Location: Clifton Campville, Staffordshire, England

Surname/tag: walkeden
In the name of God Amen The one and thirtieth daye of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1610 I Willm Walkeden of Clifton Camvile in the Countie of Staff Clarke being diseased in body but of good and pfecte memorie God be praised Do make ordayne and declare this my last will and Testament in writinge revokinge hereby all other former willes and Testaments.
First I comend my soule into the hands of God my maker hopeing assuredly through thonely meritts of Jhesus Christ my saviour to be made ptaker of lyfe everlasting and my body to the earth whereof it was made to be buried at the discretion of my Executors.
Itm whereas I have my my Deede of Feoffement Indented bearinge date the second daye of July in the yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord King James of England France and Ireland the viith and of Scotland the xliith granted alyened enfeoffed and confirmed to Thomas Beaufoye of Guies Cliffe in the countie of Warwicke esquire and Thomas Sanders of Lullington in the Countie of Darb gent and their heires All that my land and pasture called Black Moore scituate and beinge in Foxhull als Foleshull within the Countie of the City of Coventre and all those my rents servics and hereditaments whatsoever in Stoke in the pishe of Stone in the said County of Staff And alsoe all those my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsover in Normanton uppon Sore in the Countie of Nottingham To have and to hold all the same to the said Thomas Beaufoye and Thomas Sanders and there heires to certen uses intents and purposes and under certen provisoes and lymitacons expressed and menconed in one payre of Indentures triptite bearinge date the second daye of July in the saide viith yeare of his Maties Raigne made between me the said Willm Walkeden on the first ptie and Willm Molton of Toddenham in the Countie of Gloucester Esquire on the second pte and the said Thomas Beaufoye and Thomas Sanders on the third pte, That is to saye to the use of me the said Willm Walkeden and Jone my wyfe for and during our naturall lives and the survivors of us and after our decease then to the use of Willm Willoughbye grandchild to me the said Willm Walkeden and the the heires of the body of the said Willm Willoughbye uppon the body of Susanna nowe wife to the saide Willm Willoughbye lawfully begotten and for want of such yssue to the use and behofe of such psons as I should name and appointe in my last will and testament with and under this provisoe That yf the said Willm Willoughbye should decease before his full age of xxi yeares by good and sufficient conveyance and assurance in the lawe sufficiently convey and assure unto the saide Susanna his wife the Mannor of Normanton uppon Sore the saide Countie of Nottingham and all other his lands tenements and hereditaments in Normanton aforesaid To hold to her duringe her naturall life in lewe of her Joynture and dowre, that then the saide estate soe limited to the said Willm Willoughbye of the same lands rents tenements and hereditaments should cease and be determined And that then and from thence forth the said Thomas Beaufoy and Thomas Sanders and their heires should stand thereof and thence forth bee seased to the use of such psons as I the said Willm Walkeden should thereunto nominate in my last will and testament as in and by the said deede and Indenture more playnely and at large appeareth. Now my will and mynde is and I doe hereby declare name and appoynte That yf the said Willm Willoughbye shall decease before hee shall have accomplyshed his full age of one and twentie yeares, or doe not within six monthes next after his said full age of xxi yeares convey and assure unto the said Susanna his wife the saide Mannor of Normanton and all other his lands tenements and hereditaments in Normanton aforesaid To hold to her in lewe of her dowre and Joynture as is aforesaid and accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of the said recyted deed and Indenture that then all thafore named lands rents tenements and hereditaments in and by the said recited deede granted to the saide Thomas Beaufoy and Thomas Sanders shall after the decease of me the said Willm Walkeden and Jone my wife and the survivor of us bee and remayne to my executors in this present will named to bee by them or the survivor or survivors of them sold for and towards the pformance of this my said will.
Itm I give and bequeath to the poore of Clifton foure pounds, to the poore of Hanton xls to the poore of Harlaston xls and to the poore of Chilcote xls.
Itm I give and bequeath unto Jone my lovinge wife the moity or one half of all my goods and chattells other then of my money billes bonds and debts. Also I give unto her the saide Jone my wife the some of CCCli to be paid her forth of the residue of my estate.
Itm I give and bequeath to my lovinge sonne in lawe Peeter Columbell for the use of his children by my daughter Francis his late wife deceased the some of CCCCCCli whereof five hundreth pounds to be paid to him at such tyme as my Executors have received the like some of CCCCCli of Willm Molton aforesaid by virtue of a bond of one thousand pounds wherein the said Willm Molton standeth bound to paye to me my Executors administrators and assignes the some of CCCCCli uppon the xxth daye of Maye wch shalbee in the yeare of our Lord God 1612. Or yf the saide Willm Molton doe faile in the payement of the said some of CCCCCli Then the said some of CCCCCli to be paid to the said Peeter Columbell for the use of his said Children within sixe monethes next after my Executors shall have made sale of my lands and tenements according to thintent and meaninge of this my will as is herein hearetofore more at large expressed.
Itm I give unto my grandchild Willm Willoughby my seale ringe and all such ymplements and household stuffe as I have at Foshall and to his wife five pounds.
Itm I give and bequeath unto Mary Willoughby the some of CCli to be paid her at her full age of xxi yeares or day of mariage wch shall first happen. And yf she wilbe advised in hir mariage by hir Uncle Sir William Willoughbye and my executors or any two of them, Then I further will unto her CCCli more to be paide unto her as is aforesaid.
Itm I give unto my lovinge sonne in lawe Peeter Columbell iiili to make him a ringe.
Itm I give unto my lovinge Nephew Willm Swaine my best horse mare or geldinge and three pounds to make him a Ringe and iiili to make his wife a ringe.
Itm I give unto my Nephew Thomas Walkeden xli for the use of his Children.
Itm I give unto the Children of my Nephew Robert Walkeden deceased to be equally devided amongst them xli.
Itm I give unto my Nephew Richard Walkeden xli.
Itm I give and bequeath unto my Nephews Raphe Baylye and Richard Bayly vli to each of them And to my Nephewes Edward Baylye and Randall Bayly to each of them xli.
Itm I give and bequeath unto my sonne in lawe Thomas Sanders for his Children's use xlli.
Itm I give unto my sonne in lawe Robert Toone all such money as hee oweth unto me.
Itm I will unto my daughter in lawe Anne Bentley xxxli, And to my sister in lawe Ann Hawks Five marks.
Itm I give and bequeath unto Richard Sleigh for his Childrens use xli whereof his sonne Edward my godson to have vli.
Itm I give unto my goodsonne Callingewood Sanders xli.
Itm I give and bequeath to William Darlinge Edward Darlinge and to Thomas Darlinge yf he be liveinge to each of them xli.
Itm I give unto my servants Christopher Taylor and Humfrey Shilton each of them Five marks. To Anne Hopkinsonne one yeares wages
And further my will and mynde is that whatsoever legacy or bequest I shall hereafter give or bequeath any pson or uses I beinge in pfect memory the some beinge sett downe in writinge before sufficient witnesses shalbee pformed by my Executors and reputed as parte of this my will, Provided alwayes my mynd and will is that noe pson unto whome I have given or bequeathed any legacy or bequest by this my will shall demand or receive any legacy herein to them or any of them given or bequeathed except hee shee or they shall first make seale and deliver unto my Executors or the survivors or survivor of them a full acquittance and discharge of all other demands whatsoever they may bee in any wise charged as executors of this my will.
Itm I doe hereby make constitute and ordayne Jone my lovinge wife my said loving Nephew Willm Swaine and my said lovinge sonne in lawe Thomas Sanders my Executors of this my last will and testament And I doe make my lovinge Friends Mr Arthur Hildersam and Mr John Hill Overseers of thexecucon of this my will and doe give unto each of them xls to make each of them a Ringe. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and sett my seale unto this my last will and Testament the daye and yeare above written in the presence of those whose names are hereunder written
William Walkeden, Samuell Whitinge, Willm Whitinge, Jhon Bentley, Humfrey Callingewood, Callingewoode Sanders ser.
Probatum fuit Testamentum superscriptum apud London coram venerabili viro Domino Johe Benet milite legum doctore Curie prerogative Cantuariensis Magro Custode sive Comissario legitime constituto Tricesimo die mensis Maij Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo duodecimo Jurament Joanne Relicte dti defuncti et Thome Sanders duorum Executorum in eodem Testamento nominat Quibu comissa duit Administrato bonorum Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti De bene et fideliter Administrand &c ad sancta dei Evangelia vigore Comissionis mea parte emanat Jurat, Willmo Swaine altero Executor.....
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 119
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #904604 (accessed 27 August 2023)
Will of Willi Walkeden, granted probate on 30 May 1612. Died about 1612 in Clifton Camvile, Staffordshire, England.
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