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Medal of Honor Recipients
Robert Edward Femoyer (1921-1944)
Antoine August Michel Gaujot (1878-1936)
Julien Edmund Victor Gaujot (1874-1938)
Earle Davis Gregory (1897-1972)
Jimmie Watters Monteith Jr. (1917-1944)
Herbert Joseph Thomas Jr. (1918-1943)
Each name is added with a special Pylon Dedication Ceremony conducted by the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. During the ceremony, the corps' regiment forms up on Drillfield Drive and on Alumni Mall, facing the War Memorial. The Gregory Guard, the corps' precision rifle drill team, performs a rifle salute, firing three volleys. The Color Guard presents the colors, the Highty-Tighties play, and a bugler performs "Echo Taps."
The Pylons evoke Virginia Tech’s core values. They are , from left to right, Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim.
The following is the list of names etched on the Pylons: Name Class Pylon Abernethy Jr., J.H. 1935 Honor Aigner, N.L. 1939 Honor Albright, J.M. 1942 Honor Alphin, M.H. 1943 Honor Anderson, D. 1945 Honor Anderson, H.C. 1942 Honor Armstrong, M.J. 1941 Honor Ayers Jr., E.P. 1941 Honor Bailey, W.W. 1935 Honor Baker, M.H. 1938 Honor Balsley, W.J. 1938 Honor Banta, J.H. 1938 Honor Barger, H.T. 1916 Brotherhood Barnes Jr., S.F. 1939 Honor Barnes, W.E. 1944 Honor Barns, W.T. 1941 Honor Basham, M.L. 1943 Honor Beamer, C.M. 1938 Honor Beaumont, C.S. 1968 Honor Becker, W. 1946 Honor Belknap, E.A. 1944 Honor Bell, O.L. 1945 Honor Bent Jr., P.C. 1946 Honor Berkeley, J.C. 1912 Brotherhood Besley, C.E. 1940 Honor Bevan, R.C. 1934 Honor Blackmon, A.C. 1944 Honor Blair Sr., C.E. 1949 Honor Bodine, A.N. 1935 Honor Bontecou, P. 1942 Honor Boxley, J.W. 1932 Honor Boyd, J.G. 1941 Honor Bradley, F.L. 1941 Honor Brantley, T.N. 2001 Ut Prosim Brauer, S.C. 1944 Honor Breedon Jr., A.P. 1943 Honor Brinkley, W.R. 1941 Honor Brooks Jr., V.A. 1942 Honor Brooks, F.O. 1951 Brotherhood Brown Jr., A.G. 1947 Honor Brown Jr., G.E. 1952 Brotherhood Brown, C.R. 1940 Honor Brown, R.C. 1943 Brotherhood Brown, W.P. 1950 Brotherhood Buckles, R.L 1964 Honor Burd, D.G. 1967 Honor Burr, C.G. 1935 Honor Butler, R.L. 1915 Brotherhood Bywaters, W.B. 1933 Honor Callahan, K.S. 1943 Honor Cameron, A.B. 1939 Honor Campbell, A.M. 1943 Honor Carlier, J.R. 1944 Honor Carlson, A.V. 1921 Brotherhood Carter, E.C. 1946 Honor Carter, H.M. 1939 Honor Chapman Jr., C.H. 1940 Honor Chapman Jr., H.P. 1940 Honor Charles, R.G. 1939 Honor Chiswell, T.H. 1943 Leadership Clark, C.R. 1944 Leadership Clary Jr., W.R. 1946 Leadership Clemmer, J.F. 1920 Brotherhood Clowers, J.G. 2003 Ut Prosim Cobb, P.F. 1966 Honor Cobbs, J.L. 1953 Brotherhood Cochran, A.T. 1945 Brotherhood Cohen, B. 1936 Leadership Colvin, R.W. 1942 Leadership Cone, R.M. 1928 Leadership Conley, R.H. 1946 Leadership Connell, J.A. 1966 Honor Conner, H.W. 1939 Leadership Conner, J.B. 1922 Brotherhood Conradi, A.M. 1939 Leadership Covey, D.G. 1946 Leadership Covington, W.R. 1946 Leadership Cox, J.A. 1938 Leadership Cox, R.A. 1943 Leadership Crabtree, R.A. 1956 Honor Crawford, J.G. 1928 Leadership Creekmur, T.C. 1945 Leadership Crow Jr., R.J.H. 1939 Leadership Cubberly, G.E. 1932 Leadership Cudlipp, J.M. 1912 Brotherhood Darden, A.S. 1922 Brotherhood Davis Jr., B.F. 1938 Leadership Davis, S.L. 1945 Leadership Davis, W.B. 1938 Leadership Davis, W.C. 1944 Leadership Day, C.C. 1941 Leadership Dean, W.L 1944 Leadership Deitrick Jr., V.S. 1933 Brotherhood Delp, C.D. 1941 Leadership Deming, T.R. 1941 Leadership DeModena, R. 1946 Leadership Derflinger, J.R. 1940 Leadership DeWitt, J.T. 1939 Leadership Diggs, D.W. 1944 Leadership Dillon, J.J. 1945 Leadership Dinsmore, R.S. 1945 Leadership Dodson Jr., N.O. 1941 Leadership Dollins, R.W. 1939 Leadership Doss Jr., L.J. 1970 Honor Dotson, B.F. 1944 Leadership Dotson, R.S. 1944 Leadership Downey, W.B. 1941 Leadership Downing, J.H. 1939 Leadership Drinkard, D.L. 1951 Brotherhood Drinkard, P.B. 1933 Leadership Duncan, G.A. 1928 Leadership Duncan, P.H. 1931 Leadership Dunham, B.J. 1970 Honor Dunkelberger Jr., T.W. 1943 Leadership East, H.B. 1958 Honor Echols, E.W. 1922 Brotherhood Eckhart, Z.R. 2007 Ut Prosim Edmunds, R.C. 1964 Honor Edney, L.N. 1964 Honor Edwards, C.W. 1941 Leadership Einstein, H.B. 1927 Leadership Emory, C.R. 1965 Honor Etheridge, W.E. 1941 Leadership Evans Jr., J.R. 1939 Leadership Fairbairn, S.H. 1943 Leadership Faris, J.R. 1932 Sacrifice Farrier Jr., K.H. 1946 Brotherhood Farrow, N.H. 1944 Sacrifice Fazel Jr., C.S. 1943 Sacrifice Femoyer, R.E. 1944 Sacrifice Fish, S.W. 1945 Sacrifice Fitzgerald, W.F. 1943 Sacrifice Fletcher, C.W. 1951 Brotherhood France, J.W. 1915 Brotherhood Frankfort, W.E. 1944 Sacrifice Fry, A.D. 1944 Sacrifice Gates Jr., L.A. 1946 Sacrifice Gatling Jr., L.T. 1936 Sacrifice George Jr., P.E. 1946 Sacrifice Gibson Jr., J.N. 1938 Sacrifice Giddings, A.H. 1966 Honor Glover Jr., J.A. 1945 Sacrifice Gordon Jr., J.S. 1940 Sacrifice Gouldin, R.A. 1933 Sacrifice Gray III, D.T. 1965 Honor Green, J.D. 1934 Sacrifice Gregory, J.A. 1947 Sacrifice Greig, T. 1936 Sacrifice Grettum, R.B. 1939 Sacrifice Grinnan, D.T. 1938 Sacrifice Grubb, H.E. 1939 Sacrifice Hall Jr., E.G. 1942 Sacrifice Hall, G.B. 1938 Sacrifice Hamilton, W.I.K. 1962 Honor Hammond Jr., L. 1940 Sacrifice Hanmer, R.A. 1942 Sacrifice Harley, G.W. 1944 Sacrifice Harley, L.D. 1961 Honor Harman Jr., W.D. 1943 Sacrifice Harp Jr., C.N. 1944 Sacrifice Harris Jr., J.J 1944 Sacrifice Harris, C.R. 1942 Sacrifice Harris, G.B. 1943 Sacrifice Hartman, A.L. 1936 Sacrifice Harverty Jr., P.H. 1943 Sacrifice Harvey, A.R. 1915 Brotherhood Haskett Jr., W.T. 1942 Brotherhood Haskett, J.W. 1936 Sacrifice Hatcher, H.F. 1946 Sacrifice Hawkins Jr., L.R. 1945 Brotherhood Hawkins, W.E. 1971 Honor Hawks Jr., B.B. 1941 Service Hayley, C. 1944 Sacrifice Hearn, M. 1940 Sacrifice Hearst Jr., E.H. 1946 Sacrifice Henkel, E.D. 1938 Sacrifice Henley, R.R. 1943 Sacrifice Herman, R. 1966 Honor Hickman, N.A. 1918 Brotherhood Higgins, W.A. 1945 Brotherhood Hill, J.E. 1968 Honor Hill, W.E. 1946 Sacrifice Hite, E.G. 1933 Brotherhood Hodges III, T.A. 1938 Sacrifice Holcomb, J.R. 1945 Sacrifice Holland, L.G.S. 1944 Sacrifice Hoover, F.F. 1946 Service Hornett, M.A. 1946 Service Howard, J.L. 1945 Service Howell, T.H. 1943 Service Hukill, M.E. 1981 Ut Prosim Hummel, R.B. 1937 Service Hunter Jr., R. 1946 Service Hurst, N.R. 1952 Honor Hutcheson, R.P. 1944 Service Hutchison Jr., E.B. 1942 Service Ingles, J.T. 1944 Service Irby, F.M. 1941 Service Irving, E.J. 1940 Service Jackson, P.A. 1941 Service Jagiello, J.A. 1946 Brotherhood Jenkins Jr., A.G. 1942 Service Johnson, R.D. 1963 Honor Jones, E.A. 1943 Service Jones, G.W. 1949 Brotherhood Jones, J.A. 1915 Brotherhood Jones, W.K. 1944 Service Jordan Jr, F.H. 1938 Service Karr, J.P. 1969 Honor Kaylor, J.J. 2001 Ut Prosim Keck, J.B. 1961 Honor Kelley Jr., J.J. 1943 Service Kelly, J.R. 1965 Honor Kelsch Jr., W.L. 1932 Service Kelsey Jr., P. 1941 Service Kelsey, R.V. 1944 Service Kesterson, C.R. 1958 Honor Kidd, R.O. 1939 Service King, B.D. 1944 Service King, B.D. 1944 Service King, J.S. 1942 Service Koslow Jr., W.J. 1943 Service Kraines, P.A. 2010 Ut Prosim Kreis, W.W. 1937 Service Kringel Jr., P.F. 1946 Service Lacy Jr., E.C. 1940 Service Lake, M. 1909 Brotherhood Lambert, C.B. 1914 Brotherhood Lapham, H. 1940 Service Larimer, C.H. 1939 Service Layman, C.W. 1947 Service Leap, C.H. 1938 Service Lester Jr., H.C. 1946 Service Lewis, F.L. 1965 Honor Linkous, C.E. 1942 Service Linton Jr., H.G. 1945 Service Love Jr., J.T. 1940 Service Lowe Jr., J.A. 1943 Brotherhood Lucas Jr., C.W. 1945 Service Lutz Jr., F.E. 1938 Service MacLeod, D.A. 1948 Brotherhood Manns Jr., M.N. 1990 Ut Prosim Manuel Jr., J.S. 1968 Honor Marean, N.H. 1937 Service Marsh, C.R. 1945 Service Marsh, L.R. 1938 Service Mason, N.C. 2006 Ut Prosim Matthews Jr., L.P. 1939 Loyalty McCahill, H.K. 1941 Service McClanahan Jr., H.C. 1948 Brotherhood McCray Jr., R.J. 1943 Service McGhee, G.W. 1970 Honor McKenzie, B. 1944 Service McKesson, E.L. 1941 Service McMakin, B.L. 1935 Service McPhail, W.W. 1942 Service Meeks, G.E. 1940 Loyalty Meeks, S.H. 1943 Loyalty Michael, A.F. 1943 Loyalty Miller, E.P. 1939 Brotherhood Mills Jr., C.P. 1949 Brotherhood Minsker, H.C. 1937 Loyalty Mitchell, D.S. 2001 Ut Prosim Mitchell, S.J. 2018 Ut Prosim Moffett, C.S. 1939 Loyalty Montague, W.G. 1943 Loyalty Monteith Jr., J.W. 1941 Loyalty Moore, A.B. 1916 Brotherhood Moore, A.M. 1932 Loyalty Moore, H.M. 1939 Loyalty Moore, S.B. 1915 Brotherhood Moss, H.G. 1946 Loyalty Munden Jr., H.G. 1945 Loyalty Murphey Jr., D.W. 1964 Honor Murray Jr., P.W. 1946 Loyalty Murry, S.W. 1916 Brotherhood Musgrove, R.R. 1932 Brotherhood Myers, B.A. 1939 Loyalty Myers, I.B. 1946 Loyalty Nelson, J.C. 1944 Loyalty Nelson, W.C. 1947 Loyalty Nichols, H.A. 1935 Loyalty Nickerson, F.G. 1942 Loyalty Nunnally, R.W. 1945 Loyalty Nyren, N.J. 1995 Ut Prosim O'Connor, R.G. 1938 Loyalty O'Keeffe, J.F. 1943 Loyalty Oliver, W.R. 1942 Loyalty Orchard Jr., G.H. 1935 Loyalty Pace, C.A. 1940 Loyalty Palm, T.A. 1967 Honor Palmer Jr., N.F. 1946 Loyalty Palmer Jr., P.C. 1940 Loyalty Palmer, J.F. 1940 Brotherhood Parr, J.L. 1942 Loyalty Patton, W.P. 1943 Loyalty Payne Jr., G.H. 1945 Loyalty Pfohl, C.T. 1944 Loyalty Phillips Jr., J.L. 1931 Loyalty Phillips, E.L. 1920 Brotherhood Pierce Jr., J.R. 1942 Loyalty Pierpont, G.H. 1940 Loyalty Pittard, G. 1920 brotherhood Pittman, H.O. 1946 Loyalty Plunkett, G.W. 1966 Honor Pollard, A.C. 1962 Honor Porterfield, A.R. 1938 Loyalty Powell Jr., R.C. 1936 Loyalty Prance, W.C. 1939 Loyalty Preston, J.W. 1947 Loyalty Price, T.E. 2001 Ut Prosim Pruhs, R.L. 1968 Honor Purdum III, L.W. 1949 Brotherhood Quarles Jr., R.E. 1946 Loyalty Quinn, E.T. 1944 Loyalty Rainier, J.K. 1935 Loyalty Ramsey, D.L. 1943 Loyalty Raup, R.W. 1941 Loyalty Reese, W.L. 1945 Loyalty Renick Jr., D.C. 1942 Loyalty Rennie, R.C. 1946 Duty Reynolds, E.B. 1941 Duty Riggle, L.R. 1944 Duty Ritchie Jr., S.B. 1941 Duty Robb, R.K. 1945 Duty Roesler, H.S. 1939 Duty Rubin, C.M. 1941 Duty Rubincam, V.G. 1940 Duty Rush Jr., H.S. 1940 Duty Russell, R.D. 1941 Duty Sanford Jr., R.L. 1945 Duty Saunders Jr., W.D. 1923 Duty Saunders, R.K. 1946 Duty Saville Jr., H.L. 1942 Duty Schenk, J.B. 1940 Duty Schmidt, R.C. 1945 Duty Schott, R.W. 1944 Duty Shaner, V.C. 1926 Duty Shannon, K.A. 1961 Honor Sharitz Jr., T.J.B. 1932 Duty Shea Jr., R.T. 1948 Brotherhood Sheets, E.H. 1946 Duty Sheffield Jr., C.E. 1943 Duty Sheffler, L.W. 1940 Duty Shipley, J.W. 1936 Duty Shrader, H.A. 1951 Brotherhood Shrik, F.K. 1936 Duty Shure, I.I. 1931 Duty Silcox, H.J. 1941 Duty Simonson, C.W. 1946 Duty Sisson, W.D. 1940 Duty Skeen, J.M. 1937 Duty Skelton, C.W. 1944 Duty Sloop, W.L. 1967 Honor Slusher, J.D. 1939 Duty Smith, J.W. 1972 Honor Smith, R.W. 1921 Brotherhood Spatz, S.S. 1946 Duty Spearman, D.G. 1961 Honor Spencer Jr., R.H. 1941 Duty Stailey, J.T. 1946 Duty Stainback, J.M. 1941 Brotherhood Sullivan, J.J. 1962 Honor Stanley Jr., R.I. 1943 Duty Stephenson, C.M. 1945 Duty Stone, G.E. 1953 Honor Stone, W.L. 1940 Duty Sutherland, B.C. 1945 Duty Sutton Jr., L.C. 1945 Duty Tarpley, C.B. 1946 Duty Taylor Jr., J.S. 1922 Duty Taylor, W.B. 1940 Duty Tenney Jr., C.H. 1946 Duty Terry Jr., G.W. 1942 Duty Thomas Jr., W.H. 1944 Duty Thomas, H.J. 1941 Duty Thompson Jr., J.H. 1943 Ut Prosim Thompson, S.N. 1933 Ut Prosim Tichy, E.R. 1945 Ut Prosim Tilden, W.T. 1946 Ut Prosim Tillar III, D.P. 1988 Ut Prosim Tirpak, J.A. 1938 Ut Prosim Tomko, J.H. 1943 Ut Prosim Trent Jr., G.L. 1933 Ut Prosim Triplett III, P.J. 1943 Ut Prosim Tullidge III, G.B. 1945 Ut Prosim Unsworth Jr., J.S. 1947 Ut Prosim Vaughan Jr., H.C. 1943 Ut Prosim Vernon, O.R. 1938 Ut Prosim Vick, E.R. 1940 Ut Prosim Vogel, J.R. 1946 Ut Prosim Walker, R.P. 1935 Ut Prosim Ware Jr., R.B. 1937 Ut Prosim Warriner, G.D. 1941 Ut Prosim Warwick Jr., W.B. 1949 Brotherhood Waterman Jr., J.M. 1942 Ut Prosim Wayland, C.A. 1922 Brotherhood Weaver Jr., W.S. 1946 Ut Prosim Weaver, C.L. 2002 Ut Prosim Weaver, E.M. 1945 Ut Prosim Webb III, W.W. 1964 Honor Webb, A.E. 1922 Brotherhood Webb, J.L. 1943 Ut Prosim Webb, T.W. 1968 Honor Welch, W.C. 1945 Ut Prosim Whaley, A.B. 1946 Ut Prosim Wharton Jr., T.S. 1945 Ut Prosim Wheeler, E.A. 1942 Ut Prosim White, M.F. 1961 Honor White, W.C. 1938 Ut Prosim Whitley, C.V. 1943 Ut Prosim Whitmore II, G.D. 1968 Honor Widener, R.W. 1936 Ut Prosim Wiegel, C.W. 1919 Brotherhood Willey, B.M. 1952 Honor Williams, B.N. 1950 Brotherhood Williams, G.S. 1938 Ut Prosim Williams, H.C. 1909 Brotherhood Williams, J.G. 1941 Ut Prosim Williams, J.P. 1942 Ut Prosim Williams, L.W. 1907 Brotherhood Wilson Jr., J.A. 1950 Brotherhood Wilson, J.A. 1939 Ut Prosim Wince, W.E. 1942 Ut Prosim Wingfield, W.H. 1944 Ut Prosim Winston, E.L. 1942 Ut Prosim Witcher, V.B. 1943 Ut Prosim Womack Jr., H.A. 1943 Ut Prosim Wood, J.D. 1935 Ut Prosim Wood, N.S. 1939 Ut Prosim Woodelton, K.A.N. 1943 Ut Prosim Woodson, L.F. 1931 Ut Prosim Wooldridge, J.P. 1944 Ut Prosim Worsham Jr., J.P. 1942 Ut Prosim Wortman Jr., S.F. 1940 Ut Prosim Yeates Jr., A.B. 1936 Ut Prosim Yeatts, F.L. 1931 Ut Prosim Yowell, R.W. 1940 Ut Prosim Zimmerman, H.P. 1947 Ut Prosim
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