Location: Western Australia
Surnames/tags: Western_Australia Land_Use Local_Government
Location: Western Australia

Surnames/tags: Western_Australia Land_Use Local_Government
This page has been accessed 80 times.
- See Directory page: Western Australia Local Government Directory
- Metropolitan LGAs | Non-metropolitan LGAs | Landgate : Place name history
- Regional local government areas | Map of WA LGA locations : City and Shire
- The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians, - BDoWA
pre-1829-1888, Volume Introduction; p. i, compiled by Rica Erickson
- The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians, - BDoWA
- Directory and Information on Local Government: | also: Heritage photos
- City of Albany | Albany, Town | W® | City W®
- City of Armadale | Armadale, (Suburb) | W® | City W® | Heritage
- Shire of Ashburton
- Shire of Augusta Margaret River | Augusta, Town
- Town of Bassendean
- City of Bayswater
- City of Belmont
- Shire of Beverley | Beverley, Town | W® | Shire W® | Heritage
- Shire of Boddington
- Shire of Boyup Brook
- Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes | Bridgetown, Town | W® | Shire W® | Greenbushes, Town | W® | Heritage
- Shire of Brookton
- Shire of Broome
- Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
- Shire of Bruce Rock
- City of Bunbury | Bunbury, Place
- City of Busselton | Busselton, Place
- Town of Cambridge | |Floreat, (Suburb)]] | W® | Town W®
- City of Canning | | City W®
- Shire of Capel
- Shire of Carnamah
- Shire of Carnarvon | Gascoyne Region
- Shire of Chapman Valley
- Shire of Chittering
- Shire of Christmas Island
- Town of Claremont | Claremont, (Suburb) | W® | Town W® | Heritage
- City of Cockburn
- Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Shire of Collie
- Shire of Coolgardie Shire W® |
- Shire of Coorow
- Shire of Corrigin
- Town of Cottesloe | Cottesloe, (Suburb) | W® | Town W® | Heritage
- Shire of Cranbrook
- Shire of Cuballing
- Shire of Cue
- Shire of Cunderdin
- Shire of Dalwallinu
- Shire of Dandaragan
- Shire of Dardanup | Dardanup - Area Tree |
- Shire of Denmark
- Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
- Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
- Shire of Dowerin
- Shire of Dumbleyung
- Shire of Dundas
- Town of East Fremantle
- Shire of East Pilbara
- Shire of Esperance
- Shire of Exmouth | Gascoyne Region
- City of Fremantle
- Shire of Gingin
- Shire of Gnowangerup
- Shire of Goomalling
- City of Gosnells
- City of Greater Geraldton
- Shire of Halls Creek
- Shire of Harvey
- Shire of Irwin | Dongara, Town | W® | Shire W® | River W® | | | Frederick Chidley Irwin (1788-1860)
- Shire of Jerramungup
- City of Joondalup
- City of Kalamunda
- City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- City of Karratha
- Shire of Katanning
- Shire of Kellerberrin
- Shire of Kent
- Shire of Kojonup
- Shire of Kondinin
- Shire of Koorda
- Shire of Kulin
- City of Kwinana
- Shire of Lake Grace
- Shire of Laverton
- Shire of Leonora
- City of Mandurah
- Shire of Manjimup | Manjimup, Town | W® | Shire W® |
- Shire of Meekatharra
- City of Melville | Melville, (Suburb) | W® | City W® |
- Shire of Menzies
- Shire of Merredin
- Shire of Mingenew
- Shire of Moora
- Shire of Morawa
- Town of Mosman Park | Mosman Park, (Suburb) | W® | Town W® |
- Shire of Mount Magnet
- Shire of Mount Marshall
- Shire of Mukinbudin
- Shire of Mundaring
- Shire of Murchison
- Shire of Murray
- Shire of Nannup
- Shire of Narembeen
- Shire of Narrogin
- City of Nedlands
- Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku | Warburton W® | Shire W® | Goldfields-Esperance Region
- Shire of Northam
- Shire of Northampton
- Shire of Nungarin
- Shire of Peppermint Grove, (Suburb) | W® | Shire W® |
- Shire of Perenjori
- City of Perth | | County W® | (map) |
- Shire of Pingelly
- Shire of Plantagenet | Mount Barker, Town | W® | Shire W® |
- Town of Port Hedland
- Shire of Quairading
- Shire of Ravensthorpe
- City of Rockingham
- Shire of Sandstone
- Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
- Shire of Shark Bay | Denham,Town | W® | Shire W® | Gascoyne Region
- City of South Perth
- City of Stirling
- City of Subiaco
- City of Swan | Midland, (Suburb) | W® | City W® |
- Shire of Tammin
- Shire of Three Springs
- Shire of Toodyay
- Shire of Trayning
- Shire of Upper Gascoyne | Gascoyne Region
- Town of Victoria Park
- Shire of Victoria Plains | Victoria Plains,
- City of Vincent
- Shire of Wagin
- Shire of Wandering
- City of Wanneroo
- Shire of Waroona
- Shire of West Arthur
- Shire of Westonia
- Shire of Wickepin
- Shire of Williams | Williams, Town |
- Shire of Wiluna
- Shire of Wongan-Ballidu
- Shire of Woodanilling
- Shire of Wyalkatchem
- Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley
- Shire of Yalgoo
- Shire of Yilgarn
- Shire of York | York, Town | W® | Shire W® |
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