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Vega de Granada, Andalusia

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1492
Location: Vega de Granada, Granada, Andalusia, Spainmap
Surnames/tags: Spain Andalusia Granada
This page has been accessed 169 times.

Spain Project | Spain Project Teams | Spain Autonomous Communties Team|Andalusia Team|The Granada Province|Vega de Granada


Vega de Granada

Vega de Granada is a county in the province of Granada, with no administrative role. It houses forty-one municipalities.[1] See the category for parishes and their residents.


Parroquia de la
Encarnación de Albolote

Vega de Granada was included in the network for agricultural exploitation.[2] Later, in Muslim times, it was primarily occupied by peasants that cultivated the mulberry trees for the production of silk.[2] In 1492 Islamic Emirate of Granada surrendered to the Catholic monarchs, marking one of the most significant events in Granada's history. The Muslim residents were free to practice their faith until 1501 when the Castilian Crown mandated they convert to Christianity or emigrate.[3]

The church in Vega de Granada, "Iglesia de la Encarnación" (Church of the Incarnation), was built after the Muslim mosque was demolished in 1580.[2][4] The altarpiece, a relief of the Incarnation, Calvary and the Eternal father, is a stunning sculpture created in 1606.[5]


Genealogy Research Information

  • Civil registration records in Spain (government birth certificates, marriage certificates, and death certificates) began in 1871.
  • Births, marriages, and deaths were recorded by the local Juzgado de la Paz or Oficinia del Registro Civil. The records are still housed in their local municipal archives. Spain also has a central repository for civil registration.
  • The Catholic Church has created several different records. The most used in genealogical research include: baptisms (bautizos, bautismos), marriages (matrimonios), and burials (entierros, defunciones, fallecimientos). Other records include: confirmations (confimaciones) and pre-marriage investigations (expedientes matrimoniales, información matrimonial).
  • Some municipios (towns/cities) may have civil registration records beginning as early as 1837. Some of them have been microfilmed and/or digitized by FamilySearch.
  • Larger cities may have multiple civil registration districts, and smaller towns may have their own civil registration office, or belong to an office of a nearby town.

Genealogy Resources

Historical Resources


  1. Vega de Granada on Wikipedia; viewed 29 July 2020.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Iglesia de la Encarnación (Albolote)," Granadapedia.wikanda.es, viewed 29 July 2020.
  3. "The Conquest of Granada," Encyclopædia Britannica, accessed 29 July 2020, Britannica.com.
  4. Albolote City Council Parish Churches, Albolote as viewed 29 July 2020, Albolote.org. This contains historical information about the parish churches of San Isidro Labrador and la Encarnación.
  5. Martin, Paco. "Casas de Cabildo, Obras Datadas de Pablo de Rojas" PacoMartinRosales, last updated 7 Jun 2019, viewed on 29 July 2020, PacoMartinRosales.BlogSpot.com.

Last updated (09:42, 29 July 2020 (UTC))

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