
Weihsien Civilian Assembly Center Graveyard

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] to 1945
Location: Weifang, Shandong Province, Chinamap
Surname/tag: Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 188 times.


Cemetery name: Weihsien Civilian Assembly Center Graveyard

Address: Now under Chinese hospital. Compound included what is now Hebin Park, Weifang, Shandong Province, China.

GPS Coordinates: 36.7015194, 119.1262194

Estimated Burials: No formal records. Current identified list at 37( 31 documented burials during internment).

Information: Weihsien mission was created by American Presbyterian mission and was named by the Chinese the "Courtyard of the Happy Way" (Le Dao Yuan). It was comprised of twenty-four acres of treed landscape and a rock fortified compound.

The during the Japanese occupation of China, the Mission was converted by the Japanese into a interment camp, called a "Civilian Assembly Center", for fifteen hundred civilians, some who were held there for two and a half years, and others who were held until the end of the war.

The burials listed here fall into two catagories. The first is the original burials during the mission period. They were marked by stones. The second is those who, for age or mistreatment, did not survive the internment. They were marked only by small wooden crosses. The burial area has since been built over. One contemporary stone has been set in memory of Eric Liddell, who won gold in the 1924 Olympics.

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