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Volkszählung in der Diözese Osnabrück - Wallenhorst

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 31 Mar 1652 to 31 Mar 1652
Location: Wallenhorst, Iburg, Osnabrück, Heiliges Römisches Reichmap
Surname/tag: Wallenhorst
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Volkszählung in Wallenhorst
This profile is part of the Wallenhorst, Niedersachsen One Place Study.



On Easter 1652, a census of the population of Wallenhorst parish was conducted to judge whether the population was protestant or catholic. The census provides information about name and relationship of the inhabitants of Wallenhorst parish, and whether they took communion in the catholic church St. Alexander Wallenhorst (indicated with an "X") or not.

The list is valuable for genealogy as it pre-dates church book records of Wallenhorst parish that started in 1658.

Purpose of this page

This page provides a transcription of the 1652 in Wallenhorst. It allows members of the Wallenhorst One Place Study project to link every name on this list to the corresponding WikiTree profile. This makes seeing the relationship between the original source and the profiles easier. It also simplifies adding a short summary of the findings to each profile. Finally, this page provides a simple template to reference the source correctly and consistently in the corresponding profile.

Templates for referencing the source

Reference in Sources section

Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv Osnabrück: '''[[Space:Volkszählung_in_der_Diözese_Osnabrück_-_Wallenhorst|Volkszählung in der Diözese Osnabrück]] mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Konfession - Dekanate Fürstenau, Grönenberg, Iburg (Kirchspiel Oesede), Osnabrück und Vörden''', NLA OS Rep 100 Abschnitt 188 Nr. 7/2, foils 97-101, images 108-113 in the [http://www.arcinsys.niedersachsen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v59675 digital copy at Arcinsys], accessed 13 June 2023.

Inline reference:

<ref name="NLAOS100-188-7/2">Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv Osnabrück: '''[[Space:Volkszählung_in_der_Diözese_Osnabrück_-_Wallenhorst|Volkszählung in der Diözese Osnabrück]] mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Konfession - Dekanate Fürstenau, Grönenberg, Iburg (Kirchspiel Oesede), Osnabrück und Vörden''', NLA OS Rep 100 Abschnitt 188 Nr. 7/2, foils 97-101, images 108-113 in the [http://www.arcinsys.niedersachsen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v59675 digital copy at Arcinsys], accessed 13 June 2023.</ref>

Text Template for WikiTree Profiles

On '''31 March 1652''', Easter Sunday, XXX, his wife, their son YYY, their daughter XXX and the servant XXX went to receive Easter Communion in the catholic church [[Space:Alte_St._Alexander_Kirche%2C_Wallenhorst%2C_Niedersachsen|St. Alexander]] in Wallenhorst.<ref name="NLAOS100-188-7/2">Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv Osnabrück: '''[[Space:Volkszählung_in_der_Diözese_Osnabrück_-_Wallenhorst|Volkszählung in der Diözese Osnabrück]] mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Konfession - Dekanate Fürstenau, Grönenberg, Iburg (Kirchspiel Oesede), Osnabrück und Vörden''', NLA OS Rep 100 Abschnitt 188 Nr. 7/2, foils 97-101, images 108-113 in the [http://www.arcinsys.niedersachsen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v59675 digital copy at Arcinsys], accessed 13 June 2023.</ref>



Dorf Wallenhorst
Name of Erbe (farm) NameCommunion Comments
Praefectus Jobst Helleberg X
uxor X
Christina Elisabeth filia X
Anna et Tebe famulae XX
Custos Conradus Kolleberg X
uxor X
Christina filia X
Margareta soror X
Meyer zu Walenhorst X
uxor X
Ludike et Johan filii XX
Greta et Anna famulae XX
Schwer pastor ovium X
Ludike Dulige X
Johan filius X
Johan Walenhorst X
uxor X
Anna von der Horst inquilina X
Engel in der Horst X
Greta mater X
Catharina filia X
Johan Wamhoff X
uxor X
Friederich et Jost filii XX
Albert Brame X
uxor X
Anna filia X
Catharina Berendt X
Catharina filia X
Johan beim Felde X
uxor X
Anna filia X
Hilla incola X
Johan Ostenfelde X
uxor X
Henrich parens X
Johan Peddenpoel senior X
uxor X
Jacob Peddenpoel X
uxor X
Engel famula X
Everdt servus X
Henrich opilio X
Johan Kramer inquilinus X
uxor X
Tonnies Beidenbecker X
uxor X
Alheidt mater X
Johan Weẞel opilio X
Steffen Borlekamp X
uxor X
Burmeister X
uxor X
Steffen servus X
Trina famula X
De Hornische Meyer X
uxor X
Ludike, Sander et Johan filii XXX
Regina filia X
Leive famula X
Herman Welman X
uxor X
Tepe Wulff X
uxor X
Johan filius X
Herman Stalkamp
Elsche famula X
Schwalenberg X
uxor X
Henrich sartor X
Ludike servus X
Elsche Vorenholtz X
Henrich Walenhorst X
uxor X
Lambert Walenhorst senior X
uxor X
Greta inquilina X
Henrich Nortman X
uxor X
Henrich Bruggeman senior X
uxor X
Greta Bruggemans X
Greta filia X
Anna incola X
Johan vorm Kirchoff
Sander parens X
Sander Hedemann X
uxor X
Ludike Rotgeri X
uxor X
mater X

Baurschafft Lechtinge

Baurschafft Lechtinge
Name of Erbe (farm) NameCommunion Comments
Stolmeyer X
uxor X
Anna filia X
Steffen Roliker X
uxor X
Marten senior X
Tepe Brame X
uxor X
Johan servus X
Tebe mater X
Gerdt Stolkamp X
uxor X
Henrich Wilwisch X
uxor X
Berendt Welman X
uxor X
Trina filia X
Henrich Ripenhoff X
uxor X
Henrich filius X
Herman Rahe X
uxor X
Ripenhoff senior X
uxor X
Wulffesche X
Anna filia X
Herman servus
Elsche inquilina
Berendt Scheper X
uxor X
Johan Sudow X
uxor X
Johan Witte X
uxor X
Johan Ebbeẞkotte X
uxor X
Gerdruth filia X
Elsche inquilina X
Gerdt Werries X
uxor X
Schwer et Johan filii XX
Catharina filia X
Wilhelm Heimkamp X
uxor X
Alheidt X
Schwer Mosting
Johan et Jurgen filii
Johan servus X
Anna famula X
Schwaneke Pießberg X
Engel filia X
Steffen Weßel X
uxor X
Sander Wostman X
uxor X
Anna mater X
Greta filia X
Johan filius X
Johan servus X
Jurgen Sprehe X
uxor X
Henrich et Herman filii XX
Anna filia X
Jurgen Harenberg X
uxor X
Engel filia X
Tepe Wamhoff X
uxor X

Baurschafft Hollagerberg

Baurschafft Hollagerberg
Name of farm NameCommunion Comments
Herman Rediker X
uxor X
Herman filius X
Greta filia X
Tepe Welman X
uxor X
Langenkamp X
uxor X
Anna filia X
Henrich Hagen X
uxor X
Venna inquilina X
Bramkamp X
uxor X
mater X
Berendt im Bachus X
uxor X
Johan Wulff
mater X
Johan in Feltmollers Bachus
Der Feltmoller X
uxor X
mater X
Johan servus X
uxor X
Jobst filius X
Johan filius
Gerdt tho Barlage X
uxor X
Greta soror X
Mater X
Greta tho Barlage X
Jorgen et Johan filii X
Greta filia
Herman Otting
Henrich Schluter X
uxor X
mater X
Jurgen in der Heide X
uxor X
Johan in der Heide X
Henrich Remme zu Fistel X
uxor X
Steffen Schluter X
Jasper bei der Wisch X
Johan Rieman X
uxor X
Wulffetange X
uxor X
mater X
Jurgen filius X
Steffen filius X
Greta soror X
Jurgen Witte X
uxor X
mater X
Regina soror X
Hermann Wulffetange X
uxor X
Alheidt inquilina X
Jurgen Bergmann
mater X
Engel famula
Johan famulus
Johan Stalkamp
Johan filius
Venna filia
Johan Dulige X
uxor X
Ebbe Trame X
uxor X
Verich servus X
Anna famula X
Johan Kauffman
Henrich Klumpe X
uxor X
Johan up der Dorenborg
Johan Huneman X
uxor X
mater X
Collenberg X
uxor X
Jurgen filius X
Gerdrut filia X
Johan Schluter
Johan Dauv X
uxor X
Greta et Anna filiae XX
Friederich Remme X
uxor X
senior et uxor X
Tepe Welman X
uxor X
Marten Gottman X
uxor X
Jobst et Johan filii XX
Klausing X
uxor XX
Lubbe Tepe X
uxor X

Baurschafft Piehe

Baurschafft Piehe
Name of Erbe (farm) NameCommunion Comments
Gerdt Rahemaker X
uxor X
Johan Holmer X
uxor X
Mencke et Berendt filii XX
Anna et Catharina filiae XX
Roleff im Bachus XX
uxor X
Dreeß tho Piehe X
uxor X
Johan et Jurgen filii XX
Christoffer tho Piehe X
uxor X
Alheidt filia X
Ludike servus X
Berendt tho Piehe X
uxor X
Herman et Johan filii XX
Gerdrut et Trina filiae XX
Goßeling tho Subern X
Johan, Goßeling et Jurgen filii XXX
Anna et Gerdrut filiae XX
Albert tho Subern X
uxor X
Filius Mencke X
Anna filia X
Jurgen servus X

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