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A collection of items, photos etc in an old trunk holding Watmuff family memorabillia, in posession of L. Watmuff, bulk scanned by G. Watmuff, Edited by S.J.Arnold.

Links to John Henry watmuff's journals and photo collections etc.

Journals Index
J.H. Watmuff Profile
1 1856-05-01 (Bendigo, Dunolly, Sandy Creek (Tarnagulla), Loddon , (Mt. Hope Hoax), Ararat, Chinamans Flat, Moonlight Flat, Mt William (trek with Aboriginal guide), Pleasant Creek (Stawell), Melbourne).
2 Bendigo Melbourne 1862 Otago N.Z. (1859-07-17)
3 Otago (1862-09-11)
4 Otago (1863-07-26) to Melbourne 1865
5 Melbourne 1865-11-12
6 Melbourne 1866-03-04
7 Melbourne 1869-03-28
8 Melbourne 1870-06-12 to April 1876
9 Melbourne 1876-06 to 1880-09-07
10 Dribs & Drabs 1881-02-16 to 1882-06
11 Sydney & Misc. 1884
12 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-27
13 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-30
14 Lusitania Voyage 1887-06-26
15 Lusitania Voyage 1887-07-01
16 and 17 England, letters and Journal 1887-07-14
18 Garonne return Voyage 1887-09-27
19 Resignations 1888-05-28 to 1892 Nov.
See Bert Watmuff's letters about the family
20 (Journal 19) Mildura 1893-05-06
21 Genealogies from 1738 to 1889
22 New Zealand Essays
J.H. & Bessie Watmuff's Photos
Olive Watmuff's Photos

Image numbering is by upload order and Studio.

3. Cover note to essays JHW wrote at Weatherstones, Otago, N.Z. The essays have not been found.
4. c1865-1872 Appears to be Maria Morton Panter nee Clark (looks like)
5. c1865-1872 Appears to be Maria Morton Panter nee Clark (looks like)
6. c1865-1872 Appears to be Maria Morton Panter nee Clark (looks like)

7. c1870-Frederick Robe Finnis Adelaide.
8. c1870-Frederick Robe Finnis Adelaide

9. c1870-Frederick Robe Finnis Adelaide
10. Must be Charles Vickerman.
12. Must be Charles Vickerman.

15. Must be Charles Vickerman.
16. 1876 Mr Cass

17. 1876 Mr Cass.

19. 1876 Mr Cass.
20. c1868 Will Smart.
21. c1868 Will Smart
22. c1868 Will Smart.
23. 1876 Herbert Taylor, Ballarat (would be preacher?)
24. 1876 Herbert Taylor, Ballarat.
25. 1876 Herbert Taylor, Ballarat.

26. Elizabeth Stone aged 9, 1859 (reprint made after 1872)
27. Elizabeth Stone aged 9, 1859 (reprint made after 1872)
28. Elizabeth Stone aged 9, 1859 (reprint made after 1872)
29. c1875 Elizabeth Cotton Clark

30. c1875 Elizabeth Cotton Clark

32. c1875 Elizabeth Cotton Clark
33. c 1875 J.J. Clark
34. c1875 J.J. Clark
35. c1875 J.J. Clark
36. c1865-Samuel Ramsden-1822-1877
38. c1865-Samuel Ramsden-1822-1877

40. c1865-Samuel Ramsden-1822-1877
41. 1868-09-29-Major Caleb Anderson of Castlemaine, an uncle of Richard Rylands.
42. 1868-09-29-Major Caleb Anderson of Castlemaine, an uncle of Richard Rylands.
43. 1868-09-29-Major Caleb Anderson of Castlemaine, an uncle of Richard Rylands.
Rev. James Ballantyne Presbyterian, Carlton.
45. Rev. James Ballantyne Presbyterian, Carlton.
46. Rev. James Ballantyne Presbyterian, Carlton.
47. Unidentified
48. Unidentified
49. Unidentified
50. c1866-06-possibly [John Anthony Pethebridge], born 1865-12-15.
51. c1866-07-possibly [John Anthony Pethebridge], born 1865-12-15.
52. c1866-07-possibly [John Anthony Pethebridge], born 1865-12-15.
53. 1868-09-29-Mrs.Ryland (Mumma) Richard Ryland's mother.
54. 1868-09-29-Mrs.Ryland (Mumma) Richard Ryland's mother.
55. 1868-09-29-Mrs.Ryland (Mumma) Richard Ryland's mother.
56. c1865 unknown person.
57. c1865 unknown person.
58. c1865 unknown person.
59. Similar in appearance to Henry Watmuff, is the basis for the assumption this is Stephen Watmuff, he is probably left handed.

60. [Stephen Watmuff].
61. [Stephen Watmuff].
63. c1870 [Fred Watmuff].
64. c1870 [Fred Watmuff].
65. c1870 [Fred Watmuff].
66. c1868-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane, (of Boston) and the New York ship-Levanter (there is another copy at images 264-266)
67. c1868-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane, (of Boston) and the New York ship-Levanter (there is another copy at images 264-266)
68. c1868-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane, (of Boston) and the New York ship-Levanter (there is another copy at images 264-266)
69. unknown, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
70. unknown, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
71. unknown, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
72. unknown girl child, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
73. unknown girl child, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
74. unknown girl child, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
75. unknown lad, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
76. unknown lad, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
77. unknown lad, unknown-studio, Melbourne.
78. c1869 [Elizabeth (Bessie) Sarah Watmuff].
79. c1869 [Elizabeth (Bessie) Sarah Watmuff].

80. c1869 [Elizabeth (Bessie) Sarah Watmuff].
81. c1865-Mr. Edward Pethebridge (draper)-a.jpg.
82. c1865-Mr. Edward Pethebridge (draper)-b.jpg.
83. c1865-Mr. Edward Pethebridge (draper)-c.jpg
84. 1870-Edith Ellen Drake, b1862
85. 1870-Edith Ellen Drake, b1862
87. 1870-Edith Ellen Drake, b1862
88. 1870 Mr. Murphy-Northcote
89. 1870 Mr. Murphy-Northcote

90. 1870 Mr. Murphy-Northcote
91. c1874 J.J. Clark
92. c1874 J.J. Clark
93. c1874 J.J. Clark
94. c1864-00-James Stewart. There were two James Stewarts of Christy's Minstrels, one was JHW's friend of gold digging days. see JHW journal June 25 1864.
95. c1864-00-James Stewart. There were two James Stewarts of Christy's Minstrels one was JHW's friend of gold digging days. see JHW journal June 25 1864.
96. c1864-00-James Stewart. There were two James Stewarts of Christy's Minstrels one was JHW's friend of gold digging days. see JHW journal June 25 1864.

98. cApril 1875, Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff and Probably Charles, Royd Cottage-2 Waterloo St.St. Kilda (Royd Cottage Written on rail above)
99. cApril 1875, Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff and Probably Charles, Royd Cottage-2 Waterloo St.St. Kilda (Royd Cottage Written on rail above)
101. cApril 1875, Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff and Probably Charles, Royd Cottage-2 WaterlooSt.St. Kilda (Royd Cottage Written on rail above)

103. cApril 1875, Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff and Probably Charles Royd Watmuff
104. c1868-69 Eleanor Wright. (met Nov. 1867)
105. c1868-69 Eleanor Wright. (met Nov. 1867)
106. c1868-69 Eleanor Wright. (met Nov. 1867) see also image 415

415. c1868A-Miss Wright-of-Collingwood
416. c1868B-Miss Wright-of-Collingwood
417. c1868C-Miss Wright-of-Collingwood

108. 1869-10-Henry Chadwick
Henry Chadwick
109. 1869-10-Henry Chadwick

110. 1869-10-Henry Chadwick
111. c1870 unidentified lady
112. c1870 unidentified lady
113. c1870 unidentified lady
114. c1866 unidentified male
115. c1866 unidentified male
116. c1866 unidentified male
117. 1867-03-04-James Peak (pencilled note, accompanist, Melbourne Philharmonic Society probably wrong, (George Peake was) )
118. 1867-03-04-James Peak
119. 1867-03-04-James Peak

120. 1869-07-10-John Anthony Pethebridge, born 1865-12-15.
121. 1869-07-10-John Anthony Pethebridge, born 1865-12-15.
122. 1869-07-10-John Anthony Pethebridge, born 1865-12-15.
123. c1871-Edward James Clark
124. c1871-Edward James Clark
125. c1871-Edward James Clark
126. 1870-01-David Adamson (railway clerk)
127. 1870-01-David Adamson (railway clerk)
128. 1870-01-David Adamson (railway clerk)
129. 1871-12-14-Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge (daughter of Jessie Flett)

130. 1871-12-14-Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge (daughter of Jessie Flett)
131. 1871-12-14-Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge (daughter of Jessie Flett)
132. c1872-01-Edward James Clark 3.5 years
132. c1872-01-Edward James Clark 3.5 years
134. c1872-01-Edward James Clark 3.5 years
135. 190x-05-11-M.J.Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff
136. 190x-05-11-M.J.Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff
137. 190x-05-11-M.J.Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff
138. 1886-09-17-The Elms, Riversdale-road, Hawthorn, Dance-program
139. 1886-09-17-The Elms, Riversdale-road, Hawthorn, Dance-program

140. 1886-09-17-The Elms, Riversdale-road, Hawthorn, Dance-program
141. 1889-12-19-Aust.Conservatoire-of-singing
142. 1889-12-19-Aust.Conservatoire-of-singing
143. 1889-12-19-Aust.Conservatoire-of-singing
144. c1904-Davis-to-Bessie Watmuff.
145. c1904-Davis-to-Bessie Watmuff.
149 (image 149,148 146 belong together) 1905-02-07-Bessie-Melville reminder. (Melvilles, daughters of Politicion, one wrote letter to A. Arnold about Olive) see also image 309.
148. 1905-02-07-to Bessie Watmuff from Mrs. Catherine? Melville or one of her daughters.
146. 1905-02-07-Bessie-Theodora? Melville reminder. (Melvilles, daughters of Hon. Donald Melville, Daphne wrote letter to A. Arnold about Olive)
147. Davis to Mrs ? Watmuff

0. 1887c "Faith" Julie Pignolet de Fresne, 2 of her Collard nieces died in 1887.
1. 1887c "Faith" page 2. Julie Pignolet de Fresne.
2. 1887c "Faith" page 3. Julie Pignolet de Fresne

150. 1905. Julie Pignolet invitation to Bessie (Pitts) Watmuff and Reg Watmuff.
151. 1905. Julie Pignolet invitation to Bessie (Pitts) Watmuff and Reg Watmuff.
152. Invitation to Bessie Watmuff to visit (Bessie lives in Mildura, and is on a visit to Melbourne). Madam Keogh is the former Lilia de Pignolet (Letter dated January, envelope dated April).
153. 1905-09-14-Mildura Methodist Circuit
154. 1905-09-14-Mildura Methodist Circuit
155. 1905-09-14-Mildura Methodist Circuit
156. 1907-05-27-to-J.Basil Watmuff
157. 1907-05-27-to-J.Basil Watmuff
158. 1907-05-27-to-J.Basil Watmuff
159. 1907-12-24-to Eddie Watmuff-a

160. 1907-12-24-to Eddie Watmuff-b
161. 1907-12-24-to Eddie Watmuff-c
162. 1907-12-31-postcard-Bessie-to-W.R.Watmuff-a
163. 1907-12-31-postcard-Bessie-to-W.R.Watmuff-b
164. 1907-12-31-postcard-Bessie-to-W.R.Watmuff-c
165. 1912-03-14-Gov. General Denman-a
166. 1912-03-14-Gov. General Denman-b
167. 1912-03-14-Gov. General Denman-c
168. c1905 B.Davis-to-Bessie Watmuff-a
169. c1905 B.Davis-to-Bessie Watmuff-b

170. c1905 B.Davis-to-Bessie Watmuff-c
171. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff-a
172. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff-b
173. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-Bessie Watmuff-c
174. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-E.L.Watmuff-a
175. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-E.L.Watmuff-b
176. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-E.L.Watmuff-c
177. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-S.Oswald Watmuff-a
178. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-S.Oswald Watmuff-b
179. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-S.Oswald Watmuff-c

180. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-W.R.Watmuff-a
181. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-W.R.Watmuff-b
182. c1905 Mary Josephine Watmuff-to-W.R.Watmuff-c
183. c1865-Mr.G.B.Ryland-of-Castlemaine-draper-a
184. c1865-Mr.G.B.Ryland-of-Castlemaine-draper-b
185. c1865-Mr.G.B.Ryland-of-Castlemaine-draper-c
186. 1868-09-29-Richard Ryland-a
187. 1868-09-29-Richard Ryland-b
188. 1868-09-29-Richard Ryland-c
189. 1868-09-aa-circa-[C.Raines??}-Richard Ryland's-cousin-a

190. 1868-09-aa-circa-[C.Raines?? Jayln Taylor??}-Richard Ryland's-cousin-b
191. 1868-09-aa-circa-[C.Raines?? Taylor??}-Richard Ryland's-cousin-c
192. 1868-09-bb-circa-C.Raines-Richard Ryland's-cousin (Richard married a Christana Rylands #2087/1874, it looks like their mothers were sisters of Major Caleb Anderson, Castlemaine, Richard's father George (a draper) was also a Major in Castlemaine.)
193. 1868-09-bb-circa-C.Raines-Richard Ryland's-cousin
194. 1868-09-bb-circa-C.Raines-Richard Ryland's-cousin

196. c1869-00-00-J.H.Watmuff-Melbourne
197. c1869-00-00-J.H.Watmuff-Melbourne
198. c1869-00-00-J.H.Watmuff-Melbourne
199. 1869-00-dc-circa-unidentified-male

200. 1869-00-dc-circa-unidentified-male
201. 1869-00-dc-circa-unidentified-male
202. c1867 unidentified-female
203. c1867 unidentified-female
204. c1867 unidentified-female
205. unidentified-[Elizabeth (Vickerman) Watmuff]?
206. unidentified-[Elizabeth (Vickerman) Watmuff]?
207. unidentified-[Elizabeth (Vickerman) Watmuff]?

208. c1865-03-27-Joe Brown (Christy's Minstrels)
Joe Brown, Christy's Minstrels
209. c1865-03-27-Joe Brown (Christy's Minstrels)

210. c1865-03-27-Joe Brown (Christy's Minstrels)
211. c1867-circa-[E.S.Watmuff]?
212. c1867-circa-[E.S.Watmuff-b]?
213. c1867-circa-[E.S.Watmuff]?
214. 1867-11-05-Isabella Milton-a (adopted) Photographers assistant
215. 1867-11-05-Isabella Milton-b (adopted, Photographers assistant)

217. 1867-11-05-Isabella Milton-c (adopted, Photographers assistant)
218. c1874a-possibly Mary J. Watmuff
219. c1874b-possibly Mary J. Watmuff

220. c1874c-possibly Mary J. Watmuff
221. c1878a-possibly Charles Royd Watmuff
222. c1878b-possibly Charles Royd Watmuff
223. c1878c-possibly Charles Royd Watmuff
224. c1873-1876a.possibly Mary J. or Charles R. Watmuff
225. c1873-1876b.possibly Mary J. or Charles R. Watmuff
226. c1873-1876c.possibly Mary J. or Charles R. Watmuff
227. c1874a unidentified young lady
228. c1874b unidentified young lady
242. c1874c unidentified young lady

230. 1874-11-00a-Mrs.Pethebridge nee-Jessie Flett
231. 1874-11-00b-Mrs.Pethebridge nee-Jessie Flett
232. 1874-11-00c-Mrs.Pethebridge nee-Jessie Flett

376. c1868a-ee-37circa-Miss. unidentified, possibly Jessie Flett
377. c1868b-ee-37circa-Miss. unidentified
378. c1868c-ee-37circa-Miss. unidentified
233. 1867-07-10a-Henry Edelman-Echuca
234. 1867-07-10b-Henry Edelman-Echuca
235. 1867-07-10c-Henry Edelman-Echuca
236. Gordon Duncan  ?June?- 1898 - Eden Society Studios - A
237. Gordon Duncan ?June?-1898 - Eden Society Studios - B
238. Gordon Duncan ?June?-1898 - Eden Society Studios - C
239. 1882a-Stephen Oswald Watmuff

240. 1882b-Stephen Oswald Watmuff
241. 1882c-Stephen Oswald Watmuff
243. c1875a-Unidentified Young Lady
244. c1875b-Unidentified Young Lady
229. c1875c-Unidentified Young Lady
Family name:Emma YOULDEN, married WATTS, George Reg. year: 1873 Reg. number: 1286/1873
245. c1867a-Emma Youlden Mrs. A.Watt [BDM has George Watts, married 1873]
c1867b-Emma Youlden Mrs.A.Watts
247. c1867c-Emma Youlden Mrs.A.Watts
1862-05-01a-henry watmuff
Henry Watmuff
249. 1862-05-01b-Henry Watmuff.

250. 1862-05-01c-Henry Watmuff
251. c1864-12a Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley this photo mentioned in J.H.W. journals)
252. c1864-12b Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley
253. c1864-12c Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley
254. c1864-12a Mrs. Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley
255. c1864-12b Mrs. Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley
256.c1864-12a Mrs. Charles Bryer, Market St. Chorley

258. c1865-10-00a-Charles Peel-[butcher-Halifax]
259. c1865-10-00b-Charles Peel-[butcher-Halifax]

260. c1865-10-00c-Charles Peel-[butcher-Halifax]
261. 1865-10a-Alf Peel-in-Halifax "To Mr? Watmuff, With A Peel's Compls. Oct 1865"
262. 1865-10b-Alf Peel-in-Halifax "To Mr? Watmuff, With A Peel's Compls. Oct 1865"
263. 1865-10c-Alf Peel-in-Halifax "To Mr? Watmuff, With A Peel's Compls. Oct 1865"
264. c1868-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane, (of Boston) and the New York ship-Levanter (there is a copy at images 66-68)
265. c1868-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane, (of Boston) and the New York ship-Levanter
Lanes socialised with Watmuffs whenever in Melbourne. Mrs. Lane died of Dysentry in 1869. Capt Lane had in 1853 captained a British ship called the South Boston and rescued Smith, the sole survivor of the Bainbridge.
266. c1868c-Liverpool; Capt. G. and Mrs. Lane of New York ship-Levanter
267. c1887a-Isabel Moore-Thornhill Villa, Marsh, Huddersfield
268. c1887a-Isabel Moore-Thornhill Villa, Marsh, Huddersfield
269. c1887a-Isabel Moore-Thornhill Villa, Marsh, Huddersfield

270. c1887-Mr. and Mrs. Balharry-Liverpool
271. c1887-Mr. and Mrs. Balharry-Liverpool
272. c1887-Mr. and Mrs. Balharry-Liverpool
273. 1898-09-20a-(or 1893) unidentified-in-London
274. 1898-09-20b-(or 1893) unidentified-in-London
275. 1898-09-20c-(or 1893) unidentified-in-London
276. c1877a-Unidentified Woman
277. c1877a-Unidentified Woman
278. c1877a-Unidentified Woman
279. c1870-unidentified-lady

280. c1870-unidentified-lady
281. c1870-unidentified-lady
282. 1879-06-09-Henry Watmuff-memorial
283. 1879-06-09-Henry Watmuff-memorial
284. 1879-06-09-Henry Watmuff-memorial
285. 1869-01-19a-S.M.Taylor (daughter of Rev. James Taylor?)
286. 1869-01-19b-S.M.Taylor
287. 1869-01-19c-S.M.Taylor
288. 1870a-E.S.Watmuff (Bond)
289. 1870b-E.S.Watmuff (Bond)

290. 1870c-E.S.Watmuff (Bond)
291. c1870a-unidentified-[G.Bond?]
292. a1870b-unidentified-[G.Bond?]
293. c1870c-unidentified-[G.Bond?]
294. c1870-unidentified gentleman- Probably Severinus Apolinarius Rakowski (1810 - 1887)
295. c1870-unidentified gentleman - Probably Severinus Apolinarius Rakowski (1810 - 1887)
296. c1870-unidentified gentleman - Probably Severinus Apolinarius Rakowski (1810 - 1887)
297. c1870-unidentified-brothers possibly J. & A. Ballantyne
298. c1870-unidentified-brothers
299. c1870-unidentified-brothers

300. c1882a-Winifred.Pitts-(1880-1941)-Prahran
301. c1882b-Winifred.Pitts-(1880-1941)-Prahran
302. c1882c-Winifred.Pitts-(1880-1941)-Prahran
1865circa-Louisa Agnes Burke-c1850-1871
1865circa-Louisa Agnes Burke-c1850-1871

1865circa-Louisa Agnes Burke-c1850-1871

George Stephen Watmuff, Elsie Louisa Watmuff, Frederick Watmuff
George Stephen Watmuff, Elsie Louisa Watmuff, Frederick Watmuff
George Stephen Watmuff, Elsie Louisa Watmuff, Frederick Watmuff

312. unidentified group, possibly singers, possibly J. H. Watmuff far left.
One group he was in was 1882, eg Vocal Music by Mrs. T. Kingsland, Mr. E. Amery,

Mr. J. H. Watmuff. Accompanist, Miss Middleton. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/202532007

313. unidentified group, possibly singers, possibly J. H. Watmuff far left.
314. unidentified group, possibly singers, possibly J. H. Watmuff far left.
315. c1871a-unidentified lady
316. c1871b-unidentified lady
317. c1871c-unidentified lady
318. a1871-04a-unidentified-x
319. 1871-04b-unidentified-x

320. 1871-04c-unidentified-x
321. 17-4a-c1870-unidentified
322. 17-4b-c1870-unidentified
323. 17-4c-c1870-unidentified
324. c1876-06-00-Charles Royd Watmuff-a
325. c1876-06-00-Charles Royd Watmuff-b
326. c1876-06-00-Charles Royd Watmuff-c
327. 1878-11-30 Rev-John Legge.MA.-memorial-a
328. 1878-11-30-Rev-John Legge MA.-memorial-b
329. 1878-11-30-Rev-John Legge.MA.-memorial-c

330. 1875circa-unindentified
331. 1875circa-unindentified
332. 1875circa-unindentified
c1872-[Jane Ann (Pitts)-Bool]-Darjeeling-India-a
334. c1872-[Jane Ann (Pitts)-Bool]-Darjeeling-India-b
335. c1872-[Jane Ann (Pitts)-Bool]-Darjeeling-India-c
336. c1875a-Unidentified, photo by John Nicholson Studio, Franklin, Indiana possibly William Watson Wick (February 23, 1796 – May 19, 1868)
337. c1875b-Unidentified, photo by John Nicholson Studio, Franklin, Indiana
338. c1875b-Unidentified, photo by John Nicholson Studio, Franklin, Indiana
339. c1865a-00-gh-Believed to be James Russell Hamilton

340. c1865b-00-gh-Believed to be James Russell Hamilton
341. c1865c-00-gh-Believed to be James Russell Hamilton
342. after1867-16-6a-unidentified
343. after1867-16-6b-unidentified
344. after1867-16-6c-unidentified
345. 1867-12-00circa-Mrs.Dove.a.
346. 1867-12-00circa-Mrs.Dove.b.
347. 1867-12-00circa-Mrs.Dove.c.
348. c1870-00-00a-Annie-Isabella Hamilton
349. c1870-00-00b-Annie-Isabella Hamilton

350. c1870-00-00c-Annie-Isabella Hamilton
351. c1870-00a-[Emonie] Hamilton
353. c1870-00b-[Emonie] Hamilton
354. c1870-00c-[Emonie] Hamilton
355. 1872-04-00a-Annie-Isabella Hamilton
356. 1872-04-00b-Annie-Isabella Hamilton
357. 1872-04-00c-Annie-Isabella Hamilton
358. 1872-04-00a-James Dickson Hamilton
359. 1872-04-00b-James Dickson Hamilton

360. 1872-04-00c-James Dickson Hamilton
361. c1865-03-00-W.P.Collins-Christy's Minstrels
362. c1865-03-00-W.P.Collins-Christy's Minstrels
363. c1865-03-00-W.P.Collins-Christy's Minstrels
364. c1865-03-27a-C.W.Rayner (Christy's Minstrels)
365. c1865-03-27b-C.W.Rayner (Christy's Minstrels)
366. c1865-03-27ac-C.W.Rayner (Christy's Minstrels)
367. c1865-03-27a-W.P.Collins (Christy's Minstrels)
368. c1865-03-27b-W.P.Collins (Christy's Minstrels)
c1865-03-27c-W.P.Collins (Christy's Minstrels)

370. c1868-00a-pq-unidentified-but similar in appearance to James Gawthorne Kidgell
371. c1868-00a-pq-unidentified-but similar in appearance to James Gawthorne Kidgell
372. c1868-00a-pq-unidentified-but similar in appearance to James Gawthorne Kidgell
373. c1875a Miss Cooper
374. c1875c Miss Cooper
375. c1875c Miss Cooper
379. c1872a-Mrs.Marion Emonie Hamilton?

380. c1872b-Mrs.Marion Emonie Hamilton?
381. c1872c-Mrs.Marion Emonie Hamilton?
382. c1870a 13-6a unknown lady
383. c1870b 13-6a unknown lady
384. c1870c 13-6a unknown lady
385. c1871a-[Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge?]
386. c1871b-[Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge?]
387. c1871c-[Elizabeth Cargill Pethebridge?]
388. c1870a 13-1a unidentified
389. c1870b 13-1a unidentified

390. c1870c 13-1a unidentified
391. 1863-12-24a-[Bonnie] Annie Henderson-Dunedin
392. 1863-12-24b-[Bonnie] Annie Henderson-Dunedin
393. 1863-12-24c-[Bonnie] Annie Henderson-Dunedin
394. c1866a-Annie Isabella + Alexander Andrew Hamilton, Dunedin
395. c1866a-Annie Isabella + Alexander Andrew Hamilton, Dunedin
396. c1866a-Annie Isabella + Alexander Andrew Hamilton, Dunedin
397. c1875-12-29A-Mrs. Octavia Lane (singer)
398. c1875-12-29B-Mrs. Octavia Lane (singer)
399. c1875-12-29C-Mrs. Octavia Lane (singer)

400. c1862A-James Russell Hamilton-Dunedin
401. c1862B-James Russell Hamilton-Dunedin
402. c1862C- James Russell Hamilton-Dunedin
403. c1870A-17-2a-unknown person
404. c1870A-17-2b-unknown person
405. c1870A-17-2a-unknown person
406. 1870-00A-mx-circa-unidentified-man
407. 1870-00C-mx-circa-unidentified-man
409. 1871-10-06a-Mr+Mrs.James Stewart-Tenor Singer (there were two or three with same name in the Christy Minstrels, one had been a miner on Bendigo and took lesons in Pollards singing class, 1859.

410. 1871-10-06a-Mr+Mrs.James Stewart-Tenor
411. 1871-10-06a-Mr+Mrs.James Stewart-Tenor
412. c1868A-14-7a unidentified
413. c1868B-14-7a unidentified
414. c1868C-14-7a unidentified

418. c1870A 13-4a unknown lady
419. c1870B 13-4a unknown lady

420. c1870C 13-4a unknown lady
421. c1912A-Kathleen (Apple) Sylvia Florence Hynes-Burnie-Tasmania
422. c1912B-Kathleen (Apple) Sylvia Florence Hynes-Burnie-Tasmania
423. c1912C-Kathleen (Apple) Sylvia Florence Hynes-Burnie-Tasmania
424. c1870A [Lizzie] Vickerman-Sandhurst
425. c1870B [Lizzie] Vickerman-Sandhurst
426. c1870C [Lizzie] Vickerman-Sandhurst
427. c1865A-Due to striking resemblance to her granddaughter, Eliza Jane Hickey probably-Mrs. Jane Hooper, aka McCaffray
428. c1865B-probably-Mrs. Mrs. Jane Hooper, aka McCaffray
429. c1865C-probably-Mrs. Mrs. Jane Hooper, aka McCaffray

430. c1865A-circa-Bob Hooper, Sandhurst
431. c1865B-circa-Bob Hooper, Sandhurst
432. c1865C-circa-Bob Hooper, Sandhurst
433. c1867A-Bob Hooper (standing)
434. c1867B-Bob Hooper (standing)
435. c1867C-Bob Hooperr (standing)
436. c1870A-circa-Mary Ann Finnis
437. c1870B-circa-Mary Ann Finnis
438. c1870C-circa-Mary Ann Finnis

440. 1891-04A-Annie=Holm=Mrs-John Paterson Orr
441. 1891-04B-Annie=Holm=Mrs-John Paterson Orr
442. 1891-04C-Annie=Holm=Mrs-John Paterson Orr
443. c1865-04A-Eliza Jane Hickey
444. c1865-04B-Eliza Jane Hickey
445. c1865-04C-Eliza Jane Hickey
446. 1863-01-07A-Isabella (Isa) King
447. 1863-01-07B-Isabella (Isa) King

450. 1863-01-07C-Isabella (Isa) King
451. c1870A [MaryAnnFinnis?]-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst
452. c1870B [MaryAnnFinnis?]-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst
453. c1870C [MaryAnnFinnis?]-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst
454. 1870-A-circa-Mary Ann Finnis-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst-d
455. 1870-B-circa-Mary Ann Finnis-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst-d
456. 1870-C-circa-Mary Ann Finnis-by-NJ.Caire-Sandhurst-d
458. 1870-00B-bb-circa-Frederick.Robe.Finnis-Adelaide
459. 1870-00C-bb-circa-Frederick.Robe.Finnis-Adelaide

460. c1871-02A-[Mrs.Room]-of-Launceston (Cared for Mary Clark before she died)
461. c1871-02B-[Mrs.Room]-of-Launceston
462. c1871-02C-[Mrs.Room]-of-Launceston
463. 1871-02-Mary Taylor (Watmuff) Clark)
464. 1871-02-Mary Taylor (Watmuff) Clark)
465. 1871-02-Mary Taylor (Watmuff) Clark)
466. c1870A Portrait of unidentified
467. c1870B Portrait of unidentified
468. c1870B Portrait of unidentified
469. c1870A sisters unidentified

470. c1870B sisters unidentified
471 c1870C sisters unidentified
472. c1870A unidentified, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne
473. c1870B unidentified, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne
474. c1870C unidentified, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne
475. c1870A girl no-name, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria
476. c1870B girl no-name, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria
477. c1870B girl no-name, Stewart & Co. 217-219 Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria
478. c1870-00-possibly E.J.Clark or Charles Royd Watmuff
479. c1870-00-possibly E.J.Clark or Charles Royd Watmuff

480. c1870-00-possibly E.J.Clark or Charles Royd Watmuff
481. 1878-00-rr.circa-[Richard].Ryland.a.jpg
482. 1878-00-rr.circa-[Richard].Ryland.a.jpg
483. 1878-00-rr.circa-[Richard].Ryland.a.jpg
484. c1870-Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff
485. c1870-Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff
486. c1870-Elizabeth (Stone) Watmuff
487. unidentified male, T.W. McAlpine, Campbell Parade, Richmond, Victoria
488. unidentified male, T.W. McAlpine, Campbell Parade, Richmond, Victoria
489. unidentified male, T.W. McAlpine, Campbell Parade, Richmond, Victoria

490. Signature possibly J. King. Photographer (T. Wright was in that studio Dec. 1864 to at least Dec. 1866)
490. Signature possibly J. King. (Photographer T. Wright was in that studio Dec. 1864 to at least Dec. 1866) Identification as J. H. Watmuff by Joyce Watmuff is highly suspect.
492. Signature possibly J. King. (T. Wright in that studio Dec 1864 to at least Dec. 1866)
493. c1870-00-circa-Unidentified Lady
494. c1870-00-circa-Unidentified Lady
495. c1870-00-circa-Unidentified Lady
496. c1870-Henry Rook
497. c1870-Henry Rook
498. c1870-Henry Rook
499. c1885-Ellis Mckenzie Pitts + Winifred Pitts

500. c1885-Ellis Mckenzie Pitts + Winifred Pitts
501. c1885-Ellis Mckenzie Pitts + Winifred Pitts
502. c1867-unknown male possibly father of Edith Drake
503. c1867-unknown male
504. c1867-unknown male
505. c1867-Miss.Scott of Hawthorn
506. c1867-Miss.Scott of Hawthorn
507. c1867-Miss.Scott of Hawthorn
508. c1870-Mary Norris (Mrs.Spink)
509. c1870-Mary Norris (Mrs.Spink)

510. c1870-Mary Norris (Mrs.Spink)


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