Surnames/tags: Wales Sourcerers

Wales Project | Profile Improvement Teams | Wales Sourcerers Team
Welcome to the Wales Sourcerers Team page
Updated 9/6/2023
This page supports the activities of the Sourcerers Team as part of the Profile Improvement Teams group of the Wales Project.
Team Leader: Jutta (Armstrong) Beer
Team Members: Stuart Beavis | Hilary Gadsby | Melanie Paul | Colin Hardy | Steve Beacall | Nikki Orvis | Diane Matthews | Paula Merchant | Jerry Owens | Chris Sharkey | Barb Winter | Wendy Jones | Sylvia Harper
Contents |
As part of the Wales Profile Improvement Teams, the Sourcerers Team works to improve the content on people profiles related to Wales.
Sourcerers find sources for Wales Unsourced Profiles. The ideal is to provide a source for each fact on a profile, but even one source helps to lead genealogists to the profile and confirms the person's existence.
Membership Requirements
Team members must make a least one contribution every six months towards the teams goals, communicate regularly with your Team Leader and respond to the six-month check-ins.
To become a member of the Wales Sourcerers Team post an Answer on G2G welcome post to join the Wales Project and indicate you would like to join this team.
In addition it would be great if you would join in with the Saturday Sourcing Sprints, the monthly Sourcerers Challenge and the annual Source-a-thon.
Where to Begin
Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start. Here are some ideas.
Start at “Home”
- Profiles that you manage are the best place to start. Set an example. Go to the navigation links tab “Find” and then select “Unsourced Profiles.” This will show you any of your own profiles which need sources.
Wales Unsourced Profiles
- A list of unsourced profiles can be found at Wales, Unsourced Profiles. This page contains a list of unsourced profiles in Wales and links to unsourced profiles in each of the counties. If you are interested in a particular surname you can use the “Jump to a Letter” go straight to it.
Wales Statistics
- We also have a Wales statistics page which is a great place to start and you'll also be able to see that your efforts are having a great effect on the quality of the profiles within Wales. See Wales & County Statistics Page We track Wales as a whole on a variety of measures and report weekly for the counties too. Also on this page are the links to the maintenance categories. More on those in the guidelines - see below.
Wales Star Profiles
- Star Profiles are those that are visited most often and it's important we get them looking good and make sure they are well sourced. This report gives links to suggestions relating to these profiles many of which need sources. Wales 5-Star Profiles
Wales Sourcing Guidelines
Guidelines on how to research sources and to format them on profiles are on this page – Sourcerers Team Guidelines. Please also review Welsh Patronymic Naming Guidance .
Stuck on Sourcing?
If you need help resolving a problem, please don't struggle alone. Other Sourcerers or members of the wider Wales Project may be able to help. See below for the best way to communicate with other team members.
WikiTree Sourcer
- NEW WikiTree Sourcer is a browser extension which helps you easily check for sources in multiple places including the GRO, FreeBMD, FindaGrave, Ancestry and Findmypast. You can read me about it here: WikiTree Sourcer Browser extension and there is a user guide available here: WikiTree Sourcer User Guide. I cannot recommend this enough! It not only fills search boxes for you it will also write citations and build household tables from census records.
Communication with Team Members
Members of the teams in the Profile Improvement Teams (PIT) group have three methods to communicate:
- The place to get the quickest response and the most interaction is the Wales Project Discord channel. If you are not yet on Discord please contact a Team Leader.
- Communication with members of all teams in PIT; use the WikiTree’s Wales Project Google Group to make a post and select the tag “Profile-Improvements” found at the bottom of the page.
- You can also use the Comments section at the bottom of this page or on the Wales Profile Improvement Team page.
- Help: Sources Provides the format to be used for different types of sources.
- Help: Sources FAQ Describes what is a source; examples of good and bad sources and use of the Unsourced Research Note Box.
- Sources-Family Genealogies This is a list of published genealogies based on specific families. The list consists of surnames in alpha order.
- My Source Library Interesting collection of online sources regarding many countries and subjects. There is a Welsh section. Bear in mind that some of the those listings are redundant to other sources in this list of Sources.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Jutta Beer, Wales Project WikiTree, and Steve Bartlett. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
I am pleased to announce two new team members, Melanie Paul and Brian Kerr.
As always, let me know any ideas you have for the team's goals.
Thanks for assistance in finding this page. The link you gave me certainly helped. I have now found how to access it directly from scratch. I have to say it is well hidden from new Sourcerers. I had tried to find this page after receiving your message, but even though I found the Wales project page I still did not find its hiding place. I'm sorry to say I have been sidetracked by other pursuits, including trying to track down information about Rev. Peregrine Phillips (1623-1691) from Pembrokeshire. I am sure he had at least 6 children, probably more, but I have only found evidence of two of them, Peregrine and Constantine. I am a descendant of Constantine. I have searched in vain to find out about his wife and mother. I believe his wife's first name was Ann, but I know nothing of his mother. I believe he was a very significant man from the few biographical pieces I have been able to find, and even though he did not die directly from his persecution by the authorities of the day I believe he died prematurely from the result of his religious persecution. I regard him as a martyr, dying early as a result of his persecution. I can't say I am proud of all my ancestors, but I am proud to have been descended from Peregrine Phillips. Regards, Stuart Beavis (Beavis-123)
Let me know if any of you need help with working towards the team’s goals.
Last week the content of the pages was updated and there is no a link to a space page – Wales Sourcing Guidelines. Does anyone have suggestions for improvement?
If you have had the opportunity to work on the team goals, please share your experiences in this Comments section.