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Vernon-2152 Extras

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Date: 11 Apr 2022
This page has been accessed 178 times.

This page is to highlight additional information related to my genealogical research, fun wikitree stickers, surnames I'm interested in, projects I'm working on, etc etc.



... ... ... has German Roots.
Crown of St Edward
Magna Carta Project logo
Descendant of several Magna Carta Surety Barons.
... ... ... has Italian Roots.
... ... ... has Polish Roots.
English flag
... ... ... has English ancestors.
Flag of Virginia
... was Roman Catholic
... is a Friend (Quaker) descendant


... has participated in 52 out of 52 weeks during the 2020 52 Ancestors Challenge.
... ... ... competed in the 2023 WikiGames.

Vernon-2152 15 for 15 Challenge


... ... ... participated with Tree Nuts during the Jul 2019 Connect-a-Thon, and added 9 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the 2021 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 42 previously unsourced profiles.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Jul 2021 Connect-a-Thon, and added 171 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the 2022 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 10 previously unsourced profiles.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Jan 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 189 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the 2023 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 4 previously unsourced profiles.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Apr 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 129 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Jul 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 81 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Jan 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 68 connections.
... ... ... participated with Team Italy-1 during the Apr 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 181 connections.


Vernon Lupini Kurdyla Jones Mattei Brunamonti Lorenc Krezel Hattorf

My Surnames

Compact Surnames added by Surnames Generator app @ https://apps.wikitree.com/apps/clarke11007/surnames.php

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
  • Paternal Grandfather ancestors
Aalst, Aberchirder , Abernethy , Acha , Achalm , Adele , Adralestina , Aigle , Albi , Albon , Aldana , Alemannia , Alfarinsdottir , Algautsdatter , Allemanie , Alluyes , Alluyes , Alpin , Alpin , Alsace , Amiens , Amiens , Ampurias , Ampurias , Angus , Anjou , Anjou , Ann , Anthanaise , Ap Aron , Aragón , Argenau , Armenia , Arnulfing , Arques , Arques , Arras , Arsomcourt , Artsruni , Askew , Askew , Astarac , Asturias , Ath , Aubigny , Aude , Aulnay , Aumale , Aunay , Autun , Autun , Auvergne , Auvergne , Auvergne , Auxerre , Avalgau
Baeken, Bailleul , Bakelmans , Balbh , Ballon , Balsareny , Balthes Des WISIGOTHS , Balts , Balún , Bamburg , Bar-Sur-Aube , Bar-sur-Seine , Bar-sur-Seine , Bar-sur-Seine , Barcelona , Barclay , Baskerville , Batail , Baugency , Bavaria , Bave , Bayern , Bayern , Bayern , Bayern , Bayeux , Bayeux , Bayeux , Beauffou , Beaujeu , Beaumont , Bellême , Berkeley , Berkeley , Bernicia , Beulac , Beulac , Bidun , Bigod , Bigorre , Bigorre , Bihar , Billung , Billung , Billung , Bint Mu'awiya ibn al-Mughira , Bisset , Bjornsdottir , Blackard , Blathmaic , Blieskastel , Blois , Blois , Blois , Blois , Bohemia , Bois Ferrand , Bolten , Bonkyl , Boone , Borden , Borden , Borthwick , Bosonid , Boulogne , Bourbon , Bourbourg , Bourges , Bourgogne , Bourgogne , Bourgogne , Bourgogne , Bournonville , Braga , Braine , Braine , Braine , Braine , Brand , Braose , Brasseur , Braunschweig , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Bretagne , Breteuil , Bricquebec , Bricquebec , Brienne , Briole , Brionne , Britain , Briwere , Briwere , Brosse , Brown , Broyes , Bruce , Brychan , Brychan , Brychan , Buchan , Buchan , Bulatya , Bulgaria , Burgh , Burgh , Burgunden , Burgundy , Bywdeg , Byzantium , Byzantium , Byzantium , Béthune
Cadfan (Ap Cynan, ap Gereint, ap Einudd, Ap Gwrddwfn, Goruc Fauir, Ap Owian, Cyllin, Caradoc, Ap Bran) , Caellaide , Caithness , Calahorra , Caldwell , Cambrai , Cambrai , Cameron , Candalou , Canossa , Cantabria , Capua , Carcassonne , Carlat , Carlile , Carlus , Carolingian , Castilla , Castilla , Castrice , Caux , Centulo , Challoner , Chalon , Chalon , Cham , Chapman , Chartres , Charworth , Chasdubh , Chateau-Renaud , Chaumont , Chaumontois , Cheney , Cheyne , Chimay , Chiny , Chiny , Chryselie , Château-du-Loire , Châteaubriant , Châteaudun , Châteaudun , Châtellerault , Châtellerault , Cicharan , Claudius , Clayton , Clerieu , Clermont , Clermont , Coel , Coimbra , Columba , Comminges , Como , Comyn , Condé , Condé-sur-Noireau , Condé-sur-Noireau , Congaile , Conteville , Corbeil , Corbic , Cornelis , Cornouaille , Coucy , Crawford , Crawford , Crechan , Crecy , Crepon , Crequy , Crispin , Crundmael , Crundmael , Crépon , Cualain , Cuilen , Culwynedd , Cummascachei , Cumming , Cunegonde
D'Aquitaine, Dagsburg , Daisnel , Dalraida , Dammartin , Dammartin , Dampierre , Daniels , De Aquitaine , De Aunay , De Bonkyl , De Boulogne , De Breteuil , De Britain , De Burgondie , De CANTABRIA , De Chartres , De Cornouaille , De Dijon , De Franks , De Frommen , De Lascelles , De Lodeve , De Marseille , De Melle , De Mels , De Montgomery , De Orbin , De Ponthieu , De Rians , De Riez , De Riez , De Therouanne , De Totnais , De Toulouse , DeAmaya , DeBesora , DeFonvens , DeForbes , DeHart , DeSens , DeTreves , DeUlster , Deira , Dennis , Dentumogeria , Deuheubarth , Devon , Dillingen , Dinan , Dol , Dottir , Douglas , Douglas , Douglas , Driftsdottir , Dubbin , Dumnonia , Dunbar , Dunbar , Duncansdatter , Dunkeld , Duolory , Durham , Duvall , Dyfnwallon , Díaz , Díaz
Ednowain, Edward , Eidyr , Eifelgau , Eiludd , Einudd , Eiriksdatter , Eiriksdatter , Eleson , Elgin , Ellasdatter , Enfidaig , England , Ericsdottir , Eriksdottir , Erlingsdottir , Erskine , Esperon , Essex , Evans , Evreux , Eysteinsdottir , Eysteinsdottir , Eyvindsdottir
Faelain (MacCormaic) , Failbe , Falaise , Fallach , Fallach , Fenton , Fergna , Fernández , Ferrers , Ferrette , Ferté-Ancoul , Ferté-sur-Aube , Ffreuddwyd , Finddelbach , Findlater , Finnsdotter , Finnvidsson , Fiodhaig , Fionn , FitzAndlaw , FitzJohn , FitzMiles , FitzNigel , FitzReinfrid , FitzRobert , FitzUchtred , FitzWilliam , Fitzbaldric , Fitzhemming , Fitzjames , Fitzjames , Fitzrichard , Flaitel , Flamville , Flanders , Flanders , Flandre , Fleming , Flinsbach , Flint , Forbes , Forbes , Formbach , Fouvent , Fowle , France , Frances , Franks , Franks , Franks , Fraser , Fraser , Freeman , Friuli , Fréteval , Fundni , Furnes , Fézensac
Gael (Montfort) , Galloway , Galloway , Galloway , Garlande , Gascogne , Gascogne , Gascogne , Gascoña , Gascoña , Gasgogne , Genève , Gevaudan , Ghent , Giffard , Giffard , Gijsberts , Giolla , Glen , Godhaut , Gometz , Gometz , Gormsdatter , Gosendes , Gouet , Gournay , Graham , Graham , Graham , Graham , Grandmesnil , Grathenay , Gray , Grenoble , Grether , Griffin , Grimbergen , Gudbrandsdotter , Gudrodsdottir , Guerres , Guincamp , Guines , Guisnes , Guitry , Gundamarez , Gutiérrez , Guînes , Gwerystan , Gwyrlys , Gâtinais , Gâtinais , Gévaudan
Haakonsdottir (Ivarson, Einarsson, Eindridesson, Styrkarsson) , Hadaburg , Hainault , Haldensleben , Halfdansdottir , Halfdansdottir , Halvdansdatter , Ham , Hamaland , Hammerstein , Haraldsdatter , Haraldsdottir , Haraldsson , Harcourt , Harkarson , Harlebecque , Harpam , Harris , Hastings , Hatcher , Hauteville , Hawes , Haya , Haye , Heber , Herman , Herrödsdotter , Herse , Hesbaye , Hesdin , Hesdin , Hildeburg , Hodgson , Hohenberg , Hohenwart , Holland , Holland , Hommet , Hopkins , Hose , Houchin , Hubbard , Huntingdon , Hurlbut , Hylton
Iceni (Unknown) , Iceni , Inchmartin , Ingen Cathail , Ingen Coelbad , Innes , Inngau , Inu , Ireland , Ireland , Ireland , Irmengarde , Isaac , Isle Bouchard , Istria , Italia , Italia , Ivrea , Ivry
Jackson, Jacobs , Jans , Jarze , Joigny , Joigny , Joinville
Karasson, Kaunsson , Keith , Kent , Kent , Kent , Ketilsdatter , Ketilsdotter , Kettins , Kiev , Kirburg , Kjarvalsdottir
Lacy (FitzEustace, FitzJohn, FitzRichard, FitzRanulph, UNKNOWN) , Lacy , Lambach , Lancaster , Lancaster , Landen , Laning , Laon , Laon , Laon , Laon , Lascelles , Lavant , Leinster , Leinster , Leinster , Leith , Lennox , Lens , Lens , Lenzburg , Leslie , Lesmaye , Leuchars , Levington , Licques , Liegarde , Limesi , Limoges , Limoges , Lisours , Liudolfing , Liutfride , Liébana , Liébana , Llywarch , Loches , Lochore , Lodeve , Lommois , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Longwy , Loon , Lorens , Lorraine , Lorraine , Loudin , Louvain , Lubech , Lugdach , Luxembourg
Mac Muirgius, MacCulloch , MacGILLAPATRICK , MacGillvray , MacMurrough , Macgilronan , Macrory , Maeldaf , Maine , Maine , Maine , Mainz , Maleina , Malet , Mamikoneans , Manasses , Mandeville , Mar , Mar , Marche , Marcillac , Marcq , Marignane , Markel , Marshal , Marshal , Martin , Mawgawse , Maxwell , Maxwell , Mayenne , McAlexander , McAndlish , McDaniel , Meadaib , Mearns , Meissen , Melgueil , Menteith , Mercia , Mercia , Mercia , Mercia , Mercia , Mercia , Mercia , Meric , Meriodoc , Merkall , Merovingian , Merseburg , Meschines , Metz , Meulan , Mieceslas , Miller , Minshall , Moddan , Moddansdóttir , Moha , Molle , Moncy , Mondoubleau , Mondoubleau , Mondoubleau , Mongain , Monmouth , Mons , Mons , Montanolier , Montfaucon , Montfort , Montgomery , Montgomery , Montifex , Montlhéry , Montmirail , Montmorency , Montreuil , Montreuil , Montreuil , Montreuil , Mor , Moravia , Moray , More , Morgan , Morialmes , Mortain , Morville , Morvran , Mossezo , Munchensy , Munro , Murchadh , Murdac , Mure , Murray , Muza , Muñoz , Mâcon , Méndez
N, N , Na Dessi , Namur , Nantes , Narbonne , Narbonne , Nettleton , Nettleton , Neuenburg , Nevers , NicLoarn , Nicfinn , Noble , Nordgau , Normandie , Normandie , Normandie , Normandie , Normandy , Normandy , Northumbria
O Mulloy (OMulloy, Leinster) , O Néill , O Ruarc , O' Tuathail , O'Braenain , O'Brien , O'Domnail , O'Gairbita , O'Morda , O'Nuallain , Obertenghi , Obotrites , Obotrites , Oeren , Of Alba , Of Connacht , Of Hungary , Of Islay , Of Scotland , Of Thuringa , Of Wolfratshausen , Ogilvie , Oisy , Olafsdatter , Ollamhdha , Ollamhdha , Olofsdotter , Olofsdottir , Ordonez , Orkney , Orm , Osbern , Osoche , Ossory , Ossory , Ossory , Owain
Paine, Pamplona , Pamplona , Patience , Paton , Patricius , Pelayez , Pelt , Perche , Phokaina , Piast , Picqugny , Picquigny , Pict , Picts , Picts , Picts , Pierrefonds , Plessis , Plessis , Pleure , Plumpton , Poher , Poitiers , Poitou , Polanie , Polotsk , Polska , Ponthieu , Ponthieu , Porter , Presles , Preuilly , Provence , Périgord , Pšov
Querfurt (Von Querfurt, Von Arneburg) , Quincy
Raby, Ragnarsdatter , Ragnvaldsdatter , Ramsay , Ramsay , Ranesdotter , Ranny , Raudsdatter , Razes , Redel , Reeder , Reims , Rein Ders , Renfro , Rennes , Rentfroe , Rethel , Rethel , Reverge , Reynel , Rhun , Rhys , Riatham , Ribagorza , Richard , Richard , Richard , Richford , Rie , Ringelheim , Robertian , Roberts , Rochefoucauld , Roches , Rodez , Rognvaldsdottir , Rollos , Romille , Rosabelle , Ross , Ross , Ross , Rott , Roucy , Roucy , Rouergue , Royans , Rumigny , Rumsey , Rusticus , Ruthven , Rügen , Rügen
Sablé (Beaumont, Buzançais) , Sablé , Sachel , Sachsen , Sachsen , Sachsen , Saer , Saldaña , Salerno , Salins , Salisbury , Saltoun , Sander , Sandler , Sangüesa , Savage , Savoie , Saxony , Saxony , Schwaben , Schwaben , Schwaben , Schwaben , Schweinfurt , Sconehilde , Scott , Seclis , Selvesla , Semur , Senlis , Sens , Seton , Seysildyc , Shaftesbury , Shelor , Sigardsdatter , Sigbert , Sigbert , Sigurdsdatter , Sigurdsdatter , Sigurdsdottir , Sigurdsdottir , Sinclair , Sinclair , Skagesdottir , Skleraina , Smeets , Smith , Snorresdottir , Sours , Sours , Spoleto , Spoleto , Sprigg , St Hilary , St Omer , St Pol , St Valéry , St Valéry , St Varne , StMARTIN , Stade , Stagard , Stair , Stephen , Stewart , Stewart , Stewart , Stocking , Stodor , Stoffels , Stone , Strathclyde , Strathearn , Stuart , Styrsdatter , Sualafeldgau , Suevia , Sulichgau , Sulzbach , Supplinburg , Supponid , Susa , Suze , Svasasson , Svåsedatter , Swepstone , Synton
Taillebois, Tentenier , Thorarinsson , Thorbjarnsdottir , Thoresdottir , Thorisson , Thorsteindottir , Thorsteinsdatter , Thouars , Thouars , Thuringia , Thüringen , Tidlet , Toeni , Tonnerre , Torbergsdottir , Torres , Totnes , Toulouse , Toxandrie , Transmarinus , Tripon , Troyes , Trumpeneers , Truyens , Tudwal , Tuggle , Turney , Turnor , Tyler , Tynedale
Urgel-Cerdanya (ibn Abu-Musa, ibn Nusair) , Urquhart
Valenciennes (Ribemont, De Ribemont) , Valoines , Varleth , Vascoeuil , Vass , Vaudémont , Vaux , Vebjørnsdatter , Velasquez , Velázquez , Venaissin , Vendôme , Vendôme , Verch Pabo , Verdun , Verdun , Vermandois , Vermandois , Vernon , Verticilio , Vexin , Viehbachgau , Vienne , Vienne , Vienne , Vifilsdatter , Vignory , Viking Sigurdsson , Vikinsdottir , Visigodo , Visigoths , Vivar , Von Engern , Von Gilching , Von Hamaland , Von Hegelingen , Von Hornbach , Von Kumanien , Von Kumanien , Von Lustatia , Von Lutzelstein , Von Luxemburg , Von Nordgau , Von Ringelheim , Von Sponheim , Von Weimer , VonFRIESLAND
Wake (LeWake) , Walbeck , Walton , Warenne , Wassenberg , Watts , Wavrin , Welf , Wenden , Wessex , Wessex , Wessex , Wessex , Westerbourg , Wettin , White , Wickham , Wiltshire , Wiltshire , Wishart , Wood , Woodward , Workington , Wormsgau , Wülflingen
Zurich, Zülpichgau
ap Cynwrig
bint Abdul, bint Hawzah , bint Hulayl , bint Hulwan , bint Marwin al-Umayyah , bint Qays , bint Sa'd , bint Surayr , bint al-Asham
d' Austrasia, d' Auxerre , d'Egisheim , d'Kachum , de Alfonso , de Alsace , de BEZIERS , de Braga , de Brest , de Chateaudun , de Flamville , de France , de Franconie , de Gascoña , de Gascoña , de Gastinois , de Lens , de Montmorency , de Navarra , de Norfolk , de Normandie , de Ramerupt , de Razes , de Roskelyn , de Soissons , de Thuringia , de Toulouse , de Varmandois , de Vere , de la Vicaire , deGalicia , deRollo , deStVarne , des Francs
ferch Brydw (Cadell, ap Cadeyrn, ap Gwrtheyrn, ap Brydw, ap Rhuddfedel Frych, Euddigan) , ferch Candalou , ferch Cillin , ferch Dynod , ferch Gruffudd , ferch Guitoli ap Urbgen , ferch Ieuan , ferch Kevenard , ferch Llywarch , ferch Macsen , ferch Owain , ferch Pybba , ferch Rhun , ferch Tewdrig , ferch Tudwai
ingen Cathal (mac Finguine, Finguine, Mathair) , ingen Eachaidh , ingen Ernbrand , ingen Oengus , ingen Tuathal , ingine Néilléne
nic Brychan (ap Anlach, mac Cormac, mac Urb, mac Aed, mac Corath)
of Armenia, of Bernicia , of Bethune , of Dagsburg , of Essex , of Kent , of Lidinin , of Mercia , of Mumhan , of Ogdum , of Ossory , of Ossory , of Ostmark , of SAXONY , of ULADH , of the Franks , of the OBOTRITES
ui Briuin (Macechach, mac Muireadach, Fiacha, Srabhteine, Liffeachaire, MacArt, mac Cuinn, Ceadcatha, Rachtmar, Teachtmar, Finnolach, Fearadhach)
van Angoulême, van Hongarije , van Kiev , van Parijs , van Polen , van de Lahngau , van der Lausitz , verch Calpurnius , verch Guilac ap Gwylop , verch Hwfa , verch Iorwerth , verch Llewelyn , verch Thomas , von Beichlingen , von Braunschweig , von Köln , von Köln , von Merseburg , von Razès , von Reinhausen , von Riparian , von Sachsen , von Stade , von Treves
Ériz (Fernández, Lugo)
  • Paternal Grandmother ancestors
Gardner, Gilman , Grillmeyer
Tyler (Unknown)
  • Maternal Grandfather ancestors
Bianchi, Brunamonti , Brunamonti
Lupini, Lupini , Lupini
Mancini, Mattei
  • Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Krakowiecka, Krenzel , Kurdyla

Spouse Maternal: Miner, Newton, Spivey, Brangenberg, and beyond

Spouse Paternal: Verworn, Heinle, Nicklaus, Metzger, and beyond (known as the Germans from Russia - Black Sea Germans)



European 98.1%

Northwestern European 31.4%: (British & Irish 25.6%, Broadly NW European 5.8%)

Southern European 28.8%: (Italian 28.3%, Broadly S European 0.5%)

Eastern European 21.8%

Ashkenazi Jewish 13.0%

Broadly European 3.1%

Sub-Saharan African 1.3%: (West African 1.0%, Congolese & Southern East African 0.3%)


July 2022 Revised Estimate

  • 21% Eastern Europe & Russia
  • 21% Northern Italy
  • 21% England & Northwestern Europe
  • 12% Jewish Peoples of Europe
  • 8% Scotland
  • 7% Southern Italy
  • 3% Sweden & Denmark
  • 3% France
  • 1% Nigeria
  • 1% Nigeria - East Central
  • 1% Egypt
  • 1% Ireland

April 2022 Revised Estimate

  • 24% Northern Italy
  • 19% Scotland
  • 18% Eastern Europe & Russia
  • 12% Jewish Peoples of Europe
  • 10% England & Northwestern Europe
  • 4% Aegean Islands
  • 4% Southern Italy
  • 4% Germanic Europe
  • 2% Baltics
  • 1% Nigeria
  • 1% Cameroon, Congo & Western Bantu Peoples
  • 1% Sweden & Denmark
  • <1% Egypt

DNA Sources

  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between C. (Vernon) Verworn and David Vernon, her father (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: Father, based on sharing 3516.2 cM across 22 segments.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between C. (Vernon) Verworn and Maria Lupini, her mother (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: Mother, based on sharing 3536.9 cM cM across 22 segments.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between C. (Vernon) Verworn and Jean (Jones) Vernon, her grandmother (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: Grandmother, based on sharing 1721.5 cM across 28 segments.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between C. (Vernon) Verworn and Bernardino Lupini, her grandfather (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: Grandfather, based on sharing 1956.4 cM across 26 segments.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by a MyHeritageDNA test match between MAK and CMV. Predicted relationship from MyHeritage: Grandmother, based on sharing 1545.9 cM across 26 segments. Also confirmed by AncestryDNA, with a predicted relationship of Grandmother, based on sharing 1544 cM across 27 segments.


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Categories: Vernon-2152