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Whitmore Staffordshire farming

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Whitmore, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdommap
Surnames/tags: ONE_PLACE_STUDY Staffordshire
Profile manager: Anne Young private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 171 times.
This profile is part of the Whitmore, Staffordshire One Place Study.



In 1544 the manors of Whytmore and Bedulph, and twentyfour messuages, four cottages, 500 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, 500 acres of pasture, 60 acres of wood, 60 acres of furze and heath, a water-mill, and £4 of rent in Whytmore Bedulph, Ansley, and Bucknall were settled on John Ireland, gentleman (son and heir apparent of Thomas Ireland, armiger) and Alice his wife, only daughter and heiress of Robert Boughey.

In 1546 the above-mentioned estates were settled on Edward Maynwaring, armiger, and Alice his wife for their lives, and to the survivor of them, without impeachment of waste, with remainder to the issue of Edward by Alice, and failing such issue, to Margaret Ireland, daughter of Alice, and her lawful issue, and failing such issue, to the lawful issue of Edward, and failing such issue, to the right heirs of Alice for ever. Thus the manor of Whitmore passed to the Mainwarings.[1]

1839 Tithe apportionment

see Whitmore Staffordshire 1839 Tithe

Name of farm or address Landowner Occupier Acres Wikitree link of occupier
Whitmore Hall Mainwaring Rowland Esq Himself 204 Rowland Mainwaring (1782-1862)
Snape Hall Mainwaring Rowland Esq Davis Walter 201 Walter Davis (abt.1768-1849)
Mainwaring Rowland Esq Furnival James 146 -
Common The Lord of the Manor and Freeholders of Whitmore Themselves 134 -
Wood Houses Offley the Honorable Elizabeth Emma Cunliffe Furnival William 133 William Furnival (1776-1855)
Whitmore Mainwaring Rowland Esq Highfield John 124 John Highfield (1797-1882)
Wood House Mainwaring Rowland Esq Rhodes Samuel 117 Samuel Rhodes (abt.1774-1848)
Bromley Green Mainwaring Rowland Esq Stanway Thomas 116 Thomas Stanway (1791-1860)
Lime pits Mainwaring Rowland Esq Ash Thomas 115 Thomas Ash (1788-1847)
Yew Tree Swinnerton Sarah, Esther, and Margaret, and Walthall Peters Bloor Richard 111 Richard Bloore (abt.1781-)
Coney Grove Mainwaring Rowland Esq Berks Martha 93 -
Moat Farm Mainwaring Rowland Esq Fernyhough John 92 John Fernyhough (1799-1861)
Whitmore Mainwaring Rowland Esq Broomhall John 81 John Broomhall (1782-1862)
New House Farm Mainwaring Rowland Esq Kirkham George 78 George Kirkham (1795-1859)
Hillside Farm Pilkington Sir William Baronet and Lady Pilkington Ryder John 35 -
Seckerson Philip and Brasier the Reverend John Isaac / Glebe Martin Andrew 30 Andrew Martin (1799-1872)
Fitzherbert Thomas Esq Dimmock John 23 -
Whitmore The Mainwaring Arms Mainwaring Rowland Esq Martin Andrew 17 Andrew Martin (1799-1872)

1841 census

see Whitmore Staffordshire 1841 census

Farmer Occupation Address Number in household Sex Age Birth year Wikitree link 1851 ?
Bloore Richard Farmer Whitmore 11 Male 30 1811 .
Bloore Richard Farmer Yew Tree 13 Male 60 1781 Richard Bloore (abt.1781-) .
Broomhall John Farmer Whitmore 7 Male 55 1786 John Broomhall (1782-1862) Whitmore
Davis Walter Farmer Snape Hall 8 Male 70 1771 Walter Davis (abt.1768-1849) died
Ferneyhough John Farmer Mote Farm 8 Male 40 1801 John Fernyhough (1799-1861) Whitmore
Highfield John Farmer Whitmore 11 Male 40 1801 John Highfield (1797-1882) Whitmore
Hilditch Margaret Farmer Clays, Whitmore 5 Female 55 1786 Margaret (Crosby) Hilditch (1781-1851) Whitmore
Kirkham George Farmer Whitmore New House 6 Male 45 1796 George Kirkham (1795-1859) Whitmore
Martin Andrew Farmer and malster Whitmore 10 Male 42 1799 Andrew Martin (1799-1872) Whitmore
Martin John Farmer Whitmore 12 Male 40 1801 - .
Rhodes SamuelFarmerWood House7Male651776Samuel Rhodes (abt.1774-1848)died 1848

1851 census

see Whitmore Staffordshire 1851 census

Name Birth Year Occupation Address Wikitree 1861?
John Broomhall abt 1782 Farmer Whitmore Village John Broomhall (1782-1862) Stayed
Thomas Stanway abt 1791 Farmer Bromley green Thomas Stanway (1791-1860) Died
George Kirkham abt 1796 Farmer New House George Kirkham (1795-1859) Died
John Highfield abt 1797 Farmer Whitmore Village John Highfield (1797-1882) Stayed
John Fernyhough abt 1799 Farmer Moat Farm John Fernyhough (1799-1861) Died
Samuel Tompkin abt 1814 Farmer Woodhouse Farm Samuel Tompkin (1813-1890) Stayed
Walter Davis abt 1818 Farmer Snape Hall Walter Davis (1818-) Stayed
Robert Willis abt 1821 Farmer Woodhouse Farm Robert Willis (1821-) Out-mig
Samuel Tellwright abt 1823 Farmer Whitmore Village Samuel Tellwright (1821-1910) Out-mig
James Lewis abt 1828 Farmer Whitmore Village James Lewis (1828-) Out-mig
Elizabeth Smith abt 1828 Farmer Yewtree Farm Elizabeth (Stanway) Heath (1828-) Out-migrant, marriage

Whitmore Common

In 1841 Whitmore Heath, containing 140 acres was enclosed by Act of Parliament.[2]

Bromley Green

Bromley Green
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Thomas Stanway (1791-1860) 116 acres
1841 Thomas Stanway (1791-1860)
1851 Thomas Stanway (1791-1860) died 1860
1871 George Fairbanks (1807-1887) Farmer of 116 acres; had previously been the schoolmaster - in 1881 had retired to Chorlton
1881 James Henry Lowe age 33 Farmer of 116 acres employing 1 man
1891 James H Lowe age 43 Farmer
1939 Thomas W Noden Dairy farmer

In 1847 a new farm house was built at Bromley Green.[3]

In 1902 an arrangement was made between the Keele and Whitmore estates whereby the former took Bromley Green Farm, which included, as depicted on the old map, Bromley Wood, John Boweeor’s holding, the holding of of Robert Sidwaye, the adjoining field of George Sneade and about 100 acres at Shutlanehead in Swynnerton; giving in exchange the holdings of Raphe Sneade and William Taxsonne, as shown on the map, about 70 acres at Shutlanehead, 19 acres on Whitmore Heath, all the land allotted to the Sneyds when the town meadows and fields at Whitmore were divided and a number of scattered pieces of land at Brown Heath and Acton. By this exchange the Whitmore and Acton estates became enclosed in a ring fence.[2]

In the 1939 register Thomas W Noden (age 42), Dairy Farmer Own Account, was recorded as single at Bromley Green Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[4]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Thomas W Noden Single M 07 May 1897 Dairy Farmer Own Account
Annie Noden Single F 07 Apr 1904 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Norman Reynold (Renolds) Single M 05 Sep 1921 Farm Labourer

Church Farm

In the 1939 register Edith Marsh (age 60), Farmer Own Account, was recorded as widowed at Church Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[5]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Edith Marsh Widowed F 10 Oct 1878 Farmer Own Account
Flora Clarke (Marsh) Single F 10 Oct 1905 Poultry Keeper Assisting Mother
Thomas Marsh Single M 30 Dec 1908 General Farm Worker Assisting Mother
Ronald Marsh Single M 18 Feb 1911 Livestock Removed Lorry Driver
Mary J Gittins Married F 24 Dec 1876 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Closed Record


Clays or Clayhouses
Year Head of Household Notes
1841 Margaret (Crosby) Hilditch (1781-1851)
1851 Margaret (Crosby) Hilditch (1781-1851)

Coney Grove

Coney grove
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Martha (Steele) Shaw (abt.1806-) 93 acres; Martha Birks was a widow and remarried in 1839; at the time of the 1841 census she was living at Swinnerton

Hillside Farm

Hillside Farm
Year Head of Household Notes
1828Mr BroomhallSold with Mr Broomhall as tenant; 110 acres, 35 acres in Whitmore parish
1839 John Ryder 35 acres; owner Sir William and Lady Pilkington
1881 Abraham Hopwood age 56 Farmer of 100 acres employing 2 laborers
1891 Abraham Hopwood age 68
1939 Thomas Peake Dairy farmer

The Staffordshire Advertiser 09 August 1828

Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Whitmore, and in the Parishes of Whitmore and Swinnerton, in the county of Stafford.
At the house of Mr. Andrew Martin, the Mainwaring's Arms Inn, in Whitmore aforesaid, on Thursday the 21st day of August instant, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. subject to such conditions as will be then produced ;
ALL that substantial Brick and Tile MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, with a newly erected barn, two three-stalled stables, tying for eighteen cows, and other requisite conveniences, and also divers closes or pieces of excellent arable, water, meadow, and pasture LAND, situate and being at Whitmore aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. Broomhall, as tenant from year to year, and containing by admeasurement 110A. 2R. 32p. or thereabouts; 35A. 3R. 6p. whereof are in Whitmore parish, angl the remainder in the adjoining parish of Swinnerton, in both of which parishes the poor rates are exceedingly low.
The house is most delightfully situated on a rising ground, with Whitmore Pool overhung by a beautiful wood in front—cominands an extensive view of the surrounding neighbourhood, which is well known for the richness of its scenery—is close to Whitmore hall and church, and within a convenient distance of the market towns of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stone, and Market Drayton.
This property abounds with game, being in the centre of the extensive estates and preserves of Charles Mainwaring, Esq., and near to those of Colonel Sneyd and Thomas Swinnerton, Esq , and having several small Plantations therein, the game is capable of being preserved to any extent, and at a very trifling expence, aud it is within the range of Mr. Wickstead's fox-hounds, being but a few minutes ride from several of his best covers, and altogether forms one of the finest and most desirable situations for a sporting gentleman, which the neighbourhood can produce.
Mr. BROOMHALL, the tenant, or Mr. BLORE, of the Yew Tree Farm, near Keel, will shew the property ; and any further information my be obtained by application to Mr. WILLIAM EARDLEY, of Hilderstone, near Stone; the AUCTIONEER. at Sandon ; or at the Office of Mr. JOHN FORD HYATT, Solicitor, in Newcastle-under-Lyme, where a plan of the estate may be seen.
Newcastle-under-Lyme, 7th Aug. 1828.[6]

In the 1939 register Thomas Peak (age 50), Dairy Farmer Own Account, was recorded as single at Hillside Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[7]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Thomas Peak Single M 27 Jul 1889 Dairy Farmer Own Account
James W Peak Married M 12 Mar 1900 Dairy Farmer Own Account
Doris Peak Married F 03 Dec 1900 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Mabel D Heath (Peak) Single F 27 Nov 1923 Dairy Maid & Assisting Farm Work
Closed Record
Closed Record
John B Tompkin Single M 18 Oct 1930 At School

Hill Top Farm

In the 1939 register Leonard Allman (age 40), Daily Farmer Own Account, was recorded as married at Hill Top Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[8]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Leonard Allman Married M 22 Feb 1899 Daily Farmer Own Account
Annie A Allman Married F 17 May 1906 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Helen E Flynn (Allman) Single F 03 Nov 1934 At School
Closed Record
May Reid (Mills) Single F 20 May 1912 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Keith T Mills Single M 13 May 1938 Under School Age

Ivy House Farm

In the 1939 register John E H Bourne (age 41), Working Farm Bailiff, was recorded as married at Ivy House Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[9]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
John E H Bourne Married M 16 Jul 1898 Working Farm Bailiff
Annie Bourne Married F 03 Apr 1894 Domestic & Dairy Work
Elizabeth Houghton Widowed F 17 Jun 1868 Pensioner Unpaid Domestic Duties
Closed Record
Closed Record
Closed Record


Limpits Farm
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Thomas Ash (1789-1847) 115 acres
1841 Thomas Ash (1789-1847) Thomas Ash died 1847
1851 no one with occupation of farmer living there
1871 James Cornes (1834-1910) farmer employing 2 men and 1 boy; transferred to Moat farm next census
1881 Richard Bloor age 27 Ag Lab (perhaps working for James Cornes)
1901 Frederick Nicklin (1867-1938)
1911 Frederick Nicklin (1867-1938) farmer living with wife and 4 children; house had 6 rooms
1921 Frederick Nicklin (1867-1938) John Peake Dairy Farmer also gave address as Limpits Farm Farming Dairy & Poultry; one son was working as a farm hand on Moat Farm; the other son working for father
1939 Charles Marson

In the 1939 register Charles Marson (age 39), Farmer Own Account, was recorded as married at Limpits Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[10]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Charles Marson Married M 29 Mar 1900 Farmer Own Account
Catherine Marson Married F 16 May 1896 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Brenda (M) Marson Single F 27 Jul 1936 Under School Age
Olive M Martin (Haywood) Single F 11 Mar 1915 Dairy Maid

Moat farm

Moat Farm
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 John Fernyhough (1799-1861) 92 acres
1841 John Fernyhough (1799-1861)
1851 John Fernyhough (1799-1861)
1871 George Barlow Copyhold Clerk and farmer
1881 James Cornes (1834-1910) Farmer 218 acres employing 3 men & boy; previously at Limpits
1891 James Cornes (1834-1910)
1901 James Cornes (1834-1910) died 1910
1939 William A Sumner

In the 1939 register William A Sumner (age 61), Dairy Farmer Own Account, was recorded as married at Mount Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[11]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
William A Sumner Married M 15 Dec 1877 Dairy Farmer Own Account
May Sumner Married F 22 May 1897 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Closed Record
Sarah (A H) Picken Single F 15 Feb 1901 Paid Domestic Duties
Frank Kent Single M 29 Jun 1923 Farm Labourer

New House Farm

New House Farm
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 George Kirkham (1795-1859) 78 acres
1841 George Kirkham (1795-1859)
1851 George Kirkham (1795-1859) George Kirkham died 1859
1871 Frederick Simpson Farmer of 82 acres employing 2 boys
1881 James Tompkin age 25 Farmer of 84 acres employing 1 laborer
1891 George Kirkham age 47 farmer

Racecouse Farm

In the 1939 register Louis A Bourne (age 35), Dairy Farmer Own Account, was recorded as married at Race Course Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[12]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Louis A Bourne Married M 12 Jul 1904 Dairy Farmer Own Account
Doris Askey (Bourne) Married F 22 Apr 1912 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Arthur R Bourne Single M 02 Aug 1891 Cowman Assisting Brother
Lizzie Bourne Widowed F 03 Jun 1877 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Marjorie Brian (Bourne) Single F 03 Mar 1938 Under School Age
Arthur H Bunn Single M 19 Aug 1909 Horseman On Farm
Edith E Lagons Widowed F 04 Feb 1879 Elementary School Teacher

Snape Hall

Snape Hall
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Walter Davis (abt.1768-1849) 201 acres
1841 Walter Davis (abt.1768-1849) died 1849
1851 Walter Davis (1818-) son of Walter Davis (abt. 1768 - 1849)
1861 Walter Davis (1818-) died 1868; his livestock and farming implements were sold by auction
1871 uninhabited? number 29 in schedule
1881 Charles Clewlow Farmer of 202 acres employing 2 men and 1 boy
1891 Thomas Jackson age 41 farmer
1921 Charles Matthews Farmer address Snape Farm
1939 Edgar J Ballinger

Staffordshire Advertiser 28 March 1868

MESSRS. ROWLEY and ALCOCK have received instructions from the Representatives of the late Mr. Walter Davies to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, in the FARMYARD above, on TUESDAY, April 7th. 1868, the whole of his very choice and valuable DAIRY STOCK, team of WAGGON HORSES. SHEEP, PIGS, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, &c, comprising—
26 very superior CALVED and IN-CALF COWS and HEIFERS.
1 Well-bred BULL
4 Powerful WAGGON HORSES, with their gears.
1 Half-bred COLT.
15 Couple of FOWLS.
Set of harness, gee-ho tackle, 4 neck straps. corn coffer, broad-wheel waggon, with harvest gears ; broad-wheel cart, narrow-wheel cart, spring trap, hay truck, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 wood troughs. 2 iron ploughs, set of wood harrows, cultivator, 2 heel rakes, quantity of rakes, pikels, spades, forks, 36 cow chains, pig tubs, &c , &c.
The AUCTIONEERS respectfully invite the attention of farmers, milksellers, and others to this important announcement, the stock being of a superior class, the cows and heifers are very choice and coloury, heavy milkers, and very healthy ; the horses are very powerful, steady workers, and of a sound constitution The whole will be found well deserving the attention of intending purchasers.
Luncheon will be provided at eleven o'clock, and the sale will commence at twelve prompt.[13]

Snape Hall is a listed building: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1206528

  • Farmhouse. Mid-C17 with later additions and alterations.
    • Also of interest is the iron pedestrian turnstile adjacent to the cattle grid by the entrance driveway. This was manufactured by Ellis & Co. of Salford, Manchester, a company better known for its railway turntables and heavy duty static and travelling cranes. The company operated in various forms from 1832 until 1887.

In the 1939 register Edgar J Ballinger (age 45), Farm Manager, was recorded as married at Snape Hall Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[14]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Edgar J Ballinger Married M 01 Aug 1894 Farm Manager
Susanna Mary Ballinger Married F 11 Jan 1887 Unpaid Domestic Duties
E John Ballinger Single M 01 Apr 1928 At School
G Elizabeth (Gwendoline) Selley Single F 13 Nov 1913 Domestic Help (Paid)
E John (Edgar J) Ballinger Single M 01 Apr 1928 At School

Snape Hall farm was affected by the High Speed 2 (HS2), a high-speed railway line which is under construction in England. Although the phase that affected Whitmore was cancelled in 2023, before the cancellation a number of farms sold their land to HS2. Snape Hall Farm had 265 acres which had been farmed by the Slater family for 70 years. In 2023 John Slater, 38, ran the farm with his father Chris, 79. The Slaters sold 76 acres under compulsory purchase: the high speed line ploughed straight through their 265-acre holding with two tunnels and a viaduct in quick succession to counter the hillside and a main rail line.[15]

Woodhouse farm

Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Samuel Rhodes (abt.1774-1848) Wood House 117 acres; landowner Rowland Mainwaring Esq
1841 Samuel Rhodes (abt.1774-1848) died 1848, at time of death address was Limpits
1851 Samuel Tompkin (1813-1890) Woodhouse Farm
1861 Samuel Tompkin (1813-1890) Farmer: No address given - assume still Woodhouse Farm
1871 Samuel Tompkin (1813-1890) Woodhouse Farm: Farmer of 317 a employing 2 men
1881 John Shorley Farmer of 116 acres employing 1 laborer
1891 Thomas Cornes (1866-1911) Farmer Woodhouse Farm; son of James Cornes of Moat Farm
1901 Thomas Cornes (1866-1911)
1911 Thomas Cornes (1866-1911) Thomas died 1911
1921 Sarah Elizabeth Cornes Widow of Thomas; address is Woodhouse Farm
1939 Robert Mc V Smith Farm manager

After 1920 Woodhouse farm, the Sheet Anchor Inn, and other property near Whitmore Station were sold in order to pay death duties.[2]

In the 1939 register Robert Mc V Smith (age 54), Farm Manager, was recorded as married at Woodhouse Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[16]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
Robert Mc V Smith Married M 09 Oct 1884 Farm Manager
Elizabeth S Smith Married F 19 Jan 1886 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Helen D F Hall (Smith) Single F 03 Oct 1909 Incapacitated


Year Head of Household Notes
1839 William Furnival (1776-1855) Woodhouses 133 acres; landowner the Honorable Elizabeth Emma Cunliffe Offley
1841 William Furnival (1776-1855) moved to Audley at time of 1851 census
1871 - no farmer at Woodhouses but an Ag Lab and a coalminer and their families

Yewtree farm

Roger Swynnerton who died in 1664 was the first to have been described as of “ Yew Tree.”[17]

Yew Tree farm
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 Richard Bloore (abt.1781-) 53 acres; landowner Swinnerton Sarah, Esther, and Margaret, and Walthall Peters
1841 Richard Bloore (abt.1781-)
1851 Elizabeth (Stanway) Heath (1828-) In the 1851 census Elizabeth (age 23) was the widowed head of household at Yew Tree Farm. Her husband Charles Smith (abt.1824-1850) had died November 1850. She married and moved away from Whitmore.
1881 Samuel Tompkin (1813-1890) Farmer of 360 acres employing 4 laborers
1891 Jane Tompkin age 65 widow Farmer
1939 H J Summerfield Dairy Farmer Own Account

In 1853 there was a sale at Yew Tree farm by Ephraim Heath.[18]

In the 1939 register H J Summerfield (age 66), Dairy Farmer Own Account, was recorded as married at Yew Tree Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.[19]

Name Status Sex Birth Date Occupation
H J Summerfield Married M 13 Oct 1872 Dairy Farmer Own Account
Maggie Summerfield Married F 19 Feb 1877 Unpaid Domestic Duties
John Summerfield Single M 16 Jun 1907 Tractor Driver Assisting Father
Thomas Summerfield Single M 29 Aug 1912 Tractor Driver Assisting Father
Margery Summerfield Single F 16 Jan 1914 Unpaid Domestic Duties
Frank Summerfield Single M 23 Jun 1917 General Farm Work Assisting Father On Farm

Whitmore 3

 ?? Whitmore 3
Year Head of Household Notes
1839 John Highfield (1797-1882) 124 acres
1841 John Highfield (1797-1882)
1851 John Highfield (1797-1882)
1861 John Highfield (1797-1882)
1871 John Highfield (1797-1882) Farmer of 174 ac employing 1 man and 2 boys; assume same farm
1881 Annie Leighton, widow, age 46 Farmeress of 176 acres employing 1 laborer and 2 boys


  1. Cavenagh-Mainwaring, J. G. The Mainwarings of Whitmore and Biddulph in the County of Stafford. An account of the family, and its connections by marriage and descent; with special reference to the Manor of Whitmore. about 1935. pages 44-5 retrieved through archive.org
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Mainwarings of Whitmore page 144
  3. The Mainwarings of Whitmore page 114
  4. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/009/14; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 87
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Thomas W Noden (born 7 May 1897), single, Dairy Farmer Own Account, at Bromley Green Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  5. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/008/23; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 79
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Edith Marsh (born 10 Oct 1878), widowed, Farmer Own Account, at Church Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  6. The Staffordshire Advertiser 09 August 1828 retrieved from FindMyPast (subscription $)
  7. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/010/1; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 93
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Thomas Peak (born 27 Jul 1889), single, Dairy Farmer Own Account, at Hillside Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  8. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/005/20; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 50
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Leonard Allman (born 22 Feb 1899), married, Daily Farmer Own Account, at Hill Top Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  9. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/007/34; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 73
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    John E H Bourne (born 16 Jul 1898), married, Working Farm Bailiff, at Ivy House Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  10. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/005/32; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 52
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Charles Marson (born 29 Mar 1900), married, Farmer Own Account, at Limpits Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  11. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/009/9; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 86
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    William A Sumner (born 15 Dec 1877), married, Dairy Farmer Own Account, at Mount Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  12. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/009/26; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 90
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Louis A Bourne (born 12 Jul 1904), married, Dairy Farmer Own Account, at Race Course Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  13. Staffordshire Advertiser 28 March 1868 [https://www.findmypast.co.uk/image-share/1bb8ed45-5437-43fb-b379-d53f3ed45abc retrieved from FindMypast (subscription $)
  14. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/005/5; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 47
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Edgar J Ballinger (born 1 Aug 1894), married, Farm Manager, at Snape Hall Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  15. James, J. and others (2023, October 9). The Brits left picking up the pieces after Rishi Sunak killed HS2. Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12597211/Whos-laugh-HS2-faced-losing-farms-homes-villages-picking-pieces-fatal-blow-high-speed-line.html
  16. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/009/6; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 85
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    Robert Mc V Smith (born 9 Oct 1884), married, Farm Manager, at Woodhouse Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.
  17. The Mainwarings of Whitmore page 143
  18. Staffordshire Advertiser 19 November 1853 retrieved from FindMypast (sibscription $)
  19. 1939 Register: "1939 Register"
    Reference: RG101/5471I/009/33; Piece number: 5471I; Schedule: 91
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (subscription required, accessed 23 March 2024)
    H J Summerfield (born 13 Oct 1872), married, Dairy Farmer Own Account, at Yew Tree Farm, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme R.D., Staffordshire, England.

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