
WikiTree Day Heritage Hunt 2023

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Profile manager: Betsy Ko private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 569 times.

Here's the game! Find 10 of these 15 items in your house. Assemble them together for a photo and then email that photo to wikitreeday@gmail.com. That's all you have to do to be entered into a drawing for a special WikiTree prize!

Entries must be received by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 5th to qualify. Winner will be notified the following day.

  1. Photo of your ancestors
  2. Piece of furniture passed down by a previous generation
  3. An heirloom that has a story to go with it
  4. Recipe collection of favorite family dishes
  5. Original vital records
  6. Family tree chart
  7. File folders of research paperwork
  8. Genealogy magazines
  9. Genealogy books
  10. Library card
  11. Newspaper clippings related to your family
  12. Family Bible
  13. Letters written by one of your ancestors
  14. Anything with the WikiTree logo
  15. Anything with a genealogy pun/saying/joke on it


Comments: 11

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That was fun and interesting. I feel the need to tell the story of the picture. So, I'll use that as the subject of my next blog. So many stories in there! Thanks for the challenge!
posted by Victoria Fachner
Please share the link for your blog post once it's up. I'm curious to hear the story of that beautiful bit of carved wood that caught my eye in your photo. Thanks for participating, Victoria!
posted by Betsy Ko
This was so fun getting everything together. After taking the photo, I sat back for a minute and teared up remembering all my family that these items represented.
posted by Lisa (Amos) Gerhart
You have some beautiful photos among the items you gathered. Photos are almost always guaranteed to make me miss people, even if I never knew them.
posted by Betsy Ko
Done! It was fun to assemble :)
wow 🤩 love this. tou can really see the various ways about your family in each item you find is a treasure.
posted by Anne Fiordalisi
edited by Anne Fiordalisi
All of that in one pic? Should be interesting.
posted by Nancy (Cox) Wilson
Try panoramic - it worked for me!
posted by Donna (Warren) Henley
Does it count if you no longer have the original item in your possession, but have a photo? eg my sister is the keeper of the family bible but I have a photo of it, my library cards are digital, I have a pdf of a letter that my GGrandmother wrote but the original is with my brother, my other sister has all the heirloom furniture including paintings done by great grandparents but again I have photos of them etc etc etc.
posted by Melanie (Fisher) White
Hi Melanie--Photos of the items would be fine. We're excited to see your submission! ~Betsy
posted by Betsy Ko
This looks genuinely fun! I think I have 12 things.
posted by Lu Ann Pillar

Categories: WikiTree Day 2023