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Voyage of the Canton to the South Australian Colony in 1837/1838

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Date: 15 Dec 1837 to 2 May 1838
Location: Adelaide, South Australiamap
This page has been accessed 463 times.

Voyage of the Immigrant ship CANTON to the South Australian Colony in 1838

The ship CANTON sailed from London on the 15th of December 1837 via Plymouth to the South Australian colony. Under Captain J. Mordaunt she carried 143 Passengers (83 Adult, 60 Children) to the newly founded colony in its infancy.

Note some records have widely differing versions of this voyage including. 3 mast ship built 1834 at Hylton, near Sunderland. Departed London and Plymouth in April 1838 under the command of Captain J. Mordaunt arriving Adelaide, South Australia on May 2nd, 1838.' Diane Cummings' Bound For South Australia


Ship Canton at Sea,

April 29, 1838.

Dear Sir—Anticipating our speedy arrival at Port Adelaide, we beg to return you our sincere thanks for the courtesy and kindness we have ex-perienced from you since we came on board. We feel especially grateful for that vigilant exercise of your nautical skill, which, by inspiring con-fidence, has relieved us from much of the anxiety naturally incident to our situation. Should we reach our desired harbour in safety, one of our warmest wishes will be for your happy return to the bosom of your family. And if at some future period Providence should bring you again to the shores of our adopted country, be assured, Dear Sir, you will meet with a hearty welcome from, Your sincere Friends,

David Wylie, M.A.

John Newman.

M. A. Watson.

H. J. Watson.

M. Watson.

R. M. Robson.

Samuel Gillard.

E. Gillwan.

H. H. Gillard.

Wm. Scott.

Mary Scott.

B. P. Winter.

Ann Scott.

Josephine Newman.

Mary C. Nash.

Eliza Ann Robson.

Harriet Watson.

Elizabeth Wylie.

James Geo. Nash, Surgeon Superintendent.

To John Mordaunt, Esq.,

Commander of the Canton.


Ship Canton, April 29, 1838.

Ladies and Gentlemen — I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date, and to return you my sincere thanks for the approbation you have been pleased to express of my conduct during the voyage ; at the same time I beg to assure you if my gratitude for the considerate matter in which you have at all times met the inconveniences naturally at-tendant on a crowded ship like the Canton, which rendered the performance of my duty a pleasing task.

Wishing you collectively and individually every happiness and prosperity in the country of your adoption,

Believe me to be,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your most obedient servant,


To the Cabin Passengers of the Ship Canton

both from Advertising in the South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (Adelaide, SA : 1836 - 1839) of Saturday 19 May 1838, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/31749935?


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