with his wife Susanna Schening and their children, his father Lars Andersson buried in no 236TBTN/A
160Eriksdotter ScheningSusanna16481708wife of Anders Larsson Giöthe whom she is buried withTBTN/A
160GiötheLars?1726son of Anders Larsson Giöthe and his wife Susanna Schening, buried in family graveTBTN/A
160GiötheElisabet16811747buried in family graveTBTN/A
160GiötheChristina16841747buried in family gravTBTN/A
161Andersson BarkhusHans16371710merchant, buried with his wife Anna Lorensdotter Tzander and their childrenTBTN/A
161Lorensdotter TzanderAnna16331728wife of merchant Hans Andersson BarkhusTBTN/A
161Hansson BarkhusLorentz??son of Hans Andersson Barkhus, married to Sara GiötheTBTN/A
161Hansdotter BarkhusElisabet??daughter of Hans Andersson Barkhus, mistress to Captain G. Heisen (see no 180)TBTN/A
161Hansdotter BarkhusMaria??daughter of Hans Andersson Barkhus, married to Daniel Hanson Kriik (see no 243)TBTN/A
161Hansdotter BarkhusIngeborg?1702daughter of Hans Andersson Barkhus, married to customs collector S Päppelman (see no 96) TBTN/A
162DryseniusSamuel16001672minister, buried with his wife Anna Nilsdotter GrubbTBTN/A
162Nilsdotter GrubbAnna?1656wife of minister Samuel Drysenius whom was buried with herTBTN/A
163SimoniusErik?1688minister, buried with his wife Elin Danielsdotter Dalin and two of their children, as well as his second wife Karin Pedersdotter TörnskärTBTN/A
163Danielsdotter DalinElin?1674wife of minister Erik Simonius whom was buried next to her, as well as their two young children Helena and DnaielTBTN/A
163Pedersdotter TörnskärKarin?1698buried with her husband Eriki Simonius and his first wifeTBTN/A
164IsakssonHindrik?22 Oct 1635lawspeaker of Östergötland, buried with his wife Elsa Larsdotter and their children Isak, Lars, Hans, Daniel and AnnaTBTN/A
164LarsdotterElsa??daughter of Lars Uddsson (no 246), wife of Hindrik Isaksson, buried with husband and their children Isak, Lars, Hans, Daniel and AnnaTBTN/A
164HenrikssonIsak?25 Mar 1625son of Hindrick Isaksson and Elsa Larsdotter whom he was buried withTBTN/A
164HenrikssonLars?22 Apr 1635son of Hindrick Isaksson and Elsa Larsdotter whom he was buried withTBTN/A
164HenrikssonHans?25 Sep 1631son of Hindrick Isaksson and Elsa Larsdotter whom he was buried withTBTN/A
164HenrikssonDaniel?20 Apr 1630son of Hindrick Isaksson and Elsa Larsdotter whom he was buried withTBTN/A
164HenriksdotterAnna?14 Dec 1644daughter of Hindrick Isaksson and Elsa Larsdotter whom she was buried withTBTN/A
165DagsbergDavid16418 Feb 1651son of David Dagsberg (no 75)TBTN/A
166Karlsdotter GumsehuvudKatarina?1450King Karl Knutsson Bonde's second wifeTBTN/A
167LancasterPhilippa?5 Jan 1430Wife of king Erik av Pommern, daughter of king Henry IV of England, France and IrelandTBTN/A
168UlvssonBirger?26 Aug 1391son of Ulf Gudmarsson and Saint BridgitTBTN/A
168UlfsdotterCecilia?12 Mar 1399daughter of Ulf Gudmarsson and Saint BridgitTBTN/A
168UlfsdotterKatarina?24 Mar 1381daughter of Ulf Gudmarsson and Saint BridgitTBTN/A
169Turesdotter BielkeBirgitta?1436first wife of king Karl Knutsson BondaTBTN/A
170de LavalClaude1580's? born in France, knighted in Sweden 1646TBTN/A
171StrålenhielmMagnus16991757inspector at the krigsmanshus in VadstenaTBTN/A
172Andersson SilfverlingJohan24 Jun 16361693stone masonTBTN/A
210JönssonLasse?15 Mar 1551 brother to mayor Udd JönssonTBTN/A
246UddssonLarsca 155020 Aug 1616first married to Margareta Bengtsdotter and then to Engel Hansdotter in 1595TBTN/A
246HansdotterEngel1575?married to mayor Lars UddssonTBTN/A



  1. Bennett, Robert; Gustafsson, Evald (1985) Vadstena klosterkyrka. 3, Gravminnen

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