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Surnames/tags: Sparks Hayes Civil_War
Profile manager: W Counsil private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 108 times.

Here are the profiles W Counsil is currently working on:

Currently spending most of my time on my new Civil War Project, trying to find sources for the 1747 people who died in Alton Military Prison, a POW camp for Confederate soldiers, from 1862-1865--or at least for as many as I can. For the most part, they died of smallpox, malaria, typhoid, and measles. 1354 of the dead were prisoners, and the rest were guards and civilian workers. Some are buried in an Alton, Illinois graveyard, and some were buried in mass graves on "Smallpox Island," now under the surface of the Mississippi River. Many of these profiles will, initially, be unconnected to the larger tree, but I'll keep plugging away at it.

My own family:

Sparks-1480 -- children's spouses

Hayes-12603 -- inserted list into bio; source Hayes-12604 -- inserted list into bio; source Get Joseph connected up to Capt. Joseph b 1732 (Isabella is already)



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