Location: County Monaghan, Ireland

Surnames/tags: McGuigan MacGuigan County Monaghan, Ireland
The McGuigans come from the County Monaghan, Ireland. They did not give their name to their region, but according to heraldic experts in Dublin, they did have a coat of arms. Believed unlikely by some since the true Irish never adopted the feudal system. However Dr. James D. McGuigan obtained the coat of arms in Dublin in 1936. On the shield is a tower; on each side of the tower a warrier; surmounting the shield a half-tower; emerging from the half-tower a half-warrier. All three warriors bear mighty weapons and look as if they can take care of themselves. The mottos says: In Deo Spero. Roughly translated: In God we trust.
The spelling of the name was changed in 1912 by Dr. James D. McGuigan from McGuigan to MacGuigan, after having learned from a reliable book (?) that Mac was the original Irish spelling. As a matter of fact, four spellings were used: Mag, M'G, McG, and MacG. And the first transliterations into English gave McGeoghegan. An Abbe of that name wrote a history of Ireland in the 18th century.
Source: Adapted from an unpublished document written by Gerald MacGuigan.
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