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Joseph, James, William: Will Records for Three Generations of Baines Men Residing at Stangerthwaite, Killington, England, 1705-1726

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Date: 1705 to 1726
Location: Killington, Westmoreland County, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Baines
This page has been accessed 412 times.

Will records of James Baines (d1705), his uncle Joseph Baines (d1714), and his nephew William Baines (d1729), all residents of the Stangerthwaite farmstead and estates near Killington, Westmoreland County, England.

The following wills were published by W. G. Collingwood under the title 'A Book of Old Quaker Wills', in Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society, Kendal: Titus Wilson & Son, 1929, volume XXIX, pp 1-38. The article presents a collection of 68 old Quaker Wills from the period 1697 - 1777 written by members of the Society of Friends who lived in the area of Westmorland and Yorkshire covered by the Ravenstonedale, Garsdale and Grisdale meetings. A pdf of the article is available for downlad at https://cumbriapast.com/cgi-bin/cwaas/cp_main.pl#A

In his introduction, Collingwood states that he received the wills from Mr. Arthur William Simpson of Kendal to be read at a Society of Friends meeting held in Carlisle on 7 May, 1918. On the first page of the manuscript Collingwood found the notation: "I give this old Book to my Son John Holme but not to be sold out of the family 2 Mo. 13 1862 Margaret Holme." Collingwood noted the earliest entries appear to have been made in the time of King George I of England; others were added in the eighteenth century and a few were added by John Holme of Kendal in 1869. All relate to members of the Society of Friends and their families, chiefly in Westmoreland.

The dates preceeding each record are the date the will was written.

p5. Nov. 5, 1705. JAMES BAINES of Stangerthwaite in Killington, parish of Kirby Lonsdale, yeaman. To his brother Joseph Baines, brothers-in-law Jacob Morland and John Wadeson and friend Samuell Parrott, all of Killington, his land etc. At Stangerthwaite and at Blishmire and Penigent, co. York, [in trust] for his wife Sarah B. to hold a moiety of his estate for life 'in full of her Dowry title of dowry and widdowright' and to his wife £100 (£25 a year for 4 years). To Joseph Baines and Samuel Parrott £50 for his [James'] daughter Elizabeth if she gives security within 3 months after she comes of age for the payment of legacies and debts. To the poor of Killington 40/-. Uncle Joseph Baines and S. Parrot 50/-. To trustees 20/- each. Sole executrix his daughter Elizabeth. Supervisors, brother Jonathan Baines, uncle Joseph Baines, and friends Thomas Willan of Sedgecroft and John Airey of the Hill, Sedbergh, 5/- each. Witnesses, Joseph Ward, Gilbert Atkinson, Henry Croft, William Borred, James ffell. Inventory £210..4.8. Debtz to the deceased £70. Money owing by the deceased £400.

p11. 10 Nov. 1713. JOSEPH BAINES of Stangerthwaite, yeoman [sic]. Trustees and executors (5/- each) Samuel Parrott of Grassrig in Killington, blacksmith; Robt. Willan of Castley, Sedbergh, and Thomas Willan of Sedbergh, merchants; and James Wilson of Abba in Lambrig, yeaman; to sell Stangerthwaite, pay debts and give dau. Hannah £10; to granddau. Margaret Eglin £10, when she is 24; to children of dau. Agnes, grandsons 25/- each and granddaughters 20/- each, when each comes to 21 years (this at request of his daughter Mary deceased); and to them except Joseph and Margaret, £12 to be divided equally; to dau. Agnes, wife of Richard Eglin, the remainder of his estate, chargeable with 10/- a year to her eldest son Joseph after he is 21, ne to succeed to the remainder after his mother's death; and to Margaret E. £10 when Joseph enters on the estate. If my son-in-law Richd. Eglin sells the lands in Selside, co. York, which he hath the reversion of and pays my Debts, and outlives Agnes, then Joseph shall pay him £4 a year for life. Also tomRichard Eglin my fulling mill with all its appurtenances for life, on condition that he let his sons Joseph and Jonathan miln such cloth as thet shall make, and after Richard's death the mill to be Joseph's. Of personal estate; to granddau. Margaret Eglin 'the bed that I ly upon wth bedding sufficient to make up the same;' to Joseph Eglin 'all my bedsteads, tables, chists, Arkes,' provided he lets his mother Agnes use half of them. To the poor of Killington 10/-, and poor quakers of Sedbergh meeting 10/-. Witnesses, Robert Yeats, John Mackreth, John Crewdson.


  • Imprimis his apparell and money in his purse . . 05..05.00
  • Goods in the parlour loft . . 02..05.0
  • Goods in ye chamber over the fire Room . . 00.12.06
  • Goods in a garrett Loft . . 00..05.00
  • Goods in ye Kitchen Loft . . 00.10.00
  • A grannary in ye Barn . . 00..06.08
  • A mare Sadle and Bridle . .02..03.00
  • Totu [Inventory]: £11..07.02


  • owed by ye deceased upon bond: £115..00.0
  • funeral expence: £03..11.02
  • [Total Debts] £118..11.02

Apprysed the 8th day of Aprill 1714 by us John Wadson, Joseph Baines, Robt. Yeats, William Tyson. Author collinwood notes: "[Here ends the series of wills copied in the first and oldest hand.]"

p17. 4 Ap. 1726. WILLIAM BAYNES of Stangerthwaite in Killington, yeoman. 2 estates at Stangerthwt. formerly in possession of my uncle James B. and my father Joseph B. but now in mine and my Farmer Thos. Holmes occupation, to my brother Jno Baynes, charged with £15 to my mother Rachel Baynes 'in lieu of her Thirds, widdow right or title of Dower.' To Jno. Burton in ye head if Dent, £20; James Wilson of Grayrigg Foot £10. My sister Elizabeth, wife of Jno. Ayrey, £120; my sister Rachel, wife of William Collinson, £150; my cousin Jno. Greenwood, 10/- yearly for life; my cousin Eliza[beth] Pixley, 10/- (do.). Executrixes, my Mother and 2 sisters Eliz. and Rachel. Witnesses, Jacob Morland, James Bland, John Wilson. Proved May 14, 1729, before Thos. Lambert Surr. Jos. Lamberg, Reg. dep. Inventory, £206 ..17.06. Debts, £4..7.0. [Balance] £202..10.6. Appris: Jacob Morland, Jon Wilson, Jno Morland.

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