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War Diary 2/DLI - August 1916

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Date: 1 Aug 1916 to 31 Aug 1916
Location: Francemap
Profile manager: Abigail Axton private message [send private message]
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This is a transcription of the official war diaries of the 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry for June 1916. If forms part of a larger set of pages indexed here.

War Diary

Cover of new book - Volume 24

[Image 224 - Start of Vol 23]

18th Brigade 6th Division



1-3 August

[Image 225]

  • AUGUST 1st - Company training was carried out from 6am to 10am. Owing to the hot weather no parades were carried on during the middle of the day. There was a conference at Bde Hqrs at 2.30pm where Battn Commanders were interviewed by General Sir Herbert C. O. Plumer. G.C. M.G. K.C.B. commanding Second Army.
  • 2nd - A Coy and Transport left WORMHOUDT SQUARE at 6.45am and proceeded by march route to ESQUELBECQ STATION. The remainder of the Battn proceeded from WORMHOUDT at 8.10am. The Battn entrained at ESQUELBECQ and proceeded [to] DOULLENS thence to billets at AMPLIER by march route. 2 Officers and 100 men remained in DOULLENS to detrain the transport of the Division.
  • 3rd - The Battn paraded at 6am and proceeded on a route march. Owing to the hot weather there was a bathing parade during the day. 2/LT JUDD and 2/LT BARRINGTON proceeded to ambulance.

4-7 August

[Image 226]

  • 4th - The battn paraded at 8.5am in AMPLIER SQUARE and proceeded by march route to ACHEUX. The Commanding Officer, a/adjutant, Coy Commanders & Sniping Officer proceeded by motor bus to MESNIL and visited the trenches North of the river ANCRE. 2/LT J.S. Palmer slightly wounded, retained for duty.
  • 5th - Coys paraded for route marches under OC Coys.
  • 6th - There was divine service during the morning. The Battn paraded at 1pm and proceeded to trenches (right section of div) just N of River ANCRE where the Battn relieved the 8th Bn Loyal North Lancs (25th Div). Relief was completed at 11.10pm. The right front coy (A Coy) was minenwerfered about 11.15pm. D Coy was shelled at 10.20pm with lachrymatory shells, about 50 shells in all falling in that coy's area. Distribution of Coys. A & B Coys in front line. C Coy in HAMEL in support. D Coy in MESNIL in reserve.
  • 7th - Enemy shelled round Battn Hqrs at 4.30pm. Casualties 1 OR wounded. Enemy shelled right of GORDON TRENCH at 11.30pm CAPT F.L. NEWSTEAD killed.
Capt. F. L Newstead [1]

8-12 August

[Image 227]

  • 8th - About 4.15a, enemy shelled BURRELL AV with field guns. At 4pm enemy shelled HAMEL VILLAGE for about five minutes. Casualties one OR killed, one OR wounded.
  • 9th - About 8.45pm the enemy shelled all round Battn Hqrs. At 11.15pm enemy trench mortared the front & support line. Casualties 5 OR wounded.
  • 10th - About 2am enemy shelled round DEVIAL RETREAT with whizzbang. All 11pm 4 illuminating cartridges were fired from WATTEAU ROAD whereupon the enemy immediately formed barrages round Battn Hqrs, the point where the cartridges were fired and BURRELL AV. Casualties 3 OR killed, 1 OR wounded.
  • 11th - At 2.30am enemy shelled Battn Hqrs. Enemy minenwerfered ROBERTS TRENCH just after midnight. A quiet day. Casualties nil.
  • 12th - Enemy whizzbanged right front coy about 12.15am, also sent minenwerfers over about 2am. Enemy sent shrapnel over GORDON TRENCH about 2.15am. In the afternoon the Battn was relieved by 11th ESSEX Regiment

12(cont)-16 August

[Image 228]

  • 12th (cont) At 9.45am Germans attacked Mill Post and were repulsed leaving a corporal behind them who died. His body was brought in. The Germans again attacked the post at 10.15am & were again repulsed. Our casualties were 2 killed and 4 wounded. A German officer was wounded. On completion of relief the battn proceeded to billets in BEAUSSART. See Appendix "A".
  • 13th - Baths were allotted to the Battn from 8am to 1pm. 2/LT H.V. STOCKTON proceeded to Ambulance.
  • 14th - The battn proceeded from BEAUSSART to bivouacs in MAILLY-MAILLET WOOD by march route in the afternoon. The Battn was allotted baths from 3pm to 5pm. Working parties were supplied to the R.E.
  • 15th - Coys practised the attack under OC Coys. Working parties were supplied to R.E. & Brigade.
  • 16th - No parades owing to large numbers on working parties. Working parties were supplied to R.E. Lieut Col A.E. IRVINE D.S.O. proceeded to command the 18th Infantry Brigade temporarily. Major H.J. TAYLOR took over command of the Battn.

17-20 August

[Image 229]

  • 17th - No parades owing to large working parties sent out on 16th. At night digging parties of 300 were detailed to dig a trench running SOUTH from ROBERTS TRENCH. The enemy shelled and used minenwerfer against this party and R.E.s ordered them to withdraw, Casualties 1 OR killed, 14 OR wounded, 1 OR missing (since returned).
  • 18th - No parades owing to large working parties on previous night. Working aprties supplied to R.E.
  • 19th - No parades owing to large working parties on previous night. LIEUT COL A.E. IRVINE D.S.O. having returned from 18th Inf Bde assumes command of the battn. Working parties were supplied to R.E.
  • 20th - Devine service has held during the morning. In the afternoon the Battn relieved the 11th Bn ESSEX REGT in trenches in front of HAMEL. C & D Coys in front line. B Coy in HAMEL, A Coy in MESNIL. Bn HQrs at HAMEL. HAMEL village was shelled about 5pm. Relief completed midnight.

21-26 August

[Image 230]

  • 21st - During the night minenwerfer were active along the battn front. About 2.30am the enemy shelled Battn Hqrs. Casualties nil. At 11pm enemy sent shrapnel and minenwerfer on to GORDON TRENCH.
  • 22nd - Enemy was active up till 2.30am with minenwerfer. At 1.30am our Lewis Gun fire dispersed a working party opposite GORDON TRENCH. Casualties 5 OR wounded. Enemy shelled the Coy at MESNIL with howitzers but did no damage. 2/LT R. CHATT wounded - shell shock.
  • 23rd - A quiet night. About 1pm enemy shelled left coy. Enemy minenwerfed left coy about midday. Casualties 1 OR wounded.
  • 24th - Enemy shelled MESNIL during the afternoon. Casualties nil. From 8pm to 10pm enemy shelled MESNIL.
  • 25th - The day passed quietly on the Battn front. Casualties nil.
  • 26th - Officers of 1/6th CHESHIRE went round trenches previous to taking over. Casualties 1 OR wounded. Enemy shelled MESNIL during the morning. Enemy shelled GORDON TRENCH about 1pm. In the afternoon the battn was relived by the 1/6th Bn CHESHIRE REGT.

26(cont)-31 August

[Image 231]

  • 26th(cont) - On relief the Battn proceeded to a Camp just North of ACHEUX. 2/LT R. CHATT returned from ambulance.
  • 27th - The Battn paraded at 8.20am, and proceeded by march route to AMPLIER.
  • 28th - The Battn paraded at 8.10am, and proceeded to LONGUEVILLETTE by march route. LT COL H.R. CUMMING arrived and assumed command of the battn.
  • 29th - The Battn paraded at 8.20am, and proceeded to VIGNACOURT by march route.
  • 30th - Coys were at disposal of OC Coys for inspections and refitting. 2/LT L.A. HARTSHORN reported for duty & is posted to B Coy.
  • 31st - Coys started training in the attack.

A.E. Irvine Major for Lieut Col Comdg 2/DLI

Additional Documents

Appendix A

[Image 232]

Appendix A

In connection with the attack on the MILL POST No. 3555 Pte FAWCETT was awarded the MILITARY MEDAL, and No.s:

  • 2/10098 L/C Broxon H
  • 16789 Pte BONES R
  • 3049 Pte HUNTLEY F
  • 23460 Pte WINDRESS J
  • 22491 Pte GALLOWAY H

were awarded Gallantry Cards.

by G.O.C. [General Officer Commanding] 6th Division.

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