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Wales Project | Membership Team | Wales Project Team Members List

Membership Team Coordinator: Stuart Awbrey

Updated: 13 April 2024

- Joined Date is the date the badge was added. Some members joined earlier.
- Discord - if you are not listed, post in Comments below.

RichDevlinDevlin-670YesUSAProject LeaderYes9-May-2019
LizzieGriffithsBatman-73YesEngProject Leader4-Jul-2019
IanSpeedI. SpeedYesAUSProject LeaderYes18 June 2023
StuartAwbreyAwbrey-135YesUSAPC Managed Profiles, Membership, Topics - TL Brecknockshire, Disasters, Historic Buildings Yes2016
SteveBartlettBartlett-3702YesFrancePC Profile Improvements - TL Categories, Flintshire, Disasters, Historic Buildings - TM Data Doctors, Managed ProfilesYes10-Mar-2020
HilaryGadsbyBuckle-52YesWalesPC Counties - TM Sourcerers2-Jun-2019
ToddGilbertGilbert-13209YesCanPC Managed Profiles, TL Data Doctors, Pembrokeshire, TM GlamorganYes29-Jan-2021
JuttaBeerArmstrong-17381YesWalesTL Carmarthenshire, Sourcerers, Historic Buildings - TM Categories, Data Doctors27-Mar-2021
JenHuttonStevens-17832YesUSATM Managed Profiles - PL on other projectsYes26-Feb-2021
NikkiOrvisOrvis-372YesUSATL Radnorshire - TM Sourcerers10-Jul-2021
MalcRowlandsRowlands-690YesEngTL Montgomeryshire - TM Glamorgan4 Jul 2022
DanRudderhamRudderham-80YesTL Glamorgan - TM Data Doctors19-Jan-2021
AmeliaUttingUtting-102YesNZTL MonmouthshireYes2-Feb-2021
FranWeidmanMcHugh-842YesUSATL Disasters - TM Glamorgan, Connectors7-Jun-2020
StuartBeavisBeavis-123InvitedTM Sourcerers7-Aug-2019
AnnBrowningBrowning-5288YesTM Cardiganshire, PembrokeshireYes20-Jan-2025
MarionCerutiCeruti-7InvitedUSATM Flintshire11-Jun-2023
AlanChisholmChisholm-2055Working with Jack Day. 87 years old.23-Jan-2021
DavidChurch Church-8884 Yes WalesTM GlamorganNo8 -Jan-2024
ByronDaviesDavies-2643YesEngTM Carmarthenshire9-Aug-2019
StephenDaviesDavies-5942YesTM GlamorganYes20-Dec-2020
Patti Davis Davis-84434 Yes USA Glamorgan 12-Apr-2024
JackDayDay-1904YesUSATM Managed ProfilesYes6-Jun-2019
Jim Duggan Duggan-996 Yes USA TM Carmarthenshire, Radnorshire 12-Apr-2024
AlunEdwardsEdwards-8751YesCanTM Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire, Merionethshire8-May-2020
ThomasGreenGreen-29179 Invited TM Caernarfonshire 3-Feb-2024
JoHanmerHanmer-105InvitedWalesTM Flintshire17-Apr-2021
ColinHardyHardy-7997YesWalesTM Data Doctors, Sourcerers20-Dec-2020
SylviaHarperHarper-7921InvitedUSATM Monmouthshire, Sourcerers21-May-2023
KarenHeenan-DaviesHeenan-119yesWalesTM Monmouthshire, Managed Profiles10-Apr-2021
StephanieHillHill-53077YesGGY TM Topics, Data Doctors8-Nov-2022
MichaelHoweHowe-5923Yes USA TM Anglesey, Radnorshire20-Feb-2023
MarkIsaacIsaac-1147InvitedWalesTm Glamrogan22-Jan-2025
IanJonesJones-60769YesCanTM Data Doctors, Managed ProfilesYes13-May-2020
WendyJonesJones-21849YesCanTM Carmarthenshire, Merionethshire18-May-2020
BetsyKoKo-31Yes USATM Caernarfonshire, Glamorgan; Member of Team and PL on other projects6-Feb-2023
SusieMacLeodMacLeod-1797YesEngTm GlamorganYes18-Apr-2020
DianeMatthewsMatthews-8904YesUSATM Glamorgan, Sourcerers28-Jul-2021
CorinneMorrisMorris-18630YesTM Bio-Builders24-Jul-2019
KathyNavaUrbach-13YesUSATM GEDCOM, Monmouthshire1-Aug-2023
JerryOwensOwens-12761Yes USA TM Bio-Builders, Sourcerers, Anglesey, Caernarfonshire, Pembrokeshire29- Apr-2022
MelaniePaulPaul-5413YesScotTM Topical-Diaspora, Data Doctors, Connectors, Sourcerers, Glamorgan, Montgomeryshire3-Aug-2019
OwenPhillipsPhillips-7693OKATM Cardiganshire24-Aug-2022
MarkQuealyQuealy-15InvitedTM Topical-Diaspora18-Apr-2021
AnneReesRees-1371InvitedTM Carmarthenshire, PembrokeshireYes26-Jul-2019
CherrylSchmidtHood-4815YesAUSTM Glamorgan, Monmouthshire20-Dec-2020
ChrisSharkeyCormack-404 TM Sourcerers26-Aug-2022
AmySparksScheeler-65YesUSATM Glamorgan13-Apr-2021
GwynethTaylorHughes-14320YesWalesTM Denbighshire26- Nov-2022
AndrewThomasThomas-57842Yes TM Prembrokeshire18 May 2023
JohnTynerTyner-99 YesIrlTM Carmarthenshire, Glamorgan, Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire9-Apr-2022
RichardUnderwoodUnderwood-5518YesEng TM Cardiganshire 29 June 2024
JustinWilliamsWilliams-120232InvitedUSATM Monmouthshire 12 April 2024
SamYancyYancy-256 Invited USA TM Glamorgan 25 April 2024

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Stuart Awbrey and Wales Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 31

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My Welsh family name is Williams, and I also have Jones. Do you believe that? I live in Washington State just to the

south of Seattle.

posted by Linda Davis
Thanks Linda,

Your information has been entered.


posted by Stuart Awbrey
Hello. I live in Florida USA. Thanks, Mike
posted by Michael Howe Sr
Thanks Michael,

The records have been updated.


posted by Stuart Awbrey
I'm in Western Canada, specifically Victoria, British Columbia.
posted by Wendy Jones
Thanks Wendy. The chart has been revised.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Wonderful list! I'm in North Carolina, USA.
posted by Amy (Scheeler) Sparks
edited by Amy (Scheeler) Sparks
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Good idea to do this list Stuart. I’m in Glamorgan, Wales.
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
My name is Joe D. Morgan. The Morgan name originated in Wales. I recently joined the Wales Project on Wikitree to see if I could find ancestors who came from Wales. According to my Ancestry DNA test results, I'm predominately Scottish (42%) with England & Northwestern Europe at 39% and Ireland 7% plus other percentages that are smaller.

Since I applied to join this project saying my name was Morgan and I thought I might have Morgan ancestors from Wales, Mr.. Awbrey suggested I might want to join the Glamorgan team. I notice in your comment this is where you are from. Does this mean most of the Morgans from Wales were from this County (City?)? I know nothing about Wales except Morgan is a Welsh name. I attended a Scottish event a number of years ago and I went to a booth displaying the Morgan name. I was told there the Morgan clan (Scottish Morgans) had merged with the McKay Clan and it was now called the McKay Clan. I'm a little confused whether I might have descended from someone originally from Wales or if my ancestors are all Scottish. This is what I'm trying to find out. Since my name is Morgan, do you think I should join the Glamorgan team? I would really appreciate your opinion on this. I was near Wales in 2019 when I was on a cruise that started in Amsterdam, went through the English Channel where we visited a number of small English islands and, for some reason, skirted right around Wales to arrive at Liverpool England. I was so disappointed since i thought my roots my have originated in Wales. I would have loved going to Wales. Maybe I'll have to opportunity to go back someday.

What would you suggest I do?

Thanking you in advance.

Joe Morgan Piedmont, OK (Oklahoma City suburb), U.S.A.

posted by Joe Morgan
I am also in Western Canada, specifically Medicine Hat, Alberta
posted by Ian Jones
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
I'm in Western Canada. GMT +7 or +8 hours depending on the season.
posted by Alun Edwards
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Useful information. I live on Russell Island in Queensland, Australia. As a child, I often visited my relatives in Glamorgan for summer holidays. It has changed a lot since then, although the house where I stayed is still there in Treherbert.
posted by Cherryl (Hood) Schmidt
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
I'm in Berkshire England UK but visit Wales regularly
posted by Byron Davies
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Nice job on this! I'm in the U.S.
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
This is great. I'm in Carmarthenshire, Wales.
posted by Jutta (Armstrong) Beer
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Thank you for this helpful chart! I'm in Chicago, IL, USA.
posted by Nikki Orvis
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
My location -- Maryland, USA. I still wish we had a separate team for Medieval and Ancient Wales!
posted by Jack Day
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
I am in USA, and also on Discord. Thanks Stuart!
posted by Diane Matthews
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey
Thanks, your info has been updated.
posted by Stuart Awbrey