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Location: Western Bay, Newfoundland
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Canada Newfoundland_Colony
Mulley's Cove | Ochre Pit Cove | Small Point | Western Bay
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Western Bay, Newfoundland Colony One Place Study
- Continent: North America
- Country: Canada
- Province: Newfoundland Colony
- District: Bay de Verde
- GPS Coordinates: 47.883333, -53.083333
- Elevation: 11.0 m or 36.1 feet
An oral history of Western Bay Hedley Penney, Published 1964 and with additions by James F. King 1973 can be found at https://sites.rootsweb.com/~cannf/cbnorth_norwesternbay.htm As an oral history it must not be taken as fact without documentation.
1700 - 1750
- Curtis: William Curtis arrived in Western Bay perhaps when he married Mary Thacker whose family had established a plantation there in the first quarter of the 18th century. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Curtis-18715
- Davis: The Davis' settled in Carbonear about 1700. George, Jeremiah and John Davis of Carbonear may have been the first. An article by Earl Wm Kennedy speculated on this family in 1980 (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://mha.mun.ca/mha/holdings/keith/pdf/davis/Davis%20-%20D%20-%20035%20-%20George%20-%202.pdf) Jeremiah disappears after about 1706 but both George and John appear several times in the Colonial Office records (CO 194 /4) including at the defence of Carbonear and the peace talks in 1712 (CO 194/24). John had a son, George baptised in Topsham in 1724 in who is likely the same man who was an agent of the merchants, Pike & Green of Carbonear, in 1757 (CO 194). In 1767 George was involved in a significant lawsuit in which he had "fitted out" a number of fishermen in Conception Bay but then did not pay their wages (3 Oct t 1767 CO secretary letter book vol 3 page 79). George was in Western Bay in 1760 when he witnessed the will of Jacques Vibert. James Davis was in Western Bay where the Davis family had cleared land there in 1746. Since James would have been only 13 in 1746, it is likely his father cleared but a connection to the Davis of Carbonear has not yet been confirmed. James' profile is here https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Davis-107701&errcode=saved.
- Delaney: There were Delaney's in Western Bay by 1748. The family starts with an unknown Delaney, the husband of Grace, who cleared the property that was later registered in the Plantation Book by Grace. This unknown Delaney had at least 2 sons:, John and Nicholas. A Valentine Delaney came to Western Bay about 1799 when he bought property there with Oliver Penney. It is not certain if or how Valentine was related to the Delaneys of Western Bay. He was from Hibbs Hole, Port de Grave where his residence is noted in baptism of his children in 1790. In 1784 Valentine Delaney, who was executor of the late Timothy Delaney, accused John Delaney of theft of Timonthey's property in the Harbour Grace Circuit Court. Since no residence information is provided for either John or Timothy it is not clear if either was from Western Bay. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Delaney-3938
- Jones: The Jones can be found in Upper Island Cove and in Trinity Richard was an early settler in Western Bay. https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Jones-134601&errcode=saved
- LeCow: John LeCow was the son-in-law of Jacques (James) Vibert of Western Bay and St. Mary Parish, Jersey. Le Cow is likely not how the name should be spelt. A possible alternatives is Jean Le Couve or Jean Le Caux both found in Jersey. Of course the marriage of Jean to a Jacques' daughter took place in Newfoundland and this record has not been found yet. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Le_Cow-1
- Milley (Milly, Melley, Milleay, Mellea): John Milley was in Western Bay by the middle of the 18th Century https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Milley-169
- Mullins: Richard Mullens of Dorset married Ann Thacker the widow of William. He had no children. The property in Western Bay was left to his step-son, John Thacker.
- Perry: There are conflicting family oral histories for the birth place of Nicholas Perry. He may have been born in Jersey in the Channel Islands or he may have been born in Devon and lived in Jersey before settling in Western Bay. He was known as Jersey Nick. Perry my come from the French Paree. Early instances of the name the name Paree is found in Guernsey, Channel Islands and in Gloucestershire and Hampshire. He was one of the early settlers. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Perry-13689
- Puddister (Poingdistre): Henry was very likely in Western Bay before 1750. He began selling his property by the 1770s. The Puddisters begin with Henry https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Puddister-22
- Rossignol: Augustine Sr. appears to have settled in Western Bay about 1722 a claim he made in a court case at Harbour Grace Circuit Court. He sold his Western Bay Property in 1784 to John Walsh and Michael Mulcahy and may have returned to Jersey. Details on the family can be found at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/LeRossignol-2
- Thacker: A William Thacker was in Carbornear about 1685. And on Little Belle Island about 1703 where he was stationed to defend Carbonear against the French. William may have been one of the first Thackers using Western Bay as a summer fishing station. His likely son, William, had a plantation at Western Bay by about 1730. While William's will was not probated until 1742, he likely died much earlier. Probate may have been initiated when Ann married Richard Mullens. William left the plantation to his wife, Ann, for her lifetime and then it was to go to his son, John. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Thacker-2649
- Vibert (Webber) brothers Philippe, Pierre and James (Jacque) Vibert of St. Mary Parish have multiple connections to Western Bay. In 1744/1745 Philippe and Pierre along with Jeanne Ingouville, the daughter of the late Philippe Ingouville, were in Jersey's Cours du Samedi on 26 January 1744/1745 regarding a property that the late Ingouville had owned in Western Bay Newfoundland. In 1769 Philippe and Pierre sold the property to James Thomas of Devon. The property was between that of John Thacker and William Curtis (Source: under Vibert in Mannioncollection.ca).The family profile starts with Jacques although the tree connects to his father Philippe Vibert of St. Mary Parish the father of Philippe, Pierre and Jacques Vibert of Western Bay. https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Vibert-155&errcode=saved
- Bryan: John Bryan
- Commins (Cummins, Cummings): John Commins purchased property from Henry Poingdistre in 1770: 148 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the W. by Michl. Dwyer on the E. by Richd. Valentine 172 yds. from H.W.M. to the S. bounded on the S. by Woods. No buildings.
- Connell: Michael Connell recieved property in Westerm Bay by deed of gift from his Mother in 1786L 96 yds. from S. to N. bounded on the S. by Michael Murray on the N. by Thos. Fahey 68 yds. from E. to W. 1 House 1 Garden.
- Crowley: John married the daughter of James Curtis and inherited property in Western Bay. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crowley-3187
- Crummey: It is not certain when the Crummy Family settled in Western Bay certainly before 1790 when the 3 sons Joseph, William and James inherited the plantation there. The family begins with their father https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Crummey-152
- Dalton: Matthew Dalton arrived in Western Bay in the mid 1700s. Family oral history suggests his first wife was the daughter of Nicholas Perry. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Dalton-5058
- Delaney: John and Nicholas Delaney cleared land in 1776, 2 plots, 34 yds. from E. to W. 76 yds. from S. to N. 2 Gardens
- Dooley: Thomas Dooley sold land in Western Bay in 1771 to Maurice FitzGerald and James McDonald. He sold a second plot to James Davis in 1781.
- Durdell: Robert Durdell cut a plot out of the woods in 1796: 91 yds. from E. to W. 43 yds. from S. to North 1 House 1 Garden.
- Dwyer: Michael Dwyer married a local girl and inherited property from his father-in-law in 1771 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Dwyer-2348
- Ellis (Eels) ): Diana Ellis born 1751 and died 2 July 1848 (Blackhead Church burial record pg 74 entry 590) at age 97 had a property in Western Bay that had been cut out of the woods in 1788: 2 plots 45 yds. from E. to W. and 32 yards from South to North. 1 House 2 Gardens possibly by her husband.
- Evans: John Evans inherited property from his father in 1774 and a John Tiper and the rest he cut out of the woods: 166 yds. from S. to N. bounded on the N. by the sea and S. by the Brook 55 yds. from H.W.M. to the W. bounded W. by the Crommey's room 1/2 S. 1 F. 3 H. 2 G. 1 M. 2 plots 132 yds. from S. to N. and 52 yds. from E. to W. 2 Gardens. The name of his father is unknown. However there were along standing family called Evans in Adam's The patriarch was Robert Evans. It is possible that John was his son and move to Western Bay when he got property there. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Evans-45317
- Fahey: Thomas https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Fahey-740
- Fitzgerald: Maurice Fitzgerald, and Jas. McDonald cleared land in 1771: 25 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Philip Rine on the W. by Oliver Penny & Co. 198 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the wood 1/2 stage 1 Flake 3 Houses 3 Gardens 1 Meadow. Another plot 118 yds. from S. to N. 65 yds. from E. to W. for Jas. McDonald 91 yds. from E. to W. 80 yds. from S. to N. for M. Fitzgerald and the remainder purchased from Thos. Dooley for £10. By 1805 Maurice Fitzgerald was sharing a stage with Philip Rines and James McDonald
- Follet: In 1799 Joseph Follet purchased from John Snelgrove for £5: 13 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the W. by Ths. Jones on the E. by Michl. Dwyer 110 yds. from H.W.M. to the Southward bounded on the S. by the woods. 1. H. 1 Garden
- Fowlow: Michael Fowlow and David Mullowney purchase property in 1800: 135 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Noah Perry on the W. by Michael Mulcahy 91 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the woods 1 House 1 Garden 1 Meadow(. In 1803 he purchased additional land from Edward Milley: 101 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Michael Fowlow on the W. by the Woods 121 yds. from S. to N. bounded on the S. by the path on the north by the woods 1 House 1 Garden 1 Meadow (Note: Could Jonathan Lelow witness to the will of Jacques Vibert in the 1760s have been Fowlow and father of Michael?)
- Horwood: Jonathan
- Howell: In 1788 Richard Howell received a deed of gift from his father: 94 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Michl. Dwyer on the W. by Grace Delaney 200 yds. from H.W.M. to the S. bounded on the S. by the woods 1.S. 1 F. 1 H. 1 G. 1 Meadow
- Kennedy: Ralph Kennedy cleared land in 1798: , 49 yds. from E. to W. 32 yds. from S. to North 1 House 2 Gardens. His wife Elizabeth died at age 85 in 1827 so born 1742 (Blackhead Church burial record entry 95, Newfoundland Archives, The Rooms)
- King: Thomas was a servant of John Pike and in some court records is noted to be from Western Bay. James King married the daughter of James Curtis and inherited property in Western Bay. This James may be the same James who was in Bradley's Cove. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/King-55879
- Lovey (Loveys): William Lovey purchased property in Western Bay in 1777. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Loveys-35
- McDonald: In 1771 Maurice Fitzgerald, and Jas. McDonald cleared land 25 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Philip Rine on the W. by Oliver Penny & Co. 198 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the wood 1/2 stage 1 Flake 3 Houses 3 Gardens 1 Meadow. Another plot 118 yds. from S. to N. 65 yds. from E. to W. for Jas. McDonald 91 yds. from E. to W. 80 yds. from S. to N. for M. Fitzgerald and the remainder purchased from Thos. Dooley for £10 Iby 1805 James McDonald was sharing a stage with Philip Rines and Maurice Fitzgerald (Mannioncollection.ca)
- Mulcahy: Michael Mulcahy was in Western Bay by 1784 when he and John Walsh bought property there 135 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Oliver Penny and V. Mahany on the W. by Jno. and M. Dalton 194 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the woods 1/2 stage 2 Flakes 8 Houses 4 Gardens 1 Meadow. In 1800 he cleared land : 209 yds. from E. to West bounded on the W. by Wm. Whiteway, 111 yds. from S. to N. bounded by the bank and the woods. 1 Meadow. He bought a second property from Edward Milley in 1803. However by 1827 he had left Western Bay after living there from before 1786 . He claimed in a court case that he had rented the property to James Bohan and then sold to John Penney. He may be related to Tabitha Mulcahy and her son John of Broad Cove.
- Mullowney: Wm. Mullowney, Jr., purchased property from from Robt. Howood in 1799 which he rented to Michael Swyer: 55 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the W. By Richd. Howell on the E. by Thomas Jones 116 yds. from the Bank to the S. bounded S. by the woods. No.buildings.
- Murray: There was a John Murray living in Adam's Cove. It may be the same John Murray who owned land in Western Bay that he sold to Michael Murray in 1796 : 139 yds. from S. to North bounded on the S. by the path on the North by Michael Connell 49 yds. E. to W. 2 Houses 1 Garden.
- Norman: John Norman was on the Northside of Western Bay before 1784. In Sept 1784 “By authority of John Norman” who had “lately occupied" it gave or willed it to Edward Norman Mariner of Jersey. The property was “joining James Walsh’s Room.” Edward rented it to Nicholas and Philip Perry for 20 lb per year. In 1788 Edward Norman took the property taken back and assigned to John Webb, Merchant. (Newfoundland Deeds Vol 14 pg. 79). It is unknown if Edward ever lived in Newfoundland. However there is a suggestion that Edward had a relationship with William and Susannah (Reynolds) Squires who named their first child Edward Norman Squires.
- Penney: Oliver Penney of Carbonear arrived in Western Bay by 1799 when he purchased property with Valentine Delaney from Noah Perry: 28 yds. from E. to W. bounded E. by M. Fitzgerald 190 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the woods 1/2 stage 2 Flakes 4 Houses 3 Gardens https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Penney-490
- Percey (Purcey): Joseph cut a plot out of the woods in 1784: 80 yds. from E. to W. 36 yds. from S. to North 1 House 1 Garden. His son Samuel was born in this year and died at Western Bay in 1824 at age 40 (Blackhead Church burial register page 7 entry 49, Newfoundland Archives, The Rooms.)
- Power: Richard Power died before 1800 leaving wife Jane and three small children ages 7, 4 and 3 months.
- Rines (Rines, Ryans): In 1787 Philip Rines was shares a stage with John Webb Jr. and Joseph McDonald (Mannioncollection.ca) On Dec 9, 1795 Philip married Mary Perry at the Anglican Church in Harbour Grace.
- Rose: Hezekiah Rose appears to be the first Rose in Western Bay arriving about 1783. Family lore suggests he was born in Northern Bay. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rose-10978
- Tuff: William Tuff arrived in Western bay before about 1794 where he set up a blacksmith business: The Tuff family link is here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tuff-131
- Valentine: Richard had property in Northern and Western Bay but was based in Carbonear
- Vokey: In 1783 Thomas Vokey sold property in Western Bay to Edward Milley.
- Walsh: John was in Western Bay by 1784 when he and Michael Mulcahy bought property there 135 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Oliver Penny and V. Mahany on the W. by Jno. and M. Dalton 194 yds. from H.W.M. to the N. bounded on the N. by the woods 1/2 stage 2 Flakes 8 Houses 4 Gardens 1 Meadow. In 1794 he cleared land : 209 yds. from E. to West bounded on the W. by Wm. Whiteway, 111 yds. from S. to N. bounded by the bank and the woods. 1 Meadow.
- Webb: John Webb Jr. was a merchant and supplier who bought a property in Western Bay from Philip Perry in 1787. The property was managed by his agent, William Mullowney: 64 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded on the E. by Noah and Nicholas Perry on the W. by Philip Rines 58 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the N. by a mountain on the S. by the sea 1 House 1 Garden 1 Meadow, with 1/3 of the Stage The stage was now in the occupation of Ph. Rine and Maurice Fitzgerald and Jas. McDonald. He was also renting his property to Michael Fowlow by 1805.
- Whiteway: William https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Whiteway-58
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