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Waters Loyalists Research

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Location: New Brunswickmap
Surnames/tags: Waters Loyalists
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This page is for gathering all information on Loyalists surnamed Waters (Watter, Watters, Walters) who emigrated to Canada in 1783 or who appear in the Military records as serving for the British during the Revolutionary War.

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Because Joel Waters was a child of 7, 8, or 9 years old in 1783 and, as of October 2023, we have no solid information as to his parents names or the brother(s) he is said to have arrived with, we need to cast a wide net here and identify all the Waters who arrived at Nova Scotia.


Ships Lists??? ... to be added

The following list of Waters Loyalists arriving in 1783 has been compiled from "The New Loyalist Index," 3 volumes, by Paul J Bunnell, F.A.C.G., U.E., published 2007 by Heritage Books.

D. Waters - from Volume I ...[Source: LGL #164 map; Lot 315 w/ Josiah Gaines, Pamderec, Grand Bay. Fr: St1: Pamdemec, Grand Bay, Kings Co., Can; Reg: C1:]

Patrick Waters - from Volume I ...[Source: LGL map #163; 100 acre grant #A on Pocologan River; Fr: St1: Pennfield, Charlotte Co., NB, Can; Reg: C1: ]

William Watter - from Volume I ...[Source: LGL map #156; Grant #11 in Westfield w/ Habakuk Pride; Fr: St1: Westfield, Kings Co., NB, Can; Reg: C1: ]

Joel Watters - from Volume I ...[Source: KCC; 1851 census age 74, Farmer, Wife: Rebecca age 78. Child:11, 90 grdch, 25 ggch; Fr: Came to NB 1783; St1: Westfield, Kings Co., NB, Can; Reg: Loyalist C1:]

Mary Watters - listed as having married Jonathan Gorham - from Volume I ...[Source: LLC & LF & LGL; b. 25 Jan 1740, son of George. d. Apr 1824. Mar. Mary Watters. Child: 5; Fr: Stamford, Connecticut; St1: Brown's Flat, Kings Co., NB, Can; Reg: Trained men in war of 1812, C1: ]

Abraham Waters - from Volume II ...[Granted lot #28 at Holders Point in Scotchtown, Canning, Queen's Co,, NB. Source: NBLG-128]

Land Petitions, Grants, and Lots

Abijah Waters - (1) 1784 Jun 26, Nova Scotia Grant: Obijah Waters and others - 1784 - New Brunswick - Granted 7600 acres on the eastern side of the Bay and River Kennebecasius, a branch of the River St John, lying in Sunbury County, 38 farm lots of 200 acres each "laid out unto Abijah Waters and forty-four others..." See the grant at the Nova Scotia Archives website: [1]

(2) c. 1784, Lot 832 being on the south side of Duke Street West, City of Saint John, listed on image 10 of 463 of the Canada, New Brunswick County Deed Registry Book, 1780-1930, Saint John, Index book, grantor-grantee. Available online at familysearch.org, [2]

(3) 1786 Mar 1 - Abijah sells one half of Lot 1 (Timothy Wetmore's First Survey) to William Chase for 30 Spanish Milled Dollars. Note that Abijah signs his name as "Abijah Watrous."

(4) 1798 Apr 19, New Brunswick Land Petition of William Murphy, seeking grant of Lots 1, 2 & 3 in Wetmore's First Survey on the southeastern side of the River Kennebaccacis, originally granted to Abijah Waters & others (see 1 above), states that "Abijah Waters, who is since dead."

Abraham Waters - (1) 1784 Jul 5, Nova Scotia Grant: Samuel Dowling and others - 1784 - New Brunswick - Granted 12,400 acres in the Townships of Gage, Almeston, etc. on the River St Johns Grand Lake, 62 lots containing 200 acres each, being one division thereof on the northern side [of] the Lake called the Grand Lake, a branch of the River St Johns, and one other division thereof being on the Lake called Maquapit, all within the County of Sunbury ... All Wilderness Land..." Abraham was granted lot 28 on Grand Lake. Also appearing in this grant is Joseph "Fluelling," granted lot 27 on Lake Maquapit. See the grant at the Nova Scotia Archives website: [3]

(2) c. 1784, Lot 585 being on the north side of Princess Street East, City of Saint John, listed on image 12 of 463 of the Canada, New Brunswick County Deed Registry Book, 1780-1930, Saint John, Index book, grantor-grantee. Available online at familysearch.org, [4]

(3) 1797 Sep 8, Lois Waters, widow of Abraham Waters, sells Lot 585 in Saint John to John Waterbury. Lois gives herself as being of Sunbury County. Available online at familysearch.org, See the new page Waters_Maugerville

Daniel Waters - (1) 1784 Jun 9, Nova Scotia Grant: John Lips and others - 1784 - New Brunswick - Granted 7400 acres on the western side of Grand Bay, above the falls of the River St John, lots 3 - 30 in the township of Conway, County of Sunbury. Daniel Waters and Joshua Gaines granted lot 15 jointly. See the grant at the Nova Scotia Archives website: [5]

(2) c. 1784, Lot 854 being on the south side of Morris Street West, City of Saint John, listed on image 13 of 463 of the Canada, New Brunswick County Deed Registry Book, 1780-1930, Saint John, Index book, grantor-grantee. Available online at familysearch.org, [6]

William Watter - (1) 1784 Jul 6, Nova Scotia Grant: Asher Coddington and others - 1784 - New Brunswick - Granted 7,600 acres in the Township of Gage, Almeston, etc. on the River St Johns ... unto Asher Coddington and 47 others, 38 lots containing 200 acres each, being on the Northwestern side [of] the Long Reach, of the River St Johns, within the County of Sunbury. William Watter and Habakuk Pride granted lot 11 jointly. See the grant at the Nova Scotia Archives website: [7]

(2) 1785 Mar 5, New Brunswick Land Petition as William Walter, late of North Carolina, asks to trade his one half of Lot No. 11 on Long Reach for the one half of Lot No. 12 in Conway, adjoining his father who was granted Lot No. 13. [File: F1029 William Walter 1785.pdf]

Military Service

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