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Abraham Joneses in Colonial (and just after) Virginia
This page was created because of confusion about Virginia's early settlers named Abraham (or Abram) Jones - maybe not as confused as the Virginia Peter Joneses, but still a handful. For details about the family that led to this page's creation, see below.
- 1608, about: Birth of Richard Jones (abt.1608-abt.1653), attached as father of Abram born c1640 maybe shouldn't be
- 1614, about: Birth of Abraham Jones (abt.1614-), in "Beerferris Parish, Devon", England (married Margaret Ravenscroft, d. 1718) unsourced profiles
- 1640, about: Birth of Abram Jones (abt.1640-bef.1689), in England (said to be son of Richard Jones & Lady [Jane or Anne] Jeffries) - currently attached as son of Jones-561, who had son Cadwaller and wife Jeffries detached; a comment suggests a different Richard (not the one who married the Townsend widow c1651 in York, VA).[1] The comment notes that Richard Jones was father of "Cadwallader, William, Richard, Abram, and Frederick. The eldest four emigrated to the Virginia colony, leaving Frederick at home with their parents, in England." ~ Source: this book, page 36 [see also this answer to a G2G discussion]
- 1660, before: Birth year given (unsourced) in an Abram Jones profile: Abram Jones (bef.1660-1719)
- 1662, 2 June: Birth date given in the unsourced Find a Grave memorial[2] for Abraham Wood Jones (1662-bef.1689), son of Peter Jones and Margaret[3]
- 1666: Birth of Peter Jones (1666-bef.1726), son of Peter and Margaret, father of Mary Jones (who married Peter Jones); brother of Abraham (whom some say was the father of the Peter Jones who married Mary, daughter of Peter) - also the father of another Abraham Jones
- 1682: Abraham, Richard, Peter, and William Jones named grandsons "in law" in the will of Abraham Wood, and it is assumed that they was underage at the time
- 1685, after: birth of Peter Jones (aft.1685-abt.1734), son of Abraham, is born - based on his birth, and possibly a sibling's, before his father died in 1687
- 1687, before April: Abraham's widow Martha Batte married John Banister before April 1687
- 1688, before October: Peter Jones and Mary Batte married in Henrico County (marriage return recorded in the court's October Term 1688). Parents of Abraham Jones, born 1691.
- 1691: Birth of Abraham Jones Sr (1691-aft.1758) Son of Peter and Mary (Batte) Jones
- 1693, after: Birth of Mary Jones (aft.1693-abt.1734) birth Mary Jones, wife of Peter Jones & daughter of Peter Jones (with the 1721/26 will naming them both)
- 1694, 1 August: "Peter Jones returned acct. of William Jones' Estate (dec'd).... Robert Bolling, sec., Peter Field, Stephen Cocke" (Henrico County Order Book, Vol. 5, page 511).[4]
- 1695, April Court: "Capt William Randolph in charge of estate of William Jones, dec'd. April Court 1695" (Henrico OB, 1694-1701, page 48).[4]
- 1718, 12 August: The will of Abraham's mother, written on that date, names (among others) her grandson Peter Jones, son of her deceased son Abraham, as a legatee (10s for a ring).
- 1720/1, 16 February: Birth of "Abra son of Abra: & Sarah Jones" (baptized 30 April 1721), BPR p 321
- 1720/1, 16 February: Birth of "Abra son of Abra: & Sarah Jones" (baptized 30 April 1721), BPR p 321 _not_ the sr/jr processioning in 1731[5][6]
Research Notes
Disputed Information
- From the profile for Abram (as of 12 April 2023) - Abram Jones (bef.1660-1719): Abram Jones is the son of Abram Jones, who immigrated from Devonshire, England to the Virginia Colonies. His father died prior to 1689, in Bristol Parish, Henrico, Prince George, Virginia. Note: No evidence has been found to prove that Abram is the son of Abram Jones who immigrated from Devonshire, England. According to one biographer, Abram is the father of Captain Peter Jones, who married his cousin, Mary, daughter of Major Peter Jones (Abram's brother) and Mary (Wood) Jones, daughter of General Abram Wood (Henrico papers).[7] Warning: Mary Wood, the only known daughter of General Wood, married Thomas Chamberlayne. The profile for Peter who married Mary, daughter of Peter Jones, was Jones-24585.
- That Peter Jones (Jones-24585, husband of Peter Jones's daughter Mary Jones) is attached as the son of Abraham Wood Jones and Martha (Batte) Jones as of 19 April 2023, and most sources say that the Peter who married his cousin Mary was the grandson Peter Jones, son of Margaret's deceased son Abraham, named in her 1718 will.
Estimated Birth of Abraham Jones (Mary's uncle/attached as father of her husband): Before 1682 is known. 1680 is not unreasonable based on his siblings' birth years. "2 Jun 1662" (in the datafield as of 13 April 2023) is unsourced. Considering his marriage to Martha Batte before 1685 (when their son Peter was born) and death before 1687, when Martha remarried, he had to have been born earlier. Martha's profile has her birth year as 1667, so 1662 is not unreasonable (albeit unsourced) and still has him under 21 at the time of Abraham Wood's will.
- I believe the four sons named as "grandchildren in law" by Abraham Wood in his 1682 will were "infant" children[8] of Peter and Margaret and "in law" was because he was their guardian. Unsourced profiles had the birth years of siblings Richard and Abraham as 1672 and 1680, respectively. Their father Peter is said to have been born about 1634, so that fits. A 1655 marriage is attributed to Peter and Margaret, but that record may be for another couple. Peter is known to have died before Abraham wrote his will, some say the year before, some say earlier, but all of his children would have been born before 1682.[9]
A 1655 marriage is attributed to Peter and Margaret, but that record may be for another couple. Peter is known to have died before Abraham wrote his will, some say the year before, some say earlier, but all of his children would have been born before 1682.[9]
Research Notes from the bio of Peter Jones (father of Mary) as of 12 April 2023
Information citing SAR application: Capt Peter Jones, born 1666, Charles City, died 1 January 1727, Prince George.[10]
Estimated Birth: Merged profiles had a 1658 birth year (with 1726 death) and born 1652/died 1653. Marriage of his parents is shown as 1655, but without a reliable source. While Peter could have married earlier (his birth is given as 1634), his wife's birth year is given as 1641, so a later marriage is more likely (say about 1661). It may be that Abraham was their first-born son (1662), Richard their second, c1663/4, and this Peter their third, which aligns with 1666 given in the SAR application. The presumption for the four "grandchildren in law" named in Abraham's 1682 (Abraham, Richard, Peter, and William) is that Abraham Wood was their guardian and that they were still underage - so born no earlier than 1662.
Fothergill and other information
from the biography of Peter Jones (father of Mary) as of 12 April 2023
From Peter Jones and Richard Jones Genealogies, by August B Fothergill, Old Dominion Press, Richmond, VA, 1924, p 26
"September 28, 1728 Abraham Jones of Prince George County was granted 235 acres of land lying on the lower side of Reedy Creek and North side of Nottoway River, adjoining Godfrey Ragsdale, Captain Peter Jones and Thomas Thrower.
p 17 Thomas Batte on May 9, 1692 conveyed to "Peter Jones now of Henrico County" 240 acres of land which is part of those plantations known by the name of the Old Town bounded on the upper side by the lands of Godfrey Ragsdale, on the lower side by the lands of John Bevil and on the other two sides by the woods and Appamattox River. 130 acres escheated in the name of Thomas Batte, 50 acres purchased of Godfrey Ragsdale and the other 60 acres lying at the heads. Consideration: a tract of land lying in Charles City County now held by the said Peter Jones which was surveyed by James Minge by order of the Governor and Council. (Henrico Co. Rec. V. 5, p 299)
p 18 Mary, wife of Peter Jones, gave power of attorney to "my loving brother in law James Cocke" to relinquish her dower rights in the land conveyed by her husband Peter Jones to Stephen Cocke. (Henrico Co. Rec., Vol 1677-1704, pp 60-63)
p 18. Captain Peter Jones was appointed Lieutenant of Rangers of Prince George County in accordance to an Act of appointing Rangers. October 25, 1711
p 19 At a meeting of the vestry of Bristol Parish held at the Ferry Chapell, October 30, 1720, Captain Peter Jones was among those present.
p 20 Capt. Peter Jones lived on Brickhouse Run in the present Petersburg and is likely buried at the family burial ground at "Cedar Grove" which was the home of Gen. Joseph Jones who died in 1824. He had inherited this land from his father Thomas Jones who was the eldest son and heir of Abraham Jones who was the heir at law of the above Capt. Peter Jones.
The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia 1720-1789, privatedly printed, Richmond, VA 1898, p 24: at a Vestry held at the Chapple June 28, 1725, The parish was divided into precincts for counting. The southside of the parish was divided into two precincts, "the upper precinct bounded as followeth to begin at Appamattuck ferry, thence as Monkassaneck road runs to stony-creek bridge between Capt RIch. Jones and Capt Joss Wynns, thence up stony-creek to the upper road to Nottoway river, thence along the road to Nottoway river, thence up between the same and Appamattuck river to the extent of the parish. Capt Peter Jones and his son Peter Jones are appointed counters for the said precinct."
Source: Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661, abstracted by Beverley Fleet, Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co, 1961, p 100
"At a meeting of the Militia att Westov'r July 12, 1661 It is ordered that the sev'all companies of this Regiment for the present be Divided proporconed and distinguished as foll vidzt:…6. Capt Peter Jones his companie to be from Citty Creeke to the falls of Appomattock riv'r on the south side, And from Powells Creeke to the sd falls on the North side."
Colonial Wills of Henrico Co, VA 1677-1737, p 433, Margaret Cocke's will
"To my son Peter Jones, all rest of my estate, and he and WIlliam Randolph to be executors"
DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 968, Prince George County, Virginia.
Indenture (Lease) made the 9th day of March, 1726, between Robert Hix of Lawns Creek Parrish of the County of Surry, and John Fitzgerrald of Bristol Parish, County of Prince George, 1,120 acres on South side of Appomattox River in Bristol Parish, of which 200 acres were sold to the said Robert Hix from John Evans by deed dated the 8th day of February, 1693, and the 4th day of June, 1694, and recorded in Charles City County; 600 acres was granted to the said Robert Hix by Letters of Patent bearing date of April 20, 1694; 60 acres conveyed to the said Robert Hix from Peter Jones, Jr. by indenture dated the 11th day of August, 1708, and recorded in Prince George County; and 260 acres sold to the said Robert Hix from Joshua Irby and Elizabeth, his wife, by indenture dated the 10th day of August, 1708, recorded in Prince George County County. Acknowledged in Court on March 14, 1726, by Robert Hix, and France Hix, his wife, appeared and relinquished her right of dower
WikiTree Profiles
Profiles of Abrahams / Abrams in colonial Virginia (as of 12 April 2023):
- Abraham Jones (abt.1614-), born in England, married Margaret Ravenscroft
- Abram Jones (abt.1640-bef.1689), born in England son of Richard Jones & Lady Jeffries - Richard is now attached as husband of Frances (Baldwin) Jones (abt.1614-1670), but she's not attached as Abram's mother[11]
- Abram Jones (bef.1660-1719), born in Virginia
- Abraham Wood Jones (1662-bef.1689) son of Peter & Margaret
- Abraham Jones Sr (1691-aft.1758), m Sarah Batte son of Peter Jones & Mary Batte (Sarah, daughter of Henry Batte & Mary, daughter of Thomas Batte, were cousins)... Margaret who died unmarried in 1794/5 is daughter of this Abraham and Sarah (Batte) Jones & names siblings in her will (dated 5 Apr 1794, proved 24 Dec 1795 - see her profile)
- Abraham Jones Jr (1720-abt.1771),[12] m Martha Jones
- Abraham Jones (-1811), m Sarah Bugg, daughter of DAR Patriot Ancestors Sherwood Bugg, #A016730, and Elizabeth (Hobson) Bugg, #A016724
- duplicate Abraham Jones (abt.1749-1811) profile cites DAR A061764
- Abraham Jones Jr (1720-abt.1771),[12] m Martha Jones
- Abraham Jones (abt.1700-abt.1760), m Margaret Phylicia Norfleet
- Abraham Jones (abt.1750-abt.1821), m Ann Nancy Cole, son of John and Elizabeth Jones
- Abraham Jones (abt.1751-bef.1829), m Rachel Greer, son of Robert and Maria (Van Meter) Jones
- Abraham Jones (1796-1850), married (1) Susanna McGuire, (2) Mary Parr
- Abram Parham Jones (-aft.1771), son of James and Martha (Peterson) Jones - probably "after 1771" based on date James's will was written
- duplicate Abraham Parham Jones (1752-1831)
- Abraham Jones (abt.1752-bef.1790), m Lucy Atkinson Jackson
- Abraham Jones (1761-1851), m Margaret Garrett
- Abraham Jones (1774-1839), m Sarah Turnbull son of Thomas and Joanna (Hill) Jones
- Abraham Jones (1777-1860), m Maria Magdalena Branner[13]
- Abraham Jones (1793-1884), m Sarah Rachel Taylor
- Abraham Jones (c1749-1811), DAR Patriot Ancestor #A061764, married (1) Sarah Bugg, (2) Zephaniah Beale
- Abraham Parham Jones (1752-1831), DAR Patriot Ancestor #A061774, married Ann Cole
- Abraham Jones (1761-1851), DAR Patriot Ancestor #A061772, married Margaret Garrett
Information from Pensions
Abraham Jones, born c1761 (veteran was 71 on 17 July 1832)[14]
- Was living in Buckingham County, Virginia in 1832. His testimony stated that he joined the Continental Line in 1779 and "was honorably discharged on the end of the war".
- Included in the application folder is the 1779 "Muster Roll of Captain J. Thomases Company of Foot in the Volunteer Regiment of Guards in Albemarle County whereof F. Taylor Esquire [appointed 28 January 1779] is Commander". The Muster shows that Private Abraham Jones enlisted 4 February "for the war".
- The pension application does not mention any family members.
Abraham Parham Jones, born c1752 (veteran was 68 on 22 August 1820); he died 28 January 1831[15] [Info added to profile - Abraham Parham Jones (1752-aft.1771) - 23 May 2023.]
- Appeared in Wilkes County, Georgia court in February 1819; appeared in Putnam County court in September 1819.
- He appeared on 22 August 1820 "in open court being a Court of record for said district [Ocmulgee] & the Supr [Superior] Court for the County of Putnam in Georgia Abraham P. Jones aged sixty-eight years resident in the County of Putnam and said district". His statement of real and personal estate included "123 1/2 acres of land" in Putnam County. He states that he is a farmer but "I am infirm and entire[ly] cripple in the right shoulder so as to be unable to work, my family consists of my wife & a son and a daughter, my wife Ann Jones is fifty-eight years old has been subject to fits for ten years is bed ridden about two thirds of her time and is unable to work, my son William Jones is 18 years old and has no property my daughter Susan Jones is 15 years old & has no property....
- [pp 45-47: On September 19, 1821, the veteran filed yet another application, this one substantially identical to the one he filed August 22, 1820, except this time he only lists his wife]....
- [p 66] For the purpose of obtaining the benefits of an act entitled "An act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the Army of the Revolution," approved on the 15th of May, 1828, I Abraham P. Jones, of the County of Columbia, in the State of Georgia, do hereby declare that I was an officer in the Continental Line of the Army of the Revolution, and served as such, to the time when the arrangement of the Army provided by the resolves of Congress of the 3rd and 21st of October, 1780, was carried into effect, and was reduced under that arrangement, at which period I was a second Lieutenant in the second Regiment of the Georgia line. And I also declare, that I afterwards received a certificate (commonly called a commutation certificate) for a sum equal to the amount of 5 years full pay, which sum was offered by the resolve of Congress, of the 22nd of March 1783, instead of the half pay for life, to which I was entitled under the resolve of the 21st of October 1780. And I do further declare, that I have received of the United States, as a pensioner, since the 3rd day of March 1826, the sum of $480, paid to me by the Agent for paying pensions in the State of Georgia, up to the 3rd of March 1828, and since that period I have received no money, as a Pensioner of the United States. S/ Abraham P. Jones
Family Groups
As dated in WikiTree as of 15 April 2023:
As connected and dated in WikiTree as of 15 April 2023 (from Richard Jones-561#Descendants).
- Abram Jones (abt 1640 - bef 1689) son of Richard and Anne (Jeffries) Jones (abt.1612-abt.1703)
- Abram Jones (bef 1660 - 07 Oct 1719)
As connected and dated in WikiTree as of 15 April 2023 (from Peter Jones-6845#Descendants).
- Abraham Wood Jones (02 Jun 1662 - bef 05 Dec 1689) m. Martha Batte (1667 - aft 09 Jul 1717) on 1685. son of Peter Jones and Margaret
- Peter Jones (aft 1685 - abt 1734) m. Mary Jones (aft 1693 - abt 1734) on 1718.
- apparently another child[17]
As connected and dated in WikiTree as of 15 April 2023 (from Peter Jones-8083#Descendants)
- Abraham Jones Sr (1691 - aft 29 Sep 1758) m. Sarah Batte (1692 - abt 1759) abt 1719. son of Peter Jones and Mary Batte
- Margaret Jones ( - bef 24 Dec 1795)
- Thomas Jones (1718 - aft 05 Apr 1794) m. Lucy Watson (abt 1721).
- Abraham Jones Jr (06 Feb 1720 - abt 1771) m. Martha Nevell Jones (1716 - 1788) on 1743.
- Ann Jones (11 May 1724)
- Henry Jones (09 Jan 1727[18] - aft 05 Apr 1794) m. Carr Keziah Lewis (abt 1740).
- William Jones (19 Feb 1730 - aft 05 Apr 1794) ~ BPR: William, son of abr* and Sarah Jones Born feb' 19th 1730 Bap' 23d May 1731 (page 323)
- Peter Jones (02 Nov 1733 - bef 03 Jun 1802) - BPR, page 325
- John Jones (14 Dec 1742 - bef 29 Sep 1758) - BPR, page 326
- Abraham Jones Jr (06 Feb 1720 - abt 1771) m. Martha Nevell Jones (1716 - 1788) on 1743.
- Abraham Jones ( - 1811) m. Sarah Bugg ( - 26 May 1797).
- John Jones ( - bef 07 Jan 1811)
- William Jones ( - 12 Mar 1814)
- Susanna (Jones) Hart (1744 - aft 24 Dec 1794)
- John Jones (1745 - 10 Dec 1787) m. Mary Powell (aft 1750 - 10 Oct 1793) on 15 Sep 1769.
- Batt Jones (04 Mar 1754 - 05 Dec 1821) m. Mary Jones (abt 09 Feb 1764 - Feb 1820)[19]
- Seaborn Jones (15 Jun 1759 - 24 Jul 1815) m. Sarah Harwood Wilkinson (abt 1769 - abt Nov 1806) on 20 May 1790. m. Elizabeth Cooper (abt 1777 - aft 1849) on 6 Oct 1807.
- Sarah A. (Jones) Bugg (abt 1768 - aft 10 May 1824) m. Sherwood Bugg (abt 1768) on 20 May 1788.
- Abraham Jones ( - 1811) m. Sarah Bugg ( - 26 May 1797).
- Sarah Keziah Paris (Jones) Williamson (abt 1785)
- Seaborn Jones (01 Feb 1788 - 18 Mar 1864)
- John A. Jones (abt 1791 - aft 1849)
- Eliza Agnes (Jones) Grantland (abt 1792)
From Robert Jones-3037#Descendants, Abraham is his son by Maria Van Meter
- Abraham Jones (abt 1751 - bef 21 Sep 1829) m. Rachel Greer (1758 - aft 02 Oct 1834) abt 1785.
- Abraham Jones (09 Feb 1796 - 15 Oct 1850) m. Susanna McGuire (bef 1800 - bef 23 Oct 1828) on 10 Aug 1815.
Missing Abraham
- Peter Jones (aft 1685 - abt 1734) m. Mary Jones (aft 1693 - abt 1734) on 1718.
- Frederick Jones (04 Dec 1720) m. Elizabeth Eppes (1722 - 1779)
- William Jones (25 Mar 1725) - in BPR, page 322 (Frederick is too, earlier page)
- Cadwallader Jones (19 Jun 1728)
- Peter Jones (28 Mar 1731)
- Missing is their son Abraham m Sarah Ravenscroft. From his (Peter's) profile:
- Frederick Jones, m: Betty Epes
- Abraham Jones, m: Sarah Ravenscroft
- William Jones
- Margaret Jones, d: 1795 (unmarried)
- Cadwallader Jones
- Peter Jones, m: Dionetia Ravenscroft
- Martha Jones, d: (unmarried)
- Agnes Jones, m: Edward Jones.
A note from their son Peter's profile references three Peter Joneses who were baptized in Bristol Parish about the same time:
- Peter Jones (Jones-38484), son of Peter and Mary Jones, was born 28 March 1731 and baptized 14 September 1731 in Bristol Parish, Virginia.[20]
- Peter Jones (Jones-98503), son of William and Francis Jones, was born 11 February 1731 and christened 23 April 1732.
- Peter Jones (Jones-76712), son of Abram (Abraham) and Sarah Jones, was born 2 November 1733 and christened 1 December 1733.
Notes from Thomas Batte's Rootsweb Entry
Abraham Jones I [3524.9.1.1], the son of Capt. Peter Jones II and Mary Batte, married Sarah Batte [1762.5], the cousin of Abraham's mother, Mary Batte.
- Abraham's mother was one of the children of Thomas and Mary (� ) Batte: Mary Batte [3524.9.1] inherited a silver bodkin from her aunt, Sarah (Brown) Knibb.
- She married Capt. Peter Jones II, the son of Maj. Peter Jones I [14260.J2] and his wife, Margaret � , in 1688. The record of Peter's marriage to Mary was returned to Henrico Court at the October Term 1688.... Peter Jones of Bristol Parish was "of Henrico County" on 9 May 1692 when his father-in-law, Thomas Batte [3524.9], conveyed to Peter Jones 240 acres that was part of the plantations on the Appomattox River known as "Old Town," the abandoned Appamatock Indian village. In return, Peter conveyed to Thomas a tract of land in Charles City County.
- On 1 February 1697/8, Peter exchanged this 240-acre tract of land with Stephen Cocke for 200 acres lying on the south side of the Appomattox River. Mary Jones relinquished her dower right through a power of attorney given "my loving brother-in-law James Cocke." Stephen Cocke was the husband of Martha Batte [3524.9.5], Mary's sister, and James Cocke was Stephen's brother. Stephen's son, Abraham Cocke Sr., married Martha Batte [1762.7.6.4], Mary's distant cousin.
- The name of Peter Jones appeared in several Prince George County deeds and Virginia land patents. Identifying which Peter Jones these relate to is difficult. Both Peter Jones II and Peter Jones [3524.9.5.1] had wives named Mary and lived in Prince George County. Peter Jones III [3524.9.1.2] was there too. Records generally depict Peter Jones II as Peter Jones Sr. and Peter Jones [3524.9.5.1] as "son of Abraham Jones." We know in 1704 Peter Jones was paying quit rents on 621 acres in Prince George County.
- "Peter Jones Sr. and Mary his wife" sold 241 acres to George Bolling in August 1713. He secured a patent to 393 acres Prince George County in 1721. When Robert Bolling made the survey, it was in the name of Capt. Peter Jones.
- On 24 June 1724 Peter Jones and his son William were appointed a tobacco inspector. An Act of Assembly mandated the appointment of "men of Experience and dignity for Careful Viewing of each man's crop of Tobacco." Peter's son, Abraham Jones [3524.9.1.1], was appointed with him. The purpose of counting tobacco was to hold down production and prop up prices.
- From the BPR, page 18 (starts on page 17 - July 5, 1724): "Cap' Peter Jones & his son Abra Jones was ord' to Count the tobb. plants in the upper precincts on ye south side this P'ish the fores'd Abra desiring he may be Acquitted & his bro. Wm. Jones be put in his place is granted." ...
- Peter died around January 1726/7. He lived on Brickhouse Run in the present Petersburg and was probably buried at the family burial ground at "Cedar Grove." In his will in Prince George County (will dated 19 Jan. 1721/2, recorded 10 Jan. 1726/7) he named his children. Widow Mary died after 1741.
- In his will, Peter left 140 acres of land where his wife was then living to his son Peter III. Yet he failed to add the clause "to him and his heirs forever." This became a controversy because after Peter III died, the land would technically revert to the eldest born. On 3 March 1726/7, Abraham corrected the omission by deed in Prince George County by granting "the said Peter Jones his Heirs and assigns forever, all my Right, Title, Use, Interest and Reversion" in the land. He made this grant "in Consideration of the natural affection and Brotherly love which I have and do bear unto my well beloved Brother Peter Jones..."
- However, this grant failed to provide for any monetary consideration and after Peter's death, Abraham tried to get the land back, though Peter had already sold it. Even Abraham's death did not end the matter. In his will, Abraham bequeathed to his five sons, "all my Right, Title claim and demand whatsoever" to the land and acknowledged that Peter had already sold the land to William Pride [3316.2] who had conveyed it to Halcott Pride Gates. This deed was finally considered binding in 1812.
Two locations stand out as possible "follow the land" candidates - Nottoway River & Brickhouse Run.
Nottoway River
From a Rootsweb page: Peter lived on the Nottoway River. He must have lived on the north side to have been "of Dinwiddie County." He was later on the south side and "of Brunswick County."[21]
- BPR has references to Nottoway River...
- page 24 - "to stony-creek bridge between Cap' Rich. Jones, & Cap' Joss Wynns, thence up stony-creek to y* upper Road to Nottoway river, thence along the road to Nottoway river, thence up between the same & Appamattuck river to y* Extent of y* Pish. Cap' Peter Jones & his Son Peter Jones are Appointed Counters for ye said precinct."
- page 34 - "Ord'red that Wm. Davis and Th* Jones son of peter Jones proc'ssion from lickingplace branch up nottoway to the Extent"
- page 55 - "Ordred y' Thomas Jones & John Jones procession from y*" mouth of the Great Creek up Nottoway River to y* Extent of y** par-"
- page 93 - "That William Jones and Henry Baley Procession from the Cutt Banks Road up Nottoway River to the great Creek. That William Jones and John Jones Procession from the Mouth of the great Creek up Nottoway River to the Extent of the Parish."
Brickhouse Run
Richard Jones lived first near Rohowick where his father had settled. In August 1713 he sold 221 acres on Rohowick and 6 acres by Brick House Run to Robert Munford.
Peter Jones died around January 1726/7. He lived on Brickhouse Run in the present Petersburg and was probably buried at the family burial ground at "Cedar Grove." In his will in Prince George County (will dated 19 Jan. 1721/2, recorded 10 Jan. 1726/7) he named his children. Widow Mary died after 1741.
In his will, Peter left 140 acres of land where his wife was then living to his son Peter III. Yet he failed to add the clause "to him and his heirs forever." This became a controversy because after Peter III died, the land would technically revert to the eldest born. On 3 March 1726/7, Abraham corrected the omission by deed in Prince George County by granting "the said Peter Jones his Heirs and assigns forever, all my Right, Title, Use, Interest and Reversion" in the land. He made this grant "in Consideration of the natural affection and Brotherly love which I have and do bear unto my well beloved Brother Peter Jones..."
However, this grant failed to provide for any monetary consideration and after Peter's death, Abraham tried to get the land back, though Peter had already sold it. Even Abraham's death did not end the matter. In his will, Abraham bequeathed to his five sons, "all my Right, Title claim and demand whatsoever" to the land and acknowledged that Peter had already sold the land to William Pride [3316.2] who had conveyed it to Halcott Pride Gates. This deed was finally considered binding in 1812.
Peter died around January 1726/7. He lived on Brickhouse Run in the present Petersburg and was probably buried at the family burial ground at "Cedar Grove." In his will in Prince George County (will dated 19 Jan. 1721/2, recorded 10 Jan. 1726/7) he named his children. Widow Mary died after 1741.
Abraham Jones I [3524.9.1.1], the son of Capt. Peter Jones II and Mary Batte, married Sarah Batte [1762.5], the cousin of Abraham's mother, Mary Batte.
4 acres next to Brickhouse Run to son Abraham Jones [3524.].
On 24 June 1724 Peter Jones and his son William were appointed a tobacco inspector. An Act of Assembly mandated the appointment of "men of Experience and dignity for Careful Viewing of each man's crop of Tobacco." Peter's son, Abraham Jones [3524.9.1.1], was appointed with him. The purpose of counting tobacco was to hold down production and prop up prices.
Processioned land... from Bristol Parish's Vestry Minutes:
- Vestry held July 24, 1727... "Order of Henrico County Court Dated ye 3d July 1727 for procssioning":
- "...Ord'red that peter Jones and Abr* Jones procession from Lev' [looks like superscript ie? iz?] Run to the Indiantown Run Including Rhohoick." page 35
- from page 43 (24 July 1727, results of 11 July 1727 order... but maybe 1729 meant?):
- "... The Bound of peter Jones and Abra- ham Jones Processioned Except a line Between Coll. Boiling and Jno. Wall they not appearing in presence of James Munford, Rich' Jones, Peter Jones: Wm. Jones and henry Baley."
- "Returns of Processioning for the year 1731. Abraham Jones S' & J' Processioned all the Lands in their Precinct but Coll** Rob^ Boilings Rohowich land & Henry Balys." page 56
- 1735 processioning order... "Abraham Jones S' & Abraham Jones j' Procession from Lieu* Run to the Indian Town Run Including Rohowick." page 77 - same assignment in 1739 (page 92).
- returns for 1739: "Abraham Jones S' and Abraham Jones j' the same excepting Part of a Line of John Ravenscroft & a Line of Wm. Eatons the Lines not to be found." page 99
Abraham Jones, father of Peter who married Mary Jones
The impetus for this page came from questioning whether Abraham Wood Jones or Abram Jones was the father of the Peter Jones who married Mary Jones. Peter and Mary were named in the 1721/6 will of Peter Jones (Mary's father).[22] The Peter Jones who married Mary Jones is currently attached as son of Abraham Wood Jones, Mary's uncle, making them (Peter and Mary) 1st cousins. I think previously, WikiTree had them as 2nd cousins.
- The profiles just mentioned:
- Peter Jones (aft.1685-abt.1734), son of
- Mary Jones (aft.1693-abt.1734), wife of Peter
- Peter Jones II (1666-bef.1726), her father
The will of Mary Jones' father proves that she married Peter Jones before 19 January 1721 - the date her father, Peter Jones of "Bristoll" Parish, Prince George County, wrote his will (naming, among others: wife Mary, son Abraham Jones, son Peter Jones, son-in-law Peter Jones, and daughter Mary, wife of Peter Jones).[22] The son-in-law is identified as son of Abraham based on land records (see above). That Abraham is...
either Abraham Jones, son of Peter and Margaret Jones
- He is one of four "grandsons in law" named in the will of Abraham Wood who died in 1682.[24] Abraham Jones, often called Abraham Wood Jones, had at least two children by Martha Batte, who was remarried by 1687.[25] He died before his mother (Margaret) wrote her will on 12 August 1718, in which she names Abraham's son Peter Jones as a legatee.[26][27]
or Abram Jones
- The profile for Abram Jones, born before 1660 in Virginia, is attached as the son of Abram Jones (abt.1640-bef.1689), who immigrated from Bere Ferrers with Bere Alston, Devon, England. The profile has his death in 1719, and it is generally accepted that the father of Peter Jones who married Mary Jones died about 1719, based on land transactions around that time.
- For Abram Jones (bef.1660-1719), because a son of Abraham who married Martha Batte is just too closely related to a daughter of Abraham's brother Peter, who also married a Batte (Mary, Martha's sister).
- Against Abraham Wood Jones (1662-bef.1689), because a son of Abraham who married Martha Batte is just too closely related to a daughter of Abraham's brother Peter, who also married a Batte (Mary, Martha's sister). Also... what was the trigger for the c1719 land transactions? Not coming of age - this Abraham's son Peter had to have been born by 1687, when his widowed mother remarried, so he would have been at least 32 in 1719.
- Against Abram Jones (bef.1660-1719), because sources for his father/him are lacking.
- For Abraham Wood Jones (1662-bef.1689), because it seems that most Jones researchers say they were first cousins. From Kathryn Gearhart's research, for example:[28]
- Peter Jones, Jr., of Hurricane Swamp, son of Lt. Abraham Wood Jones
- Peter Jones, Jr. was called Peter, Jr. to distinguish him from his uncle Peter Jones. He was raised by his mother in the household of first, Reverend John Banister, and then Stephen Cocke, as his mother [Martha Batte] remarried twice.
- Peter Jones, Jr. married his cousin Mary Jones, the daughter of his uncle, Captain Peter Jones, who died in 1726, and his wife Mary Batte. Peter Jones, Jr. resided in Prince George County, but purchased a large tract of land in Brunswick in 1726. He died in 1734.
Margaret's 1718 Will
- In the name of God Amen August 12th 1718. I Margaret Cocke of the County and Parish of Henrico Widow,... (transcript of her will)[29]
- Margaret Cocke, widow, wrote her will on 12 August 1718. It was recorded in Henrico County, Virginia, on 4 August 1719.[32][29][33]
- Granddaughter Margaret wife of Edward Goodrich
- Granddaughter Mary wife of John Worsham
- Grandson Peter Wynne
- Major Joshua Wynne
- Granddaughter Margaret Jones possibly the Margaret who married Richard Jones
- Mrs. Mary Randolph not clear what the relationship is; maybe Jones-79541, maybe Isham-16, who is "5 degrees" from Margaret
- Grandson Peter Jones (son of son Abraham Jones decd.)
- Grandson Joshua Wynne
- Grandsons
- God son William, son of William Randolph son and husband of Mrs. Mary (Isham) Randolph? or maybe her (Isham's) grandson and son?
- Granddaughters (unnamed, but presumably those already named)
- son Peter Jones
- Witnesses: Thomas Buckner, Thomas Morriss, Will Jones.
- "Proved at a Court held May 4, 1719 on the oaths of William Jones and Thomas Morriss."[37]
"Descendants" list for Margaret (as of 16 April 2023), to see who was living in August 1718... (for reference, her husband Peter Jones died "abt 1681" and her second husband was Thomas Cocke, who died "bef 10 Dec 1696"). WikiTree says she "is the mother of 5 children and the grandmother of 15 grandchildren." Her children are listed below.
Only her son Peter (m Mary Batte) was living in 1718. Peter, Mary (m Joshua Wynne), and Abraham (m Martha Batte) had children [her grandchildren] living in 1718. The profiles for William and Richard have "[unmarried] [no children]", although arguments have been made to the contrary. The only unidentified person in the following list is "Granddaughter Margaret Jones", who appears to be someone other than her granddaughter Margaret Goodrich, identified in the will as wife of Edward Goodrich. The will appears to name grandchildren by her deceased children (e.g., Peter, son of Abraham) but none of the children by her living son Peter and no great-grandchildren (at least, not identified as such). The identity of "Granddaughter Margaret Jones" is unclear, and she does not appear to have a WikiTree profile that identifies her as born "Jones" as of 16 April 2023.[38]
- Children of Abraham living in 1718 (per WikiTree):
- Peter Jones m Mary Jones in 1718 [if Peter is attached to correct Abraham - Mary was daughter of his brother Peter]
- Children of Peter (m Mary Batte) living in 1718 (per WikiTree):
- Abraham Jones Sr (1691 - aft 29 Sep 1758) m. Sarah Batte (1692 - abt 1759) abt 1719.
- Peter Jones III (1691 - bef 24 Aug 1758) m. Dorothy Chamberlayne (1710 - bef 22 Aug 1782) on 27 Jul 1727.
- Mary Jones (aft 1693 - abt 1734) m. Peter Jones (aft 1685 - abt 1734) on 1718.
- Ann Jones ancestors (aft 1700 - aft 1721)
- Martha (Jones) Ragsdale ancestors descendants (abt 1701 - 09 May 1772) m. Benjamin Ragsdale Sr. (abt 1698 - 1772) on 1723.
- Wood Jones ancestors descendants (abt 1715 - 23 Aug 1782) m. Unity Claiborne (abt 1726).
- Children of Mary (Jones) Wynne living in 1718 (per WikiTree):
- Thomas Wynne (no dates )
- Peter Wynne (1688 - 1770) m. Frances Anderson (1688 - 14 Mar 1727).
- Frances Wynne (1704)
- Mary (Wynne) Twitty (1708 - 17 Sep 1767) m. Henry Wyatt (1690 - 1732). m. Thomas Twitty (05 Oct 1705 - 10 May 1779) on 7 Aug 1734.
- William Wynne (1712 - 1760)
- Henry Wynne (1714)
- Harry Wynne (1718 - 1739)
- John Wynne (12 Feb 1718 - 12 Feb 1795)
- Joshua Wynne (07 Jul 1690 - 1738) m. Mary Hicks (1688 - 08 Aug 1758).
- Mary (Wynne) Worsham ancestors descendants (1692 - 1724) m. John Worsham (1679 - bef 05 Oct 1753). m. George Worsham Sr. (abt 1700 - 05 May 1735).
- John Worsham ancestors (1713) m. Agness Branch (abt 1690).
- Thomas Worsham ancestors descendants (1715 - bef 02 Jan 1802) m. Rebecca Epes ().
- Margaret (Wynne) Goodrich ancestors descendants (1694 - Dec 1723) m. Edward Goodrich (1693 - 10 Jan 1720).
- Mary (Goodrich) Tillman ancestors descendants (1703 - aft 1732) m. Roger Tillman (02 Dec 1701 - 05 Feb 1761) on 1723.
- Benjamin Goodrich ancestors (1709 - 1797)
- Elizabeth Goodrich ancestors (1711 - 1720)
- Edward Goodrich II ancestors descendants (1713 - 1790) m. Anne Briggs (1719 - 1790).
- Francis Wynne ancestors (1696 - 1744)
- William Wynne ancestors descendants (abt 1699 - bef 26 Nov 1778) m. Frances Reade (1707 - 1778) on 1726.
- Robert Wynne ancestors (1705 - 21 Jun 1727)
Mary and Peter Jones
Mary Batte married Peter Jones, son of Peter and Margaret Jones, in Henrico County in 1688.[39] Their daughter Mary Jones married Peter Jones before 1721 (both were named in her father's will of that date).
Records are sometimes "misassigned" because of the two generations of "Peter Jones and wife Mary". And even the children of Peter and Margaret get mixed up with their nieces/nephews.
Children of Peter and Mary (Jones) Jones
- Children of Peter and Mary (Jones) Jones:[40]
- Frederick Jones (born 4 December 1720, christened 8 January 1721,[41] 1720/21,[42] m Betty Epes[40]
- Abraham Jones, m Sarah Ravenscroft[40]
- William Jones[40] (born 25 March 1725)[41][42]
- Margaret Jones, d [?] (unmarried)[40] (had been 1795, but it was Abraham's daughter Margaret who died unmarried in 1794/5)
- Cadwallader Jones[40] also "Cadwaller" (born 19 June 1728, christened 25 August 1728)[41][42]
- Peter Jones (born 28 March 1731, christened 24 September 1731),[41][42] m Dionetia Ravenscroft[40]
- Martha Jones, d 1752 (unmarried)[40][43]
- Agnes Jones, m Edward Jones[40] (who had Mary and Martha, named in the will of their aunt Martha Jones, dated 11 December 1751 & proved 28 May 1752).[42] Edward was the son of Richard Jones and Sarah Stratton.[44] In 1758 Agnes administered the estate of her late husband. It was divided among Andrew Redford, Martha Jones, and Edward Jones, son and heir. Agnes died in 1803 in Amelia County and her will noted daughter Mary Redford, son Edward Jones, and grandchildren John and Agnes Jones Redford.[28]
Children of Peter and Mary (Batte) Jones
- Children of Peter and Mary (Batte) Jones, as named in Peter's 1721 will:[22][45]
- sons
- daughters
- Ann Jones[22]
- Margaret Jones[22] - married Richard Jones (as his second wife); their son Batte was born on 30 December 1729.[46][47] This is probably the granddaughter Margaret Jones named in the will of Peter's widow Margaret (see this abstract, with links of her 1718 will).
- Martha Jones[22]
- Mary Jones, wife of Peter Jones[22]
- son-in-law Peter Jones[22]
- Executors: "my Trusty and Loveing Friend Major Robert Munford, and my Son Peter Jones"
Children of Margaret and Peter Jones
- Children of Margaret and Peter Jones:[48]
- Mary (Jones) Wynne, married Joshua Wynne[49][48]
- Abraham Wood Jones (died before April 1687), married Martha Batte (daughter of Thomas; his widow had remarried by April 1687).[48]
- Richard Jones[50] died before 1718[48][51]
- William Jones, died c1694/5[48][52]
- Peter Jones died 1721; married Mary Batte (daughter of Thomas)[48]
Notes from Rootsweb
Information about Peter and Mary (Jones) Jones, and a few more Abrahams, from the Rootsweb entry for Thomas Batte (Mary's grandfather), which covers land transactions leading up to and including the 13 April 1719 transaction that is the apparent bases for saying Peter's father Abraham had died by then.[53]
Mary Batte [3524.9.1] inherited a silver bodkin from her aunt, Sarah (Brown) Knibb. She married Capt. Peter Jones II, the son of Maj. Peter Jones I [14260.J2] and his wife, Margaret � , in 1688.
The record of Peter's marriage to Mary was returned to Henrico Court at the October Term 1688.
- * * * * * * *
In October 1715 Robert Bolling surveyed 222 acres on the north side of the Nottoway River for Peter Jones Jr. who secured a patent for it in 1720. Peter evidently inherited land from his father. On 13 April 1719, "Peter Jones Jr. son of Abraham Jones" and Mary, his wife, made several conveyances in Prince George County. They sold 200 acres where they were then living to Richard Smith Jr., 306 acres south of the Appomattox River to Robert Munford, 101 acres to Joshua Irby, and 34 acres next to Brickhouse Run to son Abraham Jones [3524.].
On 1 October 1719, Bolling surveyed for Peter Jones Jr. a tract of 183 acres north of the Nottoway River and above Hurricane Swamp. Only one-third was satisfactory for cultivation. Robert noted in the margin of the plat that Peter Jones, son of Abraham Jones, transferred the land to his son, Abraham Jones. Bolling surveyed 210 acres on the south side of the Nottoway River for "Mr. Peter Jones, son of Abraham Jones, dec'd." on 7 October 1719.
As Peter Jones Jr. he was granted 974 acres in Brunswick County on the south side of the Nottoway River on 2 November 1726. This tract included 560 acres Robert Bolling surveyed in December 1722. On 26 October 1734, the same year he died in Dinwiddie County, Peter conveyed 744 acres of this patent to his son Cadwallader Jones.
- * * * * * * *
In his will, Peter left 140 acres of land where his wife was then living to his son Peter III. Yet he failed to add the clause "to him and his heirs forever." This became a controversy because after Peter III died, the land would technically revert to the eldest born. On 3 March 1726/7, Abraham corrected the omission by deed in Prince George County by granting "the said Peter Jones his Heirs and assigns forever, all my Right, Title, Use, Interest and Reversion" in the land. He made this grant "in Consideration of the natural affection and Brotherly love which I have and do bear unto my well beloved Brother Peter Jones..."
However, this grant failed to provide for any monetary consideration and after Peter's death, Abraham tried to get the land back, though Peter had already sold it. Even Abraham's death did not end the matter. In his will, Abraham bequeathed to his five sons, "all my Right, Title claim and demand whatsoever" to the land and acknowledged that Peter had already sold the land to William Pride [3316.2] who had conveyed it to Halcott Pride Gates. This deed was finally considered binding in 1812.
Abraham Jones I [3524.9.1.1], the son of Capt. Peter Jones II and Mary Batte, married Sarah Batte [1762.5], the cousin of Abraham's mother, Mary Batte.
- BPR: Ann, daughter of Abra: & Sarah Jones born 11th May 1724~ Bristol Parish Register, page 322 (accessed 16 April 2023).
Footnotes & Sources
- Footnotes consolidated from multiple profiles:
- ↑ Or maybe he was, just no record? A merged profile started out as Richard Jones born in the 1630s in Virginia, and subsequently was attached as husband of Anne Jones (Jeffries-100), Jane Jones (Jeffries-122), and then Townsend (m 1651 in York County). Another merge had a Richard born c1608, arrived in Virginia c1635 & died in Lancaster County, Virginia in the 1650s. All that from gedcom import of unreliable sources (see Change details). Although Richard Jones-561 has a lot of ifs & maybes & disputed information, it is more reliably sourced than previous versions.
- ↑ Find A Grave: Memorial #77033537 for LT Abraham Wood Jones (1662-1689)
- ↑ See Space:Virginia Peter Joneses#Locations for details, but the birth location in his profile's datafield at one point was "Charles City, Henrico County". More research is needed, but I believe the family's holdings covered both Henrico County and Charles City County at this time. Both counties were served by Bristol Parish, which was formed in 1643, and later generations are found in the Bristol Parish Register (1720-1789).
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 RBB Papers: William Jones (accessed 19 April 2023).
- ↑ I had questioned if Abraham and his 11-year-old son (by Sarah) could have been the processioners named in 1731, asking "at what age did that start? I found the answer (LOVE "Bob's Filing Cabinet"!):
- The two or more persons assigned to each processioning precinct were responsible for attending the processioning of all the tracts within the precinct. The individual landowners were required only to attend to the boundaries of their own tracts. The processioners assigned to each precinct were almost always men who owned land within that precinct. (They were rarely assigned to more than one precinct even though they might own land in multiple precincts.) They were always freeholders, and typically were vestrymen, justices, and other men of standing.
- So, 21 years old at least. See Robert W. Baird's VERY informative article on Proccessioning for more (accessed 20 April 2023).
- ↑ Of interest: BPR, page 54, assigns Peter Jones and Abraham Jones to "procession from Leutn Run to the Indiantown Run Including Rohowick." In 1735 (page 77), the assignment was for "Abraham Jones S' & Abraham Jones j' [to] Procession from Lieut Run to the Indian Town Run Including Rohowick". Peter must have died or moved away between the September 1731 vestry and the actual processioning, becuase the 1731 returns (page 56) don't mention Peter. They show that "Abraham Jones S' & J' Processioned all the Lands in their Precinct but Collo Robt Boilings Rohowich land & Henry Balys." Later in the report (still page 56), an Abraham Jones was a no-show: "James Baugh & Andrew Beck Processioned the Land in there Prest save the Line of Moses Beck Edwa Statten, Jno Poythress Abra. Jones, Richd Bland, Sam Jordan, Jno Curiton, Thos Grigory, Davd Crawly, Jno Butler, Batho Crouder, Abra. Ally, Jno Fitzgerrall & Robt Poythress none attending but Jno Butler."
- ↑ A Genealogical History, by Cadwallader Jones (1813-1899) and edited by Annie Isabella (Jones) Robertson (Ye Bryan Printing Company, Columbia, South Carolina : 1900), page 36.
- ↑ In colonial Virginia, "infant" referred to a child not yet of age.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 See their profiles and also Space:Virginia Peter Joneses.
- ↑ SAR Membership Number 75127. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls (Ancestry Online publication, 2011).
- ↑ From Kathryn Gearhart's research:
- "Richard Jones, a merchant in London, married Lady Jane Jeffreys and was the brother-in-law of Alderman Jeffreys, grocer of London. However, the Jeffreys did not control the Manor of Ley. Richard and Cadwallader Jones were the sons of Cadwallader Jones, a wealthy merchant adventurer and his wife, Lady Ann Blewett. Cadwallader Sr. died deeply in debt.
- Richard and Jane were the parents of Cadwallader, Peter, Richard, William, and Abraham Jones of Virginia and possibly Frederick who remained in England.
- "Richard Jones, a merchant in London, married Lady Jane Jeffreys and was the brother-in-law of Alderman Jeffreys, grocer of London. However, the Jeffreys did not control the Manor of Ley. Richard and Cadwallader Jones were the sons of Cadwallader Jones, a wealthy merchant adventurer and his wife, Lady Ann Blewett. Cadwallader Sr. died deeply in debt.
- ↑ Abra son of Abra: & Sarah Jones born feb: 16th 1720 bapt Aprill 30th 1721 ~ Bristol Parish Register, page 326 (accessed 9 May 2020).
- ↑ See also the DAR record for her father, John Branner, #A013811.
- ↑ Pension application, Abraham Jones, #S46452 (pdf), transcribed by Will Graves, posted by Southern Campaigns American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters, accessed 12 April 2022.
- ↑ Pension application, Abraham Parham Jones, #S38087 (pdf), transcribed by Will Graves, posted by Southern Campaigns American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters, accessed 12 April 2022.
- ↑ The DAR record for Abraham Parham Jones (1752-1831) lists his wife as Ann Cole and children as Rebecca Lowe Jones, m John Veal, and Elizabeth Jones, m James Ansley. ~ DAR Patriot Ancestor #A061774 (accessed 15 April 2023).
- ↑ From Ninth Generation, Ancestors of Joe Bruce Evans, by Bruce Evans (accessed 16 April 2023):
- "Martha and Abraham had at least two children for in 1704 Stephen Cocke, then Martha’s [third] husband, paid quit rents on 2,405 acres of land 'for Jones Orphans.'
- "We know the name of only one child. Another may have been Abraham Jones because fragmentary records of Prince George County suggest more Abrahams than otherwise known."
- "Martha and Abraham had at least two children for in 1704 Stephen Cocke, then Martha’s [third] husband, paid quit rents on 2,405 acres of land 'for Jones Orphans.'
- ↑ BPR - page 323, henry Son of Abr' and Sarah Jones born 9th Jan' bap' 18th feb' 1727
- ↑ Batt is a DAR Patriot, #A061924, and Mary the daughter of one (Henry Jones, #A062175).
- ↑ Bristol Parish Register, page 324 (accessed 15 November 2020).
- ↑ Rootsweb entry for Thomas Batte, "Hardin Clay Roots #1", by Norvan L. Johnson.
- ↑ 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 Will dated January 19, 1721; probated January 10, 1726, Prince George County, Virignia. Transcription of will on page 284:
- Prince George County Records
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Vol. 4, No. 3 (Jan., 1897), pp. 272-292
Published by: Virginia Historical Society
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4241962
- Prince George County Records
- ↑ Fothergill reports that he was called "Abraham Wood Jones" in a patent to John Ellis 4 November 1685 (page 15).
- ↑ See Abraham Wood's profile: Wood-1167#Will.
- ↑ See Martha Batte's profile.
- ↑ Transcripts of both wills posted by Kathryn Gearhart. Margaret's will is also found in Fothergill's Jones Genealogies, beginning on page 12 (accessed 6 May 2020).
- ↑ Find a Grave has Abraham Wood Jones's birth as 2 June 1662 and his death as 5 December 1689, but no source given for the information.
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Kathryn Gearhart's research.
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Allied Families: Early Virginia Jones Families by Kathryn Gearhart.
- ↑ "Ancestral File," database, FamilySearch (accessed 2015-01-05), entry for Margaret Wood. (Family tree submitted 11/8/2012 by adereta582259)
- ↑ Record File Number: geni:6000000002827491558
- ↑ Weisiger, Benjamin B., III, “Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia, Part One, 1654-1737,” privately published, ® 1976 by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III.
- ↑ A bit of the abstract previously posted was quoted from this source (pp 12-14):
- Augusta B. Fothergill. Peter Jones and Richard Jones Genealogies (Old Dominion Press. Richmond, Virginia. 1924). See also Appendix III: Thomas Chamberlayne (pg 315). Online at HathiTrust: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005770497
- ↑ Benjamin B. Weisiger, III. Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia, Part One, 1654-1737, privately published, ® 1976 by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III.
- ↑ Abstract from information posted on her profile. Kathryn Gearhart's site has a transcription. Both accessed 1 May 2020
- ↑ The abstract shown on this page as of 16 April 2023 was copied from the abstract on Space:Virginia Peter Joneses on that date.
- ↑ From Kathryn Gearhart's research, Early Virginia Jones Families.
- ↑ Granddaughter Margaret Jones in the 1718 will is possibly the Margaret who married Richard Jones. Could she have been a surviving daughter of Abraham? Or perhaps she is a great-granddaughter? (If a great-granddaughter, the grandchild would need to have been deceased, to follow the pattern of the named legatees. The list of Margaret's grandchildren with profiles lists only the living grandchildren. However, a re-check of Margaret's descendants reveals no attached profiles for a living great-granddaughter named Margaret.) More notes about Margaret:
- The Margaret Jones, "d 1795 (unmarried)"<ref></ref> listed in WikiTree as daughter of Peter and Mary (Jones) Jones needs the death date checked. The Margaret who died unmarried, leaving a 1794/5 will is Abraham's daughter: Margaret Jones (-bef.1795). The Margaret daughter of Peter & Mary isn't the Margaret that RBB shows m Richard Jones either (that Margaret is the daughter of Peter Jones and Mary Batte, per RBB, and husband Richard is son of Richard and Amy Batte - but that makes them double first cousins?) RBB Cards:
- back of card for Peter Jones m Mary Batte.
- Richard's card.
- Richard's 2nd wife in WikiTree is "Margarett Unknown" (as of 16 April 2023). RBB has Margaret, daughter of Peter and Mary (Batte) Jones m (1) Edward Goodrich?, (2) Richard Jones. See this card. One granddaughter Margaret in the 1718 will is Margaret (Wynne) Goodrich, so she's not the Margaret Jones who married Richard Jones.
- ↑ "The records of Henrico note the license of Mr. Peter Jones to Mary Batte was returned to the October General Court, Henrico, 1688." ~ Kathryn Gearhart research
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 40.8 From Peter Jones (aft.1685-abt.1734), as of 13 April 2023.
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 The christening records for some of the chldren of Peter and Mary (Jones) Jones are recorded in the The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789, by Bristol Parish, Virginia, by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, publication date 1898 (citations for the children are on her profile).
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 "Jones of Petersburg" p288 by Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture; published in "William and Mary Quarterly" v19 #4 (Apr 1911) p287-292; citing Bristol Parish Register for children.
- ↑ From Kathryn Gearhart's research: "His wife was Agnes Jones, who seems to be a sister of Martha Jones who died in 1752, mentioning in her will nieces Mary and Martha, daughters of Edward Jones. In her will in 1799 Agnes notes her son Edward, and daughter Mary Redford. Her executors were Richard Jones, Edward Jones, and Peter Jones."
- ↑ BPR: entry for Edward, son of Richard & Sarah Jones, "born 18th Aprill last bap' July 28th 1722" - see https://archive.org/details/vestrybookandre01chamgoog/page/n336/mode/1up?view=theater
- ↑ See also the profile of Peter Jones II (1666-bef.1726), accessed 12 April 2022.
- ↑ BPR, page 323 - his sons Edward and Daniel & daughter Prudence, by Sarah, are on the preceding page (born 1722, 1723/4 and 1725, respectively).
- ↑ RBB Card for Richard Jones (son of Richard & Amy Batte, married 1st Sarah Statton & 2ns Margaret Jones, daughter of Peter Jones and Mary Batte - per RBB). Profile for 2nd wife of Richard in WikiTree as of 16 April 2023 is Margett (Unknown) Jones (abt.1711-).
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 Initially from Margaret's profile, as of 13 April 2023: Margaret (Unknown) Cocke (1641-aft.1718). Edited since then.
- ↑ Joshua Wynn and Wynn grandchildren are named in Margaret's 1718 will. There was also a note that she was left land by her father (from Kathryn Gearhart's research, but no source citation).
- ↑ The profile Jones-8765 had been attached, with "d before 1704: m. Martha Llewellyn". The Richard who married Martha Llewellyn is Rev. Richard Jones-11505. His son Richard Jones-11503 married (1) Amy Batte, (2) Rachel Ragsdale.
- ↑ Richard, son of Peter and Margaret, is presumed to have died unmarried/childless, as Margaret's 1718 will does not mention him.
- ↑ William is presumed to have died unmarried/childless, as his mother's 1718 will does not mention him. The administration of his estate, as found in court records (see his profile) does not mention a wife or any children. A profile for a William Jones-8768, which had been attached as son of Peter and Margaret, noting he had married Martha Ledbiter, was moved to be son of William Jones-45000 who died in 1712 (and who named a son William in his will). The William who died in 1712 is the son of Henry Jones, according to this page (accessed 17 April 2023):
- "Henry's older brother, Robert Jones, the father of William and Philip, bought Hawthorne's land and deeded it to two more of his sons, Robert Jr and Matthew.... Peter Jones, son of Robert Jones and brother of William Jones and Philip Jones.... David Crawley was a well-known Indian trader and appeared in numerous records, frequently in association with Robert Hix/Hicks, another famous Indian trader whose father, Robert Hix Sr the taylor, shared ownership in a tract of land purchased from Hugh Lee Jr at the mouth of Jones Hole Swamp with Henry Jones' father, William Jones Sr d 1712 Surry Co."
- Henry son of William: Henry Jones (abt.1675-1739)
- William: William Jones (abt.1647-1712), attached as husband of Elizabeth Ledbetter (his 1711/2 will does name his wife "Elizabeth"). The 1712 will of William Jones of Surry, with Wynne witnesses, names sons Henry, William, John, and Robert & wife Elizabeth. No mention of daughters. His profile has him born 1647.
- ↑ Entry for Thomas Batte (Mary Batte's father) in the Rootsweb tree "Hardin Clay Roots #1" by Norvan L. Johnson (accessed 12 April 2023 & 17 April - this link also worked as of 17 April 2023). Information included: "Mary Jones [3524.9.1.9] was the daughter of Capt. Peter Jones, II and Mary Batte; and married her cousin, Peter Jones [3 524.9.5.1]".
See Also
- The WikiTree page Virginia Peter Joneses, which covers five generations of Peter Joneses.
- Kathryn Gearhart research: Batte family; Jones family (well researched and includes statements indicating source which could be independently researched, but footnotes/endnotes of sources are not given)
- Relations of Joe L Arrowood (source citations are to family trees).
- RBB Papers: Peter Jones (accessed 12 May 2020); Biographical Card Files of the R. Bolling Batte (RBB) Papers, Library of Virginia Digital Collections; part of Batte’s collection of genealogical and historical research consists of more than 30,000 typed and handwritten index cards containing biographical information compiled from original and secondary sources.
- "Jones of Petersburg," The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Apr., 1911), pp. 287-292 (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture; DOI: 10.2307/1919429). Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1919429
- Augusta B. Fothergill. Peter Jones and Richard Jones Genealogies (Old Dominion Press. Richmond, Virginia. 1924). Online at HathiTrust: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005770497 (accessed 1 May 2020).
- Library of Virginia Collections > County & City Records > Lost Records > Charles City County > Charles City County (Va.) Court Records, Record Book 1692 >
- Transcription of Pages 100-199 > page 4 of 106 = 3 August 1696 land transaction by Henry Jones (Katherin Jones relinquished her dower rights in the 3 Aug 1697 court. Witnesses of the 1696 transaction were Theodorick Blande & Joshua Wynne.)
- Transcription of Pages 100-199 > page 21 of 106 = 6 June 1695 will of Thomas Batte (names daughters Martha Cock, Sarah Batte, and Mary Jones; Martha Batte, daughter of his dec'd son Tho. Batte; Peter Jones executor) - will proved "Xbr 3 1696" by George Archer & John Eginton, who were two of the witnesses
- Transcription of Pages 100-199 > page 28 of 106 = "Thomas Batt late of this County decd did by his last will and Testamt bearing date ye sixt day of June 1695 which will was proved in the Court of this County ye third day of 7br [September] following and Peter Jones made humble sute to ye Court that a probat of ye sd Will might be granted unto him..." [December 1696? - date a few pages earlier than the entry]... also page 39 of 106
- 46 of 106 = land transaction of Robert Gard and Margt [also Margart] his wife... "being a pece of Land given to my wife Marget by hir father Peter Jones Decesed", recorded in 3 August 1697 court
- 59 of 106 !!!! = Thomas and Mary Chamberlayne land transaction, to Richard Jones Senior, of "Majr Genll Abra wood & by ye sd wood Given & bequeath by will unto Mary Chamberlayne wife of ye aforsd Tho: Chamberlayne ye sd Land being comonly coled and knowne by ye name Rotwick in bristoll prish in Chalres Citty County to have and to hold to him ye sd Rich: Jones his heires and Asignes for Ever ye prcell of Land togeather wth all woods underwoods waters houses orchards profitts privilidges comodities..."
- 60 of 106 = "Know all men by these prsents yt I mary Chamberlayne wife of Tho: Chamberlaine of bristoll prish in Henrico County virga: doe herby ordaine constitute & apoynt Josua Wyne my full & sole Attorny to act and doe in my stead as if I my self were present I doe herby authorise and empower ye sd Josua Wyne surrendr all my right of dower to a tract of Land comonly called Rihoick conteing three hundred acres wittnes my hand this second day decembr 1697 Mary Chamberlayne
Test Danell Ragsdale Cha: Roberts" - 102 of 106 = John Evans will 12 feb 1697/8, wife Mary & sons John, Stephen, and William... "to my sone John Evans all the Lands I formelie bought of Peter Jones being by Estimacen two hundred Acres of Land more or Less"... witnesses "Henry Batte Henry Batte Jun'r Mary Batte Richard Dearden".
[103] "Charles Citty County Court } Ss At Westover the third of Aprill 1699 Prov'd in Court by the oaths of Henry Batte Jun'r Marey Batte and Richard Bearden... John Evans Bristoll parish this Will dated the 12 of February 1697/8 prov'd in Court by the oaths Aforesaid" - 104 of 106 = mention of "Wm. Jones line"... "This indenture made the twenty second day of ffeb'ry Annoq dmi 1698/9 betweene Edward Birchett of the parish of Bristoll in Charles Citty County Coop'r and Ann his wife of the one part and John Moore Comonly called the Lesse of the same parish and County of the other parte...." was recorded in "Charles Citty County Court Ss At Westover the 3th of Aprill: 1699 Edward Birchett of the parish of Bristoll in this County Cooper and Ann his Wife..."
- 106 of 106 = Henry Batte's will ("of the p'rish of Bristoll in the Countie of Charles Cittie"), names wife Mary, sons Henry, William & John and "five daughters Mary Elizabeth Anne Rachell and Sarah Batte" ... also a "Daughter Peterson".
- Transcription of Pages 200-303 > 13 of 108 = 3 June 1699 indenture (land transaction) that involves (among others) Hugh Lee, William Jones and Robert Hicks
- 14 of 108 = William Jones Senior & wife Elizabeth, 3 March 1699 land transaction
- 15 of 108 (same transaction) = sealed and delivered "in Prsents of Robert Hickes John Robbords
ye sd Letter of Attorney to Josh'a Wynn is in Page 407
{Acknoledged in open Court at Westover the 5th day of June 1699 by ye sd William Jones and Josh'a [Joshua] Wynn attorney of the sd Elizabeth Jones to be their free and voluntary act and deed and ordered to be Recorded accordingly}" - 20 of 108 = "Eliza.Jones Let'r of attorney to Wynn - Know all men by these pr'sents that I Elizabeth Jones doe make Josh'a [Joshua] Wynn My attorney to Relinquish all my right and title of dower of a tract of land Lying on the blackwater unto John Womack and his heirs for Ever. Test John Robbords, James Thweatt" (5 June 1699 still)
- 27-28 of 108 = deeds (same land, on Blackwater), 3 Oct 1693, Wm Jones Sr & Elizabeth his wife to son William ("the sd William Jones... allwayes Provided not-withstanding that my wife Elizabeth Jones his mother..."). And in Aug 1699, Wm Jones Junior, with wife named Elizabeth, to John Greene. James Thweatt Jun'r William Anderson witnesses (for 1699). quit looking at this point
- "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org : modified 08 January 2018, 15:45), entry for Abraham Wood Jones (FamilySearch Person: LTNF-BJP); contributed by various users.
- Ancestry Family Trees (Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Bulleted source list from William Jones (abt.1690-):
- Batte, R. Bolling. RBB Papers, Library of Virginia. Biographical Card Files of the R. Bolling Batte (RBB) Papers, Library of Virginia Digital Collections; part of Batte’s collection of genealogical and historical research consists of more than 30,000 typed and handwritten index cards containing biographical information compiled from original and secondary sources.
- Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson. The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789 (Priv. print. by W.E. Jones : 1898). Online: archive.org.
- Fothergill, Augusta B. Peter Jones and Richard Jones Genealogies (Old Dominion Press. Richmond, Virginia. 1924). Online at HathiTrust: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005770497 (accessed 7 May 2020).
- Gearhart, Kathryn. "Early Virginia Jones Families" (accessed 17 April 2023).
- And from Jones-133966 footnoted sources:
- Frances Cullom Morgan. "The Jones and Woodward Connection..." (2018; accessed 7 May 2020).
- pdf - page 70 (76 of 255)
- Foley, Louise Pledge Heath. Early Virginia Families Along the James River: Their Deep and Tangled Branches. Volume II, (Charles City County-Prince George County, Virginia). Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2002. Page 197, Charles County, Page 196 Prince George County, citing Wm. Jones Sen and Wm. Jones Sen. Ancestry.com [database with images], image 215 of 222.
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