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Voyage of the Immigrant ship Castle Eden to the South Australia Colony in 1862

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Date: 27 Aug 1862 to 26 Dec 1862
Location: South Australiamap
This page has been accessed 445 times.

The voyage of the Immigrant ship Castle Eden to the South Australia Colony in 1862

The ship Castle Eden, 930 tons, Captain W. May, from London 27th August, Southampton 11th September 1862, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 26th December 1862 from the Ships List as submitted by Robert Janmaat

And from the South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), of Saturday 27 December 1862, we see the following:



Friday, December 26 -Castle Eden. ship. 930 tons. W, May master, from London August 27. via Southampton. September 11. Philip Levi and CO-, agents. Passengers— Mr. S. L. Crane (Surgeon-Superintendent), In the cabin; and the following Government emigrants in the steerage: — Charles Applebee, Mary Barton, Sarah Birrel. William Bond. Grace Braham. Richard Brown, John Clark, Richard and Elizabeth Clayton, Charles Davies, Esther Dunn. Sarah Elven. Margaret Evans, Elizabeth Ford, Ann Harris, Thomas Holt, Elizabeth Howell Margaret Lewis, James Marchant, Louisa Martin. Elisha Owens, George Perry. Jas. Pitman, William, Hannah. Elizabeth, Evan, and Thomas Bees, Kate Selcombe, Mary sambells, Charlotte Sapstead, Ellen Steadman, Edwin Sweet Margaret Thomas, Benjamin and Louisa Williams. Catherine Wilner. James. Mary, Elizabeth, Margaret, and James Allan, Mary Anderson. David Archibald. elizabeth Winott. Jessie Bell. richard Bignam Sarah Biggam, Alice, Isabella, James, Jane, Eliza-beth Ellen. and James Blair James Bale William. Martha and James Boyle. Marion Brown. George Burns, Mary A. and Jas. ConneL Hannah and Jas. Davidson. Agnes Dickson. Margaret Dobson. Peter, Agnes. Peter David and William Duff, James Ferguson, George Forrest, Mary frazer, Eden Gilbert, William Grant Margaret Green. Gertham Greenway. Samuel Hadden. Charlotte Hill, Joseph Orsler, Joseph Bates. Henry. Emily, and Harriet Dean. Elizabeth Lewis. Harriet Mitchell, Jane Stephen, Jane and George Walker. Rhodda Redgood, Elizabeth Farrell Elizabeth Lyall, Joseph Kobin*. Sarah Simpkins. James To^er. Archi-bald McCarnie, Louisa Donavan, Edward Wilkins;, Josh. Derrick. Henry Ford, Sylvester Salter. Louisa Madams, patrick Ann, and Mary Halloran, John and Richard, Harti-gan. Kate Hillory, Ellen Kynes, Ellen Jennings. John, Jor- dan, Mary and Mary Kelly, Mary Kitson, Bridget Lahnfee, Mary Lonergan. Ellen Lyncb. John Lyons, Michael Lahiffe. Honor Lysaght. Annie McGough, Ellen, John Dennis, Mlarv and Michael McMahon, Mary McNamara. Michael McGuan. Bridget Maxwell, James Morony. Patrick Catherine, and Patrick O'Brien, John and Patrick O'Connor. David O'Donaline, Michael O'lough-lin. Ann Purcell, Bridget Quurly, Michael Roach, Margaret Ryan. Esther and Marin Andrews, Robert Colville, Jane McDowell, Ellen Naughten. Sep. Rebecca and David Sheen. Jane Shrimpton. Jane Halliday. Mustagh William Lightbody, Quintan Bone. Emma spurdle. Jane Gudge John Townsend. David Turner. Matthew Anderson William, Elizabeth, and Agnes Barr. James Clapperton. William Edwards. Elizabeth Flynn. Margaret Forbes, John Gibson. Margaret McGill. Loughlan and Mary Mclntyre, Peter, Bridget, George, and Mary McShee, James MciKenzie. Peter Miller- Edward Morgan. Mary Morrison. Robertson, John Shirer, William Stark, Agnes and Walter Thompson, Jane Bertram, James, Elizabeth, Tbomas. and Mlargaret Beveridge. Agnes Brown^James McLintock. Elizabeth Boss. Wm. Bryson, Frederick Sophie and Emily Holloway. Cass Morgan, John and Eliz. Hunter. John Such. Elizabeth Jamieson, James and jane Kennedy, John Jane. Jane. Margaret, and Elizabeth Klug. Jessie McAra Isabella McClery. William McFarlane. John Margaret, and Peter Mclntyre Catherine and Donald McKenzie, Daniel McLeod Robert McPherson, Janet McKai, John and Elizabeth McSkimming Alek. Mair. James and Isbla Marshall Helen Martin. Mary Matthewson, Mary and Margaret Menzies Jane Merry. Agnes, Hugh, and Mary Morton. John Janet Alex and Bridet Nicholson, William Pater-son James Ramsey , Margaret roach, Isabella Robertson, Peter Ross Wlilliam and Elizaboth Seaton, Alexander Selbir- Alex Mary and John Smith. Ann Smither, James, Hellen. and Alex Streathem. Margaret Symington. Robert, Jane. William, and Janet Traine. Robert Urquart. Helen Wallace James waters. William Whyte, Hugh. Margaret Jane Donald Alex, Agnes. Christiana, Margaret,John,and Hugh Wilson Catherine Wood. Mary Whylie, Mary and Park Banfield. John Casey, Margaret Coyne Pat and Mary Curtin James and Mary Cusack, Mary Down, Bridget, Mary and pat Driscoll, Mary Duffield John Fitzgerald. William. Honora. Michael. Mary, and Elizabeth. Fitzpat- trick james. Michael, Margaret and Patrick Flannigan.


The Castle Eden was signalled at daybreak, and was shortly after boarded and anchored by the pilot on duty. She is a fine-looking vessel and on, having taunt masts and square yards: but on her length becoming apparent, she is not prepossessing, though a vessel of great carrying capa- bilities. Captain May courteously furnished an account of vessels spoken, and lists of passengers and cargo, from which full particulars are given elsewhere, but no remarkable feature of the slightest importance beyond the ordinary routine of an immigrant vessel has occurred. Several friends of the immigrants visited the vessel yesterday from the Semaphore Jetty, and doubtless the number on board will be reduced considerably before she proceeds into har-bour


CASTLE Eden. 920 tons, cleared out from London August 26 - Paper 36 cwt, brushware 35/. tools 19/, general hardware 868/, galvanized iron 25 tons, nails 1 ton, earthenware 140/ brandy 229 proof gals. British spirits in glass 1.168 proof gals, beer in bulk 60 brls of 38 gals, beer in glass 159 brls do do malt 300 qrs, assorted oilmen's stores 145/, sardines 8 cwt, starch 150/, blue 20/. pearl barley 12 cwt, coal 150 tons Total declared value or cargo 4,415 pounds.

From SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Monday 29 December 1862, Page 2 we see the following

Omitted in manifest of Castle Eden, from London— 29 hhds. ale, 29 do. stout, 2 hhds. and 4 qr..- casks brandy, J. Newman and son.

The Castle Eden.— Although the above vessel is lying at the Lightship large numbers of the people have landed. The Prince Arthur steamed from her to the Port on Saturday with over one hundred on board, and several boat-loads disem-barked at the Semaphore Jetty, from which point four boats were constantly engaged throughout the day. The Commissioner of Crown Lands boarded her from his yacht on Saturday, and afterwards returned to Glenelg. Dr. Crane speaks in favour able terms of several of the domestic servants who await engagements, and he also confidently recommends the majority of single men as belonging to a class of servants very eligible for colonists.

Passenger Lists etc.

  • ship Castle Eden, 930 tons, Captain W. May, from London 27th August, Southampton 11th September 1862, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 26th December 1862. Transcribed and submitted to The Ships List by Robert Janmaat, first accessed online on the 21st of December, 2019 at: http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/australia/castleeden1862.shtml

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