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War Diary 2/DLI - September 1916

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This is a transcription of the official war diaries of the 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry for September 1916. It forms part of a larger set of pages indexed here.

War Diary

Folio cover for Vol 25

[Image 233]

18th Brigade 6th Division


1-7 September

[Image 234]

  • 1st - The Battn attended a lecture by the Assistant Instructor of Physical Training & Bayonet Fighting during the morning. Coys trained in the attack.
  • 2nd - The Battn took part in Brigade Operations in the morning. Baths were alloted to the battn from 1pm to 7pm. The following officers reported for duty & were posted as follows: - 2/LT C.GREEN "A Coy", 2/LT H. BARCLAY, 2/LT H. CARSS "B Coy", 2/LT H.F.W. CHAMBERLIN "C Coy".
  • 3rd - Devine service was held in the morning.
  • 4th - The Battn tool part in Bde Operations in the morning.
  • 5th - Coys trained under OC Coys. No.6402 R.S.M. (Regimental Sergeant Major) J. WATSON reported for duty.
  • 6th - The Battn marched to COISY
  • 7th - The Battn marched to SAILLY-LE-SEC

8-14 September

[Image 235]

  • 8th - Coys were at disposal of Coy Commanders. LT J.E.S. PERCY reported for duty and was posted to B Coy and 2/LT L. BIRTLES to A Coy. A draft of 50 OR arrived & were posted to Coys.
  • 9th - The Battn practised the attack. The Comdg Offr inspected the new draft.
  • 10th - The Battn took part in Brigade night operations. Divine service was held in the afternoon.
  • 11th - The Battn moved by march route to the SANDPIT area near MEAULTÉ
  • 12th - The Battn moved by march route to the CITADELLE AREA South of FRICOURT. A draft of 16 OR arrived.
  • 13th - Officers visited the ground South of BOIS DETRONES the Battn is to occupy. The C.O. inspected the draft.
  • 14th - LT COL H.R. CUMMING was attached to 18th Infantry Brigade. MAJOR A.E. IRVINE D.S.O. took over command of the battn. CAPT H.J. TAYLOR left the Battn to take over temporary command of 6th Bn Royal Irish Regiment. The Battn marched to valley just SOUTH of MONTAUBAN.

15-17 September

[Image 236]

  • 15th - At midnight the battn moved to Assembly Area SOUTH of BOIS DE TRONES in accordance with orders for 4th Army attack. At midday the Battn moved to GUILLEMONT-WEDGEWOOD TRENCH, then to trench held by GUARDS in order to attack communication trench leading to QUADRILATERAL. Attack was launched at 7.30pm and about 500 yards of trench was captured. CAPT B.C. BATY, and 2/LT R.J. MEIKLE killed, 2/LT L.A. HARTSHORN, 2/LT A.R. WATSON, 2/LT J. DUDLEY, 2/LT J. CRAWFORD, and CAPT E. HUGHES wounded.
  • 16th - In the morning a small attack was made but was held up by M.G. Fire from an enemy's strong point. 2/LT L. BIRTLES killed, CAPT G.M. GARLAND wounded, 2/LT H.F.W. CHAMBERLIN wounded but at duty. Casualties to OR 30 killed, 99 wounded, 34 missing. CAPT. E. HUGHES died of wounds received on 15/9/16.
  • 17th - The Battn relieved at 2am by 1st Bn W. YORKSHIRE Regt. On Relief Battn occupied trenches S of BOIS DE TRONES.

18-24 September

[Image 237]

  • 18th - 18th Inf Bde attacked and captured the QUADRILATERAL. The Battn was in reserve. At 1.30pm battn moved to GUILLEMONT-WEDGEWOOD TRENCH.
  • 19th - The Battn was relieved by 1st Bn BEDFORD REGT. Relief completed 1.20am. On relief battn moved to valley S of MONTAUBAN. The battn paraded at 9am and marched to MEAULTE.
  • 20th - The Battn spent the day refitting, cleaning and bathing. The following officers joined the battn today & were posted as follows: 2nd Lieut D. OSBORNE, to "C" Coy, 2nd Lieut S.F.A. JARRETT, to "D" Coy, A draft of 46 men joined today.
  • 21st - The Battn marched to TRONES WOOD, arriving at 1.0pm. At 7.0pm moved off to trenches NE of GINCHY & took over from 3rd Coldstream Guards. Capt. G.M. GARLAND rejoined from hospital.
  • 22nd - The Battn was in trenches. Much enemy shelling throughout the day.
  • 23rd - The Battn was in trenches, NE of GINCHY. Dug assemby [assembly] trenches from T9G5.2. to T9G4.5.
  • 24th - The Battn was relieved at 2.45am by the 14th DLI & proceeded to TRONES WOOD. Returned [continued on next page]


[Image 238]

  • 24th - ... to same trenches, relieving 14th DLI at 11.0pm. Companies took up position in assembly trenches. 2/LT DALZIEL wounded - shell shock.
  • 25th - Much shelling by both sides during morning. At 1.35 the Bn with 11th ESSEX on left and 1st BUFFS on right, attacked and took Sunken Road W of LESBOEUFS, capturing about 200 prisoners, including 3 officers, 3 machine guns and much artillery ammunition. The Battn had very few casualties. Consolidated on E side of the road.

* 26th - The Battn consolidated new trenches E of road. In early morning two companies were withdrawn to old front line. Fairly heavily shelled during day & night. 2/LT R. CHATT wounded - shell shock. 2/LT HEPPLESTONE rejoined from hospital.

  • 27th - The Battn remained in the same trenches, improving & strengthening them. 2nd Lt C.M.J. BARRINGTON & 2/Lt W.B. JUDD rejoined from hospital.
  • 28th - The Battn remained in trenches, sending down much salvage. A party found and buried some bodies of men reported missing from the QUADRILATERAL attack.
  • 29th - The Battn was relieved at 2am by one Coy of the 1st SHERWOOD FORESTERS & one Coy of 9th NORFOLKS and proceeded to bivouacs at A2C. At 1pm Battn marched to MÉAULTE to billets.
  • 30th - The Battn marched to MERICOURT L'ABBÉ.

A.E. Irvine Major Comdg 2nd DLI


{format to be confirmed}

Additional Documents

Map of new line

[Image 239]

Map showing new line occupied by Bn.

  • Assembly trenches marked by [blue pencil line with single tick mark on]
  • New line [blue pencil line with no marks]

[Map shows area around villages of Lesboeufs and Morval with existing tracks and trenches etc marked, with handwritten amendments made by Maj. Irvine]

Casualties in Action Sept

[Image 240] Casualties in Action for Sep 1916

Killed Wounded Missing
Officers 3 9 -
O. Ranks 38 190 19

A.E. Irvine Major Comdg 2/Durham L. I. Oct 1-16

Casualty Return WE 3 Sep 6th Div

[Image 241]


1st West Yorks Regt 13 5 6
2nd DLI 8 2 5
14th DLI 11 2 6
11th Essex Regt 13 14
18th M.G.Coy. 6 1 2 4

A.E. Irvine Major Comdg 2/Durham L. I.

Trench Strength Return 30 Sep

[Image 214 - handwritten on squared paper]

2nd Durham Light Infantry Trench Strength Return

Available for
duty in trenches
Regimental Employ Total Strength
Officers O. Ranks Officers O. Ranks Officers O. Ranks
21 545 2 98 28 792

30-9-16 A E Irvine Lieut-Colonel Comdg 2/Durham L I


  • UK, World War I War Diaries (France, Belgium and Germany), 1914-1920: "UK, World War I War Diaries (France, Belgium and Germany), 1914-1920"
    Durham Light Infantry > 6th Division > Piece 1617: 18 Infantry Brigade (1914-1919)
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 13 August 2023)

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