
Wales Pre 1500 Team

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Wales PPP
This page has been accessed 271 times.

Wales Project | Managed Profiles Teams | Pre 1500 Team

Team Leader:

Team Members:


As one of the Managed Profiles Teams, the Pre-1500 Team takes care of the pre-1500 Managed and PPP'd profiles for the Wales Project, and works on the pre-1500 flagship profiles for Wales.


  1. Assure reliable inline sourcing for each profile
  2. Correct LNAB to proper Welsh patronymic -- see Patronymic Welsh Name Fields
  3. Categorize profile with the applicable Kingdom. Each profile is encouraged to have a Geography or Location subsection which takes any available commote, cantref or parish place information and adds sourcing to describe which kingdom it would have been a part of at the time of the profile. See Wales Categories
  4. Assess whether the profile requires project management or project protection. The Wales Project follows the Wikitree guidelines for Project Protection and Project Managed Profiles.



Images: 1
Welsh Flag
Welsh Flag



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