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War Diary 2/DLI - July 1916

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Date: 1 Jul 1916 to 31 Jul 1916
Location: Flanders, Francemap
Profile manager: Abigail Axton private message [send private message]
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This is a transcription of the official war diaries of the 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry for July 1916. If forms part of a larger set of pages indexed here.

War Diary

Month Placeholder

[Image 215 - Placeholder]

July 1916

1-5 July

[Image 216 War diary continues]

  • July 1st - The Battn moved by route march from VOLKERINCKHOVE to WINNEZEELE. The Battn halted at ARNEKE for dinners. 2/LT J.B. CASWELL returned from hospital.
  • 2nd - The Battn moved by route march from WINNEZEELE to Camp N on POPERINGHE-PROVEN road.
  • 3rd - A working party of 200 men was supplied for constructing a new railway. At 2.30pm Lieut. Gen The Earl of CANA C.B. M.V.O inspected and addressed the battn. At night a working party of 100 men was supplied for burying cables under Corps Signals.
  • 4th - A working party of 200 men was supplied to Rly Coy, and Corps Signals. The Battn bathed 50 men per Coy at 20th Divn Baths in POPERINGHE. Owing to inclement weather no working parties were supplied at night.
  • 5th - A working part of 200 men was supplied to Rly Coy during the day. Coys paraded under O.C. Coys. At night a working party of 100 men supplied to Corps Signals.

6-9 July

[Image 217]

  • 6th - In the morning a party of 200 men was supplied to the Rly Coy R.E. Coys paraded under OC Coys. Divisional Sports were held at ESQWELBEC. LIEUT J. JONES won the officers race. At night a party of 100 men was supplied to work under Corps Signals.
  • 7th - Orders were received to be ready to entrain a 24 hours notice. All blankets and spare kits were sent to POPERINGHE. Information was received in the evening that the Div was not likely to move.
  • 8th - Coys paraded under OC Coys during the morning.
  • 9th - Divine Service was held in the morning. The Divisional Gas Officer lectured the Officers & N.C.O.s and inspected the Gas Helmets of the Battn. At night a working party of 100 men was supplied to the Corps Signals. 2/LT H. JOHNSON reported for duty and posted to A Coy.

10-12 July

[Image 218]

  • 10th - A working party of 200 men was supplied to Rly Coy RE during the day. Coys paraded under coy commanders. At night a working party of 100 men was supplied to Corps Signals.
  • 11th - A working party of 200 men was supplied to Rly Coy RE during the day. Coys paraded under coy commanders. A working party of 100 men was supplied to Corps Signals. At night a concert, which was arranged by the NCOs was held in the camp.
  • 12th - A working party of 200 men was supplied to Rly Coy RE during the day. Coys paraded under coy commanders. There was a bomb explosion during bombing practise which caused following casualties: Killed 2/LT W.L.P. GRIFFITH-JONES and 1 OR; Wounded 2/LT J.B. CASWELL and 4 OR. At night a working party of 100 men was supplied to Corps Signals.
Pte. John George Wile #3/12055 [1]

2nd Lieut. W.L.P. Griffith-Jones

There was an Obiturary for Lieut Griffith-Jones in De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour[2] which describes the accident:

GRIFFITH-JONES, WILLIAM LIONEL PHILLIPS, M.C., Lieut., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Durham Light Infantry, [youngest] [son] of (-) Griffith-Jones, J.P., Barrister-at-Law, of the South Wales Circuit, of 20, FIsher Street, Swansea, by his wife, Annie, dau. of the late L. Phillips of Cardigan ; b Aberlloolwyn Hall, Cardiganshire, 13 Nov. 1890 ; edc. University College School, London ; was employed as Assistant Manager on the estates of the Bukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd near Penang.

On the outbreak of war he returned to England & obtained a commission in the Durham Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; underwent a bombing course ; took part in many actions, and in March 1916, was awarded the Military Cross : "For conspicuous gallantry. He took part in a raid on the enemy's trenches, and was the first man to enter them. He shot the sentry, and set a fine example of coolness." On 12 July, 1916, he was accidentally killed near Poperinghe. Buried there.

His Commanding Officer wrote : "He was killed this morning as the result of a bombing accident. At the time he was instructing a party of bombers in throwing live bombs. One of the men was in the act of throwing a live grenade when it exploded in his hand ; Lieut. Griffith-Jones, who was standing by, was hit by some of the fragments, and died in about a minute. ... He was a very gallant officer, and a good soldier, and the whole battalion feels his loss very much." A brother officer: "His loss is deplored by all who knew him. All his friends in other battalions in the brigade feel it very much indeed. I do not think anyone could touch him for his pluck and stout-heartedness." Unm.

13-15 Jul

[Image 219]

  • 13th - Coys paraded under Coy Commanders. The funeral of 2/LT W.L.P. GRIFFITH-JONES and 12055 Pte. J.G. WILE who were killed at the bomb explosion took place at the military cemetery in POPERINGHE. In the afternoon the battn held sports, which were keenly contested.
  • 14th - Coys were at disposal of O.C. Coys. The 1st Bn THE BUFFS arrived in Camp N at noon. The battn moved out of camp at 8pm after handing over to 1st BUFFS and proceeded by train to the ASYLUM, YPRES. The battn then proceeded to CANAL BANK and relieved 11th (s) Bn RIFLE BRIGADE there.
  • 15th - In the afternoon advanced parties were sent up to take over the trenches at WIELTJE. At night the Bn relieved the 10th (s) Bn Rifle Brigade. C and D Coys occupied the front line. A & B B Coys were in support. Bn Hqrs were in ST JEAN. 2/LT R. CHATT proceeded to Ambulance.

16-18 Jul

[Image 220]

  • 16th - Relief was completed at 12.50am. A quiet day. Between 9pm and 10pm an enemy minenwerfer was very active. The howitzers were brought to bear on it & silenced it. 2/LT G.M. GARLAND, 2/LT A. DUNN, 2/LT A.D. CAVE, 2/LT W.D. JUDD, 2/LT C.M.J. BARRINGTON reported their arrival for duty. Casualties 2 OR wounded.
  • 17th - A quiet morning. In the afternoon the 25th Divisional Artillery bombarded the enemy's trenches and cut wire in front of B9. The enemy retaliate on ST JEAN and obtained two direct hits on Battn Hqrs doing no damage. Casualties one OR killed. Gas alert received 9.40am.
  • 18th - At 11am the enemy whizz-banged GARDEN ST. At 2pm enemy shelled B11. In the evening enemy aircraft was very active. Two German aeroplanes flew over ST JEAN at 6pm. Casualties nil.

19-22 Jul

[Image 221]

  • 19th - Enemy aircraft flew along our lines at 4am and 6am. Enemy fired trench mortars at B9 and B10 about 6am but all fell short. About 6pm 2 German aeroplanes flew over ST JEAN. At night the battn was relieved by the 14th DLI. Casualties nil.
  • 20th - Relief was completed at 12.40am. On relief Battn occupieddug outs and South end of YSER CANAL. Casualties nil. At 8.45pm enemy shelled round Battn Hqrs. At night working parties and carrying parties were supplied.
  • 21st - A quiet day. At night working and carrying parties were supplied. Casualties nil.
  • 22nd - A quiet day. At night the battn was relieved by 2nd Bn SHERWOOD FORESTERS. Relief was completed at 11.20pm. On completion of relief the Battn less 150 working and carrying parties proceeded to CAMP C (WOOD A30) by train. Arrived in CAMP C about 12.30am. Working parties arrived in Camp at 4.30am. Casualties one OR wounded.

23-27 Jul

[Image 222]

  • 23rd - The battn was allotted baths in POPERINGHE from 8am to noon. At 5pm a German aeroplane passed over Camp C. There was a voluntary C. of E. service at 5.30pm. Casualties nil.
  • 24th - Coys were at disposal of OC Coys for inspections and drill. A working party of 50 was supplied to REs in the afternoon. At night a working party of 200 was supplied to Corps Signals. Casualties nil.
  • 25th - Coys were at disposal of OC Coys. Baths were allotted to the Battn from 10am to noon. Casualties nil. Gas alert cancelled 8.30pm.
  • 26th - Coys commenced training under routine by the Comdg Officer. Baths were allotted the Bn from 3pm to 5pm. Casualties nil.
  • 27th - Baths were allotted the Battn from 8am to 10am. Coy training during the morning and afternoon. 2/LT R. CHATT returned from hospital.

28-31 Jul

[Image 223]

  • 28th - Battn paraded at 9.15 and proceeded on a route march under 2/LT GIBBENS. There was an instructional tour for officers during the morning.
  • 29th - Coy training was carried on.
  • 30th - The Battn paraded at 8.30am and proceeded by march route to light railway crossing on POPERINGHE-CROMBEKE road where Battn entrained and proceeded to WORMHOUDT. 2/LT C. GIBBENS proceeded to hospital.
  • 31st - The Battn paraded at 7.30am and proceeded on a route march. During the hot weather there were no parades during the day.

A.E. Irvine Lieut-Colonel Comdg 2/DLI

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