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Walker Name Study

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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Walker
This page has been accessed 4,463 times.

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This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about one surname and the variants of that name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.

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Comments: 29

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My grandmother was born Louisa Maud Walker, but on my father's birth certificate she put her maiden name as Bates, I have no idea why, I can't find any record of her ever marrying a Bates.
posted by Julia Hands
Looking for any information on my greatgrandfather William Edward Walker 1867-1935 Mississippi County Arkansas,anything before his birth.My ged kit # is LQ8367979..

My haplogroup MTDNA is U5b3b

posted by Paul Cauchi
I am looking for any information about my husband's Walker family in PA and Indiana in the 1800's. I know that James Gillen Walker was born about 1832 in Lancaster, PA. He died in the Civil War in 1863. His father may have been James Walker, born about 1808 in PA and possibly died in Blackford County, Indiana. Thanks for any info.
posted by Sandra Noyce
Looking for ancestors of Emily T. Walker born in Georgia in 1810. She is one of my greats. Her husband was George Washington Tefertiller, they were married in 1827ish in Tennessee. any help would be appreciated.

Thanks. Mike Lass

posted by Michael Lass
Hello all, I am Melanie Walker. My Walkers, begin in Nova Scotia and then in Maine. I am interested in learning more about the history they were part of. I look forward to finding out more about them.
posted by MJ Walker
My 4th Great Grandfather is Isham Berry Walker-1769 to 1838, m. to Civility Jones. I am having difficulties tracing his parentage as I have found several Isham Walkers with varying middle names ie LittleBerry and David. Any help would me greatly appreciated!
posted by Daphne Folsom
I am linked to William Caloway Walker b abt 1808 . He is the father of Thomas Jefferson Walker ( my GGF )

William is my brick wall !

posted by Letha (Zahradka) Kern
I am trying to find the parents of Mary Walker b. 1799 in TN. She married William Mason b. in KY in 1798. They resided in Henderson Co., KY. Her Maternal Haplogroup is H1q which I understand is somewhat unusual. Any help would be lovely.
posted by Virginia Stanley
Trying to find parents, siblings, any information about Enoch Pugh Walker, born 25 Aug 1796 in Rutherford County, NC and died 21 Jan 1877 in Bethany, Moultrie Co., IL. Was married to Rebecca Wood (White) Walker on 1 Oct 1821 unknown location.

He was the father of Elisha Allen Walker, William Riley Walker, Oliver Perry Walker, Nancy Rion Walker, John Wesley Walker, Mary Wood Walker, Jesse Walker, David Walker, Elias White Walker, Elizabeth Ann (Walker) Crowder, George Washington Walker and Enoch Pugh Walker Jr.. Elisha Allen Walker Born 8 Sep 1822 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA Died 29 May 1895 in Bethany, Moultrie County, Illinois, USA, Husband of Martha Ann (Barbee) Walker — married 1845 [location unknown] Husband of Irene (Beck) Walker — married 18 May 1856 [location unknown]

Father of John Oliver Walker Born 26 Oct 1846 in Shelby County, Illinois, USA Died 14 Feb 1937 in Alva, Woods County, Oklahoma, USA Husband of Narcissa Jane (Vaughan) Walker — married 1 Apr 1869 in Moultrie County, Illinois, USA Husband of Mary Frances (Sample) Walker — married 1882 John Oliver Walker and Narcissa Jane (Vaughan) Walker, my great great grandparents, were the parents to Florence Lavinia Mitchell formerly Walker, my great grandmother. Born 4 Jan 1874 in Bethany, Moultrie County, Illinois, USA

posted by Donna (Gray) Fondren
edited by Donna (Gray) Fondren
I have info on Enoch Walker (1796). His parents were William Walker (b.1776 in Rutherford Co, Nc, where I live and died 1845, Moultrie Co, IL) and Jemima Waggoner (b. In SC and died abt1830 in Moultrie). William and my 4th gr grandfather, Elijah Walker were brothers that married sisters, Jemima and Celia Waggoner who were the daughters of Issac Waggoner. William had 9 children while in Rutherford County, NC.

The Waggoner and William Walkers moved to Moultrie and have family cemeteries there. Most of the other Walkers stayed here. Look up Walker Cemetery in Bethany, Moultrie CO, IL to see lots of your relatives. Also look up Waggoner Cemetery in Moultrie, IL.

posted by Mirinda Higgins
I've hit a brick wall trying to find more information on John Walker, born around 1790 in England, and his wife Ann. They were in a census in 1841 with family members. I have good information on the birth of his son William Walker, 1833 in Littleport England, and can follow the family tree to the US, but would like to find more info on John and his ancestry.
posted by Robert Walker
My 6x g-grandparents were William Walker (b. 1716 and d. 1772 Halifax, NC) and Patience Cain Walker (b. 1710 and d. abt. 1772 NC). My 5x g-grandmother was their daughter, Sisley Walker (b. 1755 NC and d. 1829 TN), who married William Pace, Sr.
posted by Jennifer Campbell
Hi again! I'm involved with "Walkers of Colonial Virginia", which at one point was listed as a subproject of the Walker Name Study (although I didn't see that is was this Walker Name Study page in the changes). If appropriate, could you add a link to https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Walkers_of_Colonial_Virginia


posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
just saw a space page with loads of useful info about Thomas Walker of Virginia. See

Space:Walker-15949_Research & Thomas Walker (abt.1688-abt.1727)

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hello Everyone.

I've hit a brick wall in searches for my ancestry and could use any help. The latest Walker I can find is my g. g. g. grandmother (VanHorn-604) who married a mysterious Walker. My g. grandmother's autobiography says his name is Harry and was a druggist. The marriage license for the mysterious Walker has the name of Edwin F. The death certificate of my g.g.g. grandmother lists the husband as Edward F., and all U.S. Census records show my g.g.g. grandmother's husband as deceased or she listed as widowed/divorced. The Walkers on this search are mostly located in Ohio and some of PA. I'm happy to contribute to this project to help this search along with others. Thanks!

posted by Bradley Walker
Researching Thomas Walker of Virginia whose wife died of TB in Richmond
posted by Jo Grasso
not sure of your timeframe, but check the info on this page:


posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hi all, great to be on here. I'm not sure how to get back to the proper forum to ask this, but I am looking for anyone who may have information about a "brick wall" relative on my maternal grandfather's family. Her name was Harriet Orlean Walker and she was my great grandmother born about 1903 in Tennessee, we think Stewart County. She married my great-grandfather, Prince Albert Sills in 1926 and the couple then moved to Akron, Ohio to work for the rubber factories. The story I always heard as a child from my grandparents was that Harriet's mother passed away when she was somewhere between 3-6 years old and her father, who supposedly worked for the railroad, divided his children amongst the relatives. Harriet was shuffled between a few households until finally coming into the care of a woman named Athel (could have also been Aethel or Ethel, last name unknown). What relation to Harriet this woman was is unknown. At some point as well, Harriet's records may have been lost, as the county courthouse wherever she was from supposedly burned down and everything was destroyed. Her obituary from the Akron Beacon Journal printed on May 18, 1984 lists her death as May 12, 1984 and lists an unnamed sister as one of her surviving relatives. Thanks all and I look forward to any info that anyone may have on her family.
posted by J Biggie
edited by J Biggie
Philip Walker-9976 is the earliest Walker ancestor we have proven. I would enjoy working with family and friends on this line. They appear in North and South Carolina in the 1700s then migrated to Davidson County, Tennessee, Kentucky, and on to Missouri.

Family lore states that earlier they were in the Maryland area. othing has been PROVEN concerning this fact and many lines from Maryland have been disproven. There is a small dedicated group researching this family. More would be welcome. Thank-you, Judith (Weeks) Ancell [email address removed]

posted by Judith (Weeks) Ancell
I would like to join this effort. My Walker lineage hails from Monroe County, VA (later WV) and I have only been able to trace back to my great, great grandfather Andrew Walker (~1818-1890).

I have profiles on 23andMe, Ancestry, Family Tree DNA and My Heritage. I have tested for the Big Y-700 and that resulted in a y-haplogroup of FT41075, a subclade of CTS4466 (often referred to as Southern Irish Type II).

I am looking forward to helping where I can and finding out more about my specific Walker lineage since it is such a common name

posted by Roy Walker
edited by Roy Walker
Hello Roy iam kayleigh walker my leniage comes from my father his name is Paul walker... his father John william walker... I live in the North east England...and I have been told all walkers decend from Scotland. Ireland
posted by [Living Walker]
Hello Kayliegh and thanks for reaching out. Has your father had any y-dna testing? I've never been to NE England, but I have been to London, and Manchester; I've also been to Ireland and Scotland.
posted by Roy Walker
Hi Roy no he hasn't had any dna done I have tho iam still waiting on myheritage results.... my great great grandfather elias manson was from Scotland Norfolk area and ano my great great grandad dennison had decendents in Scotland so i think I may have a few ancestors from Scotland....
posted by [Living Walker]
I live in Yorkshire England my Walker family have lived in this area for over 500 years I was once in contact with a Muffley who had a relative a Jagger who has Walker DNA
posted by Dave Walker
I don't think I know him to be honest theirs thousands of us walkers lol do you know if theirs any walkers living in Northern Ireland?
posted by [Living Walker]
I am the 5th Great Granddaughter of Eli Walker the son of Alanson Walker NY. I can not find my 5th great grandmothers last name. Elizabeth Betsy ( married name Walker) Born around 1798 in NY? Buried in Wisconsin. Can anyone help me. My 4th great Grandma is Calista Walker who married William Baker. Thank you!
posted by Kathy (Motquin) Evans
edited by Kathy (Motquin) Evans
We are researching our Walker surname, and we have a family mystery. My great-great grandfather supposedly left his small family with a new baby in New York and went west to the Gold Rush. The story is that he was eaten by a shark around the Horn. His widow then remarried and moved to Wisconsin. We have been unable to find out any information about him and his family at all. Have not found any verification that the story is true. My late dad did a DNA test and we submitted it to a Walker Project and was unable to match any other Walker families in the Northeast.
posted by Lelia Walker
Lelia: If your dad matches no other Walkers, you might assume that Walker isn't his "real" surname. Was your dad's test a y-dna test? I helped a friend who had no DNA matches with his last name. He did a 37 marker y-DNA and found exact matches with another surname.
posted by Sarah Walker
We are Walker's and would like to be included. Mrs Walker
posted by Mrs Walker