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Whitmore Staffordshire Illegitimacy index, 1559-1923

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1559 to 1923
Location: Whitmore, Staffordshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: ONE_PLACE_STUDY Staffordshire
Profile manager: Anne Young private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 66 times.
This profile is part of the Whitmore, Staffordshire One Place Study.

Note there are 112 baptisms in the parish where mother is named and father is apparently not named. (There are 2798 baptisms in total.)

Illegitimacy index, 1559-1923


MotherMother's abodeReputed fatherFather's abodeDoc. yearDoc. typeWikitree id motherWikitree id fatherWikitree id child
Broadhurst, ElizabethRhodes, WilliamThe Woodhouses, Whitmore1764bond
Hilditch, HannahWhitmorePeacock, WilliamHandsworth1768quarter sessionsCharlotte Hilditch (1769-)
Hilditch, HannahWhitmorePeacock, WilliamHandsworth1772quarter sessionsCharlotte Hilditch (1769-)
Alman, MaryWhitmoreWatson, CharlesAudley1774quarter sessions
Handsel, MargaretWhitmoreUnknown1775quarter sessions
Alman, MaryWhitmoreRhodes, WilliamWhitmore1778quarter sessions
Ratcliff, ElizabethNeckline, SamuelWhitmore1779bastardy bond
Bagnall, ElizabethWhitmoreUnknown1833removal order
Swan, AnnWhitmoreUnknown1833removal order
Swan, AnnWhitmoreUnknown1833removal order
Pitchford, MaryWhitmoreUnknown1838minute bookMary (Pitchford) Cope (1811-)Samuel Pitchford (1835-)
Pitchford, UnknownWhitmoreShaw, George1838minute bookMary (Pitchford) Cope (1811-)Samuel Pitchford (1835-)
Shaw, MaryWhitmoreUnknown1838minute book
Wilcox, UnknownWhitmoreUnknown1838minute book
Hilditch, ElizabethWhitmoreUnknown1839minute bookElizabeth (Dale) Hilditch (1804-): note it would seem that Elizabeth was widowed in 1837; her 2 children Thomas and Margaret were legitimate. I have not found an illegitimate child.

Staffordshire crimes database

Year of birth 1794 surname Leland first name John age 23 location of offence Whitmore Assize 1817.2 Victim of offence Hobson, Mary By whom committed Twemlow, F Class of offence Sex Offence Offence Bastardy Verdict Discharged[1]


  1. Staffordshire crimes database

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