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Voyage Category Pages

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Australiamap
Surname/tag: Ships
This page has been accessed 95 times.

Discussion on G2G regarding the look of voyages to Australia has agreed with the suggestion that the following format be used at the top of ship voyage categories for Australian voyages.

Landing level category

The voyage of the immigrant/convict barque/ship Shipname
Departed Port, date in the format Day of the week (if known) dd Mmmm yyyy
Arrived Port, date in the format Day of the week (if known) dd Mmmm yyyy

Use the following code to enter the text:

''Landing level category''

The voyage of the immigrant ship '''''Ship''''' <br>
Departed '''Port, date'''<br>
Arrived '''Port, date '''

Choose either immigrant or convict ship as appropriate.
Choose barque or ship etc as appropriate.

Multiple ports should be listed for arrivals and departures if known. This makes it clearer if passengers embark and disembark at more than one port in a ship's voyage.

The ship’s name should be bold and italics. The Port and dates should be bold.

At the end of each line except the last end with <br> to add a soft line break.


Landing level category

The voyage of the immigrant ship 'Berrima'
Departed London, Tuesday 23 March 1920
Arrived Cape Town, 14 April 1920
Departed Cape Town, 17 April 1920
Arrived Outer Harbour, Port Adelaide, Wednesday 5 May 1920


Landing level category

The voyage of the immigrant ship Belgic
Departed Liverpool, 27 April 1912
Arrived Fremantle, Western Australia, 11 June 1912
Arrived Outer Harbour, Adelaide, 17 June 1912
Arrived Victoria Dock, Melbourne, 21 June 1912


Landing level category

The voyage of the convict transport ship James Laing
Departed Dublin, Ireland, 16 February 1834
Arrived Port Jackson, 29 June 1834

Under this can be one or two short paragraphs detailing the basic info; and link to passenger list. If the information is available a short paragraph stating who the Master and Surgeon were, number and type of passengers, and deaths and births is about all we need. Everything else should go into a Freespace Page if it can’t fit into one or two paragraphs. In this case link the category page to the Freespace Page.

If you don’t have time to create a Freespace Page add the category [[Category:Needs Freespace Page]].

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