Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Virginia Help

We have the following Projects for working on Virginia profiles (birth pre or post 1776), please join us if you have an interest in Virginia:
- USA Project Virginia (Post-1776)
- Southern Colonies Project (Pre-1776)
Please note that trees are not a source. However, a tree can be used in combination with primary or secondary sources. If you look at a tree, it may refer to sources that you may be able to locate to find some primary or secondary sources to use. Please give full information on a source and a link to the source online whenever possible. For a book that is recent (post 1923), there probably are no links to the contents, just the book info, like on Google books. For sources that are not available online or are paywalled, it would be great if you could add any pertinent quotes from the source. For example, when sourcing a deed, you can provide some quotes from the deed book entry to help others that don't have access to the deed. (Read more about primary, secondary, and tertiary sources here.)
Please note that we have standardized on "Colony of Virginia" for pre-1776 instead of other variants (e.g., never use British Colonial America) as best representing how someone of that period and place would refer to where they live. Locations on Wikitree are entered on the basis of the timeframe they are from. Please correct any abbreviations you find to not be abbreviated in place name locations. (E.g., VA should be changed to Virginia.) United States should only be used post July 4, 1776. This is as shown in the spreadsheet of locations linked from here:
We also have sources by county of Virginia listed here:
Most of these county pages presently only have a link to the helpful page for that county on Please feel free to edit our county pages to add more county specific sources, especially for online ones.
Binns was also a good location for Virginia tax records in the late 1700s and early 1800s, but when sourcing, please include link to the page and the date, so the person can be more readily found on the tax page by the next person. as of 2 May 2024, these files might not be online anymore; previous link - - is for sale.
Here are examples of Virginia profiles showing what to strive toward in profiles you work on:
- Thomas Josiah Watkins
- George Washington
- Pierre Chastain Sr.
- William Ironmonger
- William Anderson Hatfield
See also:
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Liz Shifflett and Virginia Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)