Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Ships Australia
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The Voyage of Berkshire, Arrived 13 Mar 1841
The voyage of the barque Berkshire
Departed London 4 November 1840
Departed Plymouth 20 November 1840
Arrived New South Wales 13 March 1841
The barque Berkshire, under Master Norris, departed from London November 4 1840 via Plymouth, November 20, with 223 emigrants. She arrived 13 March 1841 to New South Wales.
Shipping Intelligence
March 13. Berkshire, barque, Norris, from London via Plymouth, November 20, with 223 emigrants under the superintendence of Dr. Bernard Kenny, M. D. Passengers— Captain
Evan McKenzie, Colin John McKenzie, Esq , Mr C. Pitts, Mr. Thomas Adams, Mr. Bonnivant, Mrs. Alexander, Master Alexander, Mr. Hugh Smith, Mr. McDonald, Mr. R. Sheridan, Mr. P. Goold, Mr. and Mrs. Stangar and family, Mr. E. Sproule, assistant surgeon. (from Shipping Intelligence in the Free Press and Commercial Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1841) Wednesday 17 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/228246774? )
Shipping Intelligence....
BERKSHIRE, barque, 587 tons, Norris, master, from Plymouth, 20th Nov. Cargo - 223 Immigrants. Passengers - Cabin. Mrs. Alexander and son, Messrs. Adams, Pitt, Bonenfernt, B. McKenzie, C. McKenzie and Smith. Inter-mediate-Mr. and Mrs. Stranger and 4 children, Messrs. Hastan, Goold, Shenden, McDonald, Spoul, Surgeon Superintendent, B. Kenny Esq. News -Spoke on 7th Feb. in Lat 39 S. Long. 68 E. the ship ' Penang.' from Liverpool 1st Nov. bound, to China, with loss of main and mizen masts, and other damage, which she sustained on 25th January, in Lat. 40 S. and Long. 31 E in a hurricane. When spoken the Penang was proceeding under jury masts to her destination. (from Shipping Intelligence. in The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841) of Monday 15 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/32188626? )
News of the Day.....
Captain Norris, of the ' Berkshire,' we are happy to say, speaks in high terms of the conduct of the Immigrants by that vessel. If " appearances" are a criterion to go by, we should say they are as decent persons of their class as ever came to the Colony. Only two deaths (infants) occurred during the voyage. The' Berkshire' had a very fine passage, and no doubt would have made a quicker one, only for meeting with a gale of wind in the Channel, which sprung her foremast, so as to prevent them carrying more than ordinary sail. (from News of the Day. in The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841) of Monday 15 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/32188623? )
Passenger Lists
NRS5316/4_4787/Berkshire_13 Mar 1841/ from the Assisted Immigrants (digital) Shipping Lists on the New South Wales State Archives and Records website at: http://indexes.records.nsw.gov.au/ebook/list.aspx?series=NRS5316&item=4_4787&ship=Berkshire
Further Reading
- Shipping Intelligence. in The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841) of Monday 15 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/32188626?
- News of the Day. in The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841) of Monday 15 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/32188623?
- DEPARTURES. in The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842) of Monday 15 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/12868261?
- Shipping Intelligence. in the Free Press and Commercial Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1841) of Wednesday 17 March 1841, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/228246774?
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