Location: Port Phillip, New South Wales Colony

The Voyage of the Immigrant ship Intrinsic to Port Phillip in 1841
Type: ship of 537 tons
Departed: Liverpool, 10 June 1841
Arrived: Port Phillip, 7 Oct 1841
Master: J. Davidson Esq.
Surgeon-superintendent: Dr. Synnott
Passengers: 282 Bounty immigrants
The voyage from Liverpool to Port Phillip lasted 129 days.
This 537 ton ship contained bounty passengers, from England and Galway, Ireland. The bounty report stated:
- the immigrants in question came to the Colony in excellent health and express themselves perfectly satisfied with the treatment they experienced during the voyage.
There were 184 souls in families, 41 unmarried males and 27 unmarried females, totalling 282. Note: 7 babies were born on the voyage, but only one survived the voyage.
Passenger Lists etc.
- Intrinsic from the Victoria before 1848 website (part of the Geocities pages) © Elizabeth Janson at: https://www.oocities.org/vic1847/ship/int41.html?20193
- NRS5316/4_4814/Intrinsic_7 Oct 1841/ from the Assisted Immigrants (digital) Shipping Lists on the New South Wales State Archives and Records website. first accessed online on the 9th of May 2020 at: http://indexes.records.nsw.gov.au/ebook/list.aspx?series=NRS5316&item=4_4814&ship=Intrinsic
- Advertising from the Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (Vic. : 1839 - 1845) of Thursday 14 October 1841, Page 3. first accessed online on the 9th of May 2020. [1]
- Intristic (sic.) from the "Passengers to Port Phillip from Liverpool 1839-51" Copyright 2015 by Alexander Romanov-Hughes. first accessed online on the 9th of May 2020 at: https://www.portphillipdistrict.info/Liverpool_Passenger_Lists_1839-51_024.htm
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