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Whetstone (Qld)

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 10 Oct 2018
Location: Inglewood, Queensland, Australiamap
Surname/tag: Shepherd
Profile manager: Hugh Smith private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 282 times.

Details of the pastoral Run to be added.



Whetstone was a pastoral run located across the McIntyre Brook (River) about halfway between the Town of Inglewood (also on the brook) and the town of goonddiwindi to the south west. Sheep were raised on Whetstone.

John Shepherd, Mary Mitchelmore and their family arrived in Moreton Bay on the immigrant ship "British Empire" and landed at Brisbane in February 1859. After a few days of their arrival in Brisbane, It is likely, that John and his family had been selected by the overseer of Whetsone to work on their run - the males as shepherds of farm labourers and the females as domestic help to the station household. So it is also likely that Whetstone provided the cart(s) to transport the family and any of their possessions westwards up the range and over the Darling Downs and onto The Whetstone Run homstead. The roads at this early time of settlement were very primitive and so the journey for farm labourers from England would have been both tough and eventful.

Within a year (March 1860), Mary gave birth to twin girls, Elizabeth Jane and Emma Sophia on Whetstone[1].

More to come .......


  1. Qld Birth Certifcate in possession of Hugh Smith
  • Pastoral Run Rent Lists, Qld Govt Gazettes
  • Old pastoral Run plans, Qld Dept of Natural Resources



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