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WikiTree AGC Beta Test

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 4 Aug 2020 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Rob Pavey private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 289 times.


Instructions for participating in the beta test of the WikiTree AGC Chrome extension

For the general description of the WikiTree Extension see this page.

How to install the latest beta test version

  1. Download the zip file. The latest version is v0.1.16 which can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1coRS_SZZ1NGqyGM1Xt0b5-jzA3psxF8R?usp=sharing
  2. Unzip this somewhere on your machine (I put in in Documents/ChromeExtensions) and unzip it. This should create a folder called WikiTreeAGC.
  3. Then open the Chrome browser and go to this URL: chrome://extensions/
  4. At the top right of that page there is a toggle switch that says "Developer mode". Turn this on.
  5. You should now see a button in the top left of the page that says "Load Unpacked". Click that and select the WikiTreeAGC folder.

That should be it. Next time you are in edit mode on a WikiTree profile that was created from a GEDCOM you should see the AGC button.

How to edit the user options

In Chrome on the right hand side of the toolbar there are a set of icons. One looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Click that and you get a popup menu. One of the items on the menu should be "WikiTree AGC". Click the three dots (in a vertical line) to the right of this and select "Options" from the resulting popup.

This takes you to the options page for WikiTree AGC. Make your selections and then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Note that if you are editing a page and testing the extension you can experiment with options like this:

  1. Press the AGC button to reformat the bio
  2. Click preview to see what it will look like when not in edit mode
  3. Press the AGC button again (it now has an X over it) to undo the reformatting
  4. Go to the options page and make some different selections
  5. Go back to step 1

How to report bugs or give detailed feedback

If you see an issue please do not save the changes that WikiTree AGC made to the profile. Send a private message to Pavey-429 with the profile id. I can then run it myself on that profile and debug it.

Please include what seems wrong e.g.:

  • The AGC button doesn't show up at all for this profile
  • The AGC button shows up but does nothing
  • The resulting reformatting has an issue
  • ...

Please include the version number of Ancestry AGC that you are using. This is visible on the chrome://extensions/ page.

Also, if you see any issues with these instructions please let me know.

How to install a newer version of the extension

I will upload new beta versions of the extension as I fix bugs. If you see that the version mentioned above is newer than what you have you can delete the old WikiTreeAGC folder and download the new one and unzip it to the same location. Then in the chrome://extensions/ page just press the reload button on the WikiTreeAGC extension. Your user options should be preserved.

Release Notes

The release notes are now on the main WikiTree AGC page here.

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  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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