Location: Gotland, Sverige

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Visby stift - Visby Diocese
Visby stift is a Diocese within the Swedish church. It includes the islands of Gotland, Fårö and Gotska Sandön.
The diocese was founded in 1572 and before that it was a part of the diocese of Linköping which was founded in the 12th century.
Bishops before the reformation - Linköping Diocese
- Herbert?
- Rikard?
- 1139–1160-talet: Gisle (Gislo)
- 1170–1171: Stenar
- 1187–1195/96: Kol
- 1200's: Johannes
- 1216–1220: Karl Magnusson (Bjälboätten)
- 1220–1236: Bengt Magnusson (Bjälboätten), brother of his predecessor. He inaugurated the Cathedral in Visby, S:ta Maria on 27 July 1225.
- 1236–1258: Lars (Laurentius), is supposed to have paid for the wedding of a relative in the southern parts of Gotland.
- 1258–1283: Henrik (Henricus), visited Gotland in 1277 and 1280.
- 1285–1286: Bo (Boetius, Bowe)
- 1286–1291: Bengt Birgersson (Bjälboätten), nephew to Karl and Bengt Magnusson who preceded him.
- 1292–1307: Lars Albrektsson (Laurentius), inaugurated the church in the parish of Sanda
- 1307–1338: Karl Båth
- 1338: Nils
- 1342–1351: Petrus Tyrgilli (Torkilsson)
- 1352–1372: Nils Markusson (Nicolaus Marci)
- 1373–1374: Gottskalk Falkdal (Gottschalcus)
- 1375–1391: Nils Hermansson, (Nicolaus Hermanni)
- 1391–1436: Knut Bosson (Natt och Dag) (Canutus Boetii)
- 1436–1440: Bengt Larsson (Benedictus Laurenti)
- 1441–1458: Nils König (Nicolas Kenicius)
- 1459–1465:Kettil Karlsson (Vasa) (Catillus Vase)
- 1465–1500: Henrik Tidemansson (Henricus Tidemanni)
- 1501–1512: Hemming Olofsson Gadh (Hemmingus Gadde de Hosmis)
- 1512–1517: Jacob Arborensis
- 1513–1527: Hans Brask
After the reformation
Danish Superintendents
- 1527–1572: the diocese was ruled by three provosts, the county sheriff, the mayor of Visby and his counsil. There was no bioshop or superintendents.
- 1572–1589: Moritz Christensen Glad (Mauritius Christiani Lætus) died in the parish of Lye
- 1586–1591: Petrus Johannis (Peder Hansen Riber)
- 1592–1596: David Hansson Bilefeld, buried in Visby Cathedral by the bridal door.
- 1597–1599: Povel Andersen (Paulus Andræ Medelby)
- 1600–1601: Willatz Sörensson (Willadius Severini), pastor the parishes of Ardre and Ala
- 1601–1613: Lauritz Nielsøn Helsinburgicus, pastor in Barlingbo and minister in Visby.
- 1615–1624: Antonius Johannis Kolding (Anton Hansen Kolding) (was called by the title "generalprost")
- 1627–1631: Theodorus Erasmi (Thor Rasmussen) (was called by the title "generalprost") buried in Visby Cathedral
- 1631–1644: Oluff Fock (Olavus Phocas Staphrophski)
- 1645–1656: Hans Nilssøn Strelow, pastor in the parish of Vall
Swedish superintendents in Visby (1645–1676)
- 1645–1656: Hans Nilssøn Strelow
- 1656–1657: Niels Lauritzen Wallensis Gardeus
- 1657–1676: Johannes Brodinus
Danish superintendents in Visby (1676–1679)
- 1676–1679: Hans Nilsson Endislöv, minister in Källunge
Swedish superintendents in Visby (1679–1772)
- 1679–1685: Haquin Spegel
- 1685–1692: Petrus Stjernman
- 1692–1709: Israel Kolmodin
- 1711–1734: Johan Esberg (Johannes Esbergius)
- 1735–1745: Georg Wallin d.y. (Jöran Wallin)
- 1745–1757: Martin Wilhelmsson Kammecker
- 1757–1795: Gabriel Thimotheus Lütkeman
Swedish bishops in Visby (1772–)
- 1757–1795: Gabriel Thimotheus Lütkemann
- 1795–1796: Karl Fredrik Muhrbeck
- 1796–1805: Johan Möller
- 1807–1813: Nils Gardell
- 1813–1838: Carl Johan Eberstein
- 1838–1841: Christopher Isac Heurlin
- 1841–1858: Carl Hallström
- 1859–1884: Lars Anton Anjou
- 1885–1920: Knut Henning Gezelius von Schéele
- 1920–1936: Viktor Rundgren
- 1936–1947: Torsten Ysander
- 1948–1950: Gunnar Hultgren
- 1951–1961: Algot Anderberg
- 1962–1980: Olof Herrlin
- 1980–1991: Tore Furberg
- 1991–2003: Biörn Fjärstedt
- 2003–2011: Lennart Koskinen
- 2011–2018: Sven-Bernhard Fast
- 2018-: Thomas Petersson
- Wikipedia-bidragsgivare, "Lista över biskopar i Linköpings stift," Wikipedia, , //sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lista_%C3%B6ver_biskopar_i_Link%C3%B6pings_stift&oldid=42284912 (hämtad april 9, 2019).
- Wikipedia-bidragsgivare, "Linköpings stift," Wikipedia, , //sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Link%C3%B6pings_stift&oldid=45276639 (hämtad april 9, 2019).
- Biskopar på Gotland, retrieved April 9, 2019
- Wikipedia-bidragsgivare, "Lista över biskopar i Visby stift," Wikipedia, , //sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lista_%C3%B6ver_biskopar_i_Visby_stift&oldid=44019703 (hämtad april 9, 2019).
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