Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Ships Australia
For a grouping of profiles of those aboard the Almora, see the category .
Voyage of the Almora, Arrived 14 Feb 1855
Voyage of the immigrant ship Almora
Departed Liverpool 18 November 1854
Arrived Port Phillip Bay 14 February 1855
The Almora sailed from Liverpool 18th November 1854 to Port Phillip Bay 14 February 1855 under Captain Williams. It weighed 1239 tons and was owned by Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co.'s "Eagle Line"
Newspaper Coverage
MOVEMENTS OF AUSTRALIAN VESSELS.-Three fine vessels sailed for Melbourne on Thursday. Messrs'. Magee and Livingston's fine new ship Gipsy Bride, 1438 tons, Captain Montgomery, one of J. M. Walthew's "Liverpool Line of Packets," took out a large cargo, and 34 saloon, 90 second cabin, 373 between-deck passengers - a total of 497. The Gipsy Bride was towed as far as Holyhead, where the breeze was so exceedingly favourable that the captain set all sail, and the ship sailed so fast that it was totally impossible for the steamer to catch her. Mr. Magee's head clerk, three gentlemen from Mr. Walthew's office, and a number of friends of the passengers, were on board the Gipsy Bride at the time, and there is just a chance that they may be landed at Lisbon-or Melbourne!
The English built clipper Sebastian Cabot, 1009 tons, Captain Bond, the property of Mr. Robert Girvan, also sailed for Melbourne, with a full cargo, and about two dozen saloon passengers ; and the Goldfinder, 1380 tons, Captain Stewart, one of Messrs. Millers and Thompson's "Golden Line," for the same port, with 230 passengers and a full cargo.
To-day the celebrated "Black Ball" clipper Indian Queen, 1030 tons, Captain McKirdy, will be despatched by Messrs. Baines and Co., for Melbourne, with about 350 passengers and 500 tons cargo. The succeeding ship of this line is the magnificent clipper James Baines, "the largest, finest, and fastest merchant-ship in the world."
The Almora, 1239 tons, Captain Williams, one of Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co.'s "Eagle Line," is lying in the river, and will sail for Melbourne in a day or two; with about 230 passengers and a large cargo. The Almora will be succeeded by the celebrated fast sailing ship Eagle. There are at present 34 ships loading here for various Australian ports. (Liverpool Journal, Nov. 11) (Source: SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. from The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893) of Wednesday 14 February 1855, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/698038?)
Feb. 13-H. M. sloop of war, Calliope, 26 guns. Captain J. C. Fitzgerald, from Sydney for Hobson's Bay.
Almora. ship. Eagle Line. 1239 tons, J. Williams. from Liverpool for Melbonne. with 250 passengers and general cargo, 85 days out Bright, Brothers, agents.
Glemmanm, 1150 tons, J. Rogers, master, from Liverpool for Melbourne, with 240 passengers and cargo, 105 days out.
St. Lawrence. American ship, 850 tons, from Puget's Sound for Melbourne, with lumber, &c, and passengers, 95 days out.
14,- Lady Bird, screw steamer. Robertson from Launceston
A small screw steamer for Adelaide.
Amelia barque, with Chinese immigrants. She is expected to be released this day.
Feb. 14.--Wind, eastery, light airs, and warm close temperature.
PORT PHILLIP HEADS. from the Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (Vic. : 1851 - 1856) of Thursday 15 February 1855, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/91861693?
February 14.-Almora, ship, 1239 tons, Henry Williams, from Liverpool 18th November. Passengers- cabin : Mr. and Mrs. Hipkins and family, Misses Shaw, Ellis, and Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Messrs. Cronan, Madden, Pritchard (2), and two hundred and forty-five passengers. Bright Bros, and Co , agents.
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. from The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Thursday 15 February 1855, Page 4. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/4804436?
TO HENRY WILLIAMS, Esq., Commander of the Almora of Liverpool, —Sir , —At a meeting of the passengers of your good ship, held on board, on approaching the termination of our voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne, tho Rev. Mr. Cronin in the chair, it was unanimously received—
Firstly-"That the cordial thanks of the passengers were due to you for the great kindness and courtesy which you had evinced towards us, and for the promptitude with which you had remedied the inconveniences which must inevitably occur in a voyage of such duration."
Secondly-"That an address embodying the pur-port of the above resolution should be presented to you," and a committee,consisting of the undersigned, was then appointed to prepare such address, and submit the same for the approval of the passengers. The present address having been accordingly so submitted and approved of, we, the aforesaid committee, collectively, individually, and as representatives of the passengers, beg most cordially to present to you our warmest expression of gratitude for the manner in which you have discharged the important duties which devolved upon you as master of the Almora ; and we assure you of our entire approbation of your conduct, and appreciation of your character.
We feel thankful of the care and marked assiduity you have displayed to secure our health and promote our personal comfort, as well as to relieve the tedium attendant on such a voyage. To your unwearied exertions to gratify the requirements of all entrusted to your charge, the young, the middle-aged, and those of ripened years, we ascribe, under Divine Providence, the general good health of the passengers. We can- not withhold the expression of our feeling of thankfulness to the Supreme Being for having placed over us one so fully competent, from age and experience in seamanship, to guide us so successfully to our destination. We also take the opportunity of testifying to the efficiency and courtesy of your first officer, Mr. Matthews ; at the same time we cannot forget your Second mate, Mr. Roberts, who, as well as the whole crew, acquitted themselves with ability and unvaried civility.
After we have separated, we shall, with the most kindly feelings, remember good-hearted Captain Williams, and his noble ship Almora. Hoping that you may be long spared to render such services to others as we have experienced at your hands, and wishing you, Dear Sir, health and happiness, we remain, faithfully yours, (Signed)
John B. Cronin, R. C. Clergyman. Chairman,
Patrick Madden, R.C.C, - Maxwell Hutton,
George Chambers, - Peter Woof,
John Pritchard, - Donald Manson,
John Reading, - William Lowe,
Alexander Mackie, - Thomas Tarbuck.
William Hutchinson, - William Joy,
Patk. Dennehy, W. Laughton, Sec.
Gentlemen, -With feelings of the most sincere gratitude, I accept the address which you are so kind as to present to me. I fear, indeed, that you are too partial in estimating my humble efforts to promote the happiness and comfort of the passengers. During the voyage, I have frequently experienced your courtesy, as also your ready compliance with every regulation which I deemed it necessary to make, to secure the health and good order of the ship. I have grown old, for you see my grey hairs, in the sea-faring life, and it has never been my lot to meet more respect and kindly feelings, than I have received at your hands. I assure you, that in my intercourse with you, I have been cheered on in the performance of my duty.
Gentlemen, I am sorry I cannot make a reply suitable to your touch-ing address, but you are aware ; that seamen are averse to long speeches. I assure you, I feel on this occasion, more than any words of mine could fully express. This address, I shall always keep as a cherished memorial of your kindness. I shall communicate to Mr. Mathews and Mr. Roberts, the expression of your sense of their "efficiency and
courtesy." I feel highly gratified to learn that the crew of the "Almora" have merited your praise for "ability and civility."
Gentlemen. -Allow me once more to thank you for all your goodness. Praying that Providence may bless you all with happiness and prosperity in the splendid country of your adoption. I remain, your gratefully sincere well-wisher,
H. WILLIAMS, Master of the ship Almora.
Advertising from The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Saturday 17 February 1855, Page 8. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/4804507?
- All newspaper articles from the TROVE database courtesy of the National Library of Australia at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/
- Unassisted passenger lists (1852-1923) Record Series Number (VPRS): 947 from the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) at: https://www.prov.vic.gov.au/explore-collection/explore-topic/passenger-records-and-immigration/unassisted-passenger-lists
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