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Location: [unknown]
WikiTree Profiles of Interest
- Elizabeth (Hawkins) Richards (1629-1691) (Hawkins-3038) - Linked spouse of Richards-1225; superior profile.
- Elizabeth Hawkins (1621-) (Hawkins-5847) Linked spouse of John Richards (1649-) (Richards-7317). INFERIOR profile. Merge Proposed.
- John Richards (1649-) (Richards-7417) - Unsourced. Is INFERIOR duplicate of Richards-1225 - Merge REJECTED Sigh; posted G2G. RE-PROPOSED.
- John Richards (bef.1625-1694) (Richards-1225) PGM - Superior John Richards profile.
- Elizabeth (Hawkins) Green (1621-bef.1661) (Hawkins-2949) - Unsourced. Linked spouse of Jacob Green (abt.1623-aft.1681) (PGM), as his first wife. She should be PGM Adjunct?; should be Elizabeth _____.
- Jacob Green (abt.1623-aft.1681) (Green-2781) PGM.
- Elizabeth (Hawkins) Long (abt.1625-aft.1654) (Hawkins-2781) - Has parents Thomas Hawkins (abt.1600-) and Sarah (Stanhope) Hawkins, cites Terri rene Davar. "Adiel's, Michael's & Matthew's Cousins & Ancestors:Information about Robert Long," family file; web content, FamilyTreeMaker.
- Elizabeth Hawkins (1621-1687) (Hawkins-5047) [adopted] - Confused profile, conflating probably three women, Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) Long (abt.1603-1687), Elizabeth (Hawkins) Long (abt.1625-aft.1654) and Elizabeth (Long) Parker (bef.1621-abt.1691). Proposed merge into Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) Long (abt.1603-1687) based on the death date; cleaned up profile accordingly. See comments to her profile, here and here. This Hawkins-5047 is otherwise Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) Long (abt.1603-1687) (UNKNOWN-33599), the wife of Robert^1 Long.
- Other
Research Notes
Hawkins-Stanhope 2003 post. Alan Cook (Jackie), "Sarah STANHOPE & Thomas HAWKINS, m. abt 1620," January 5, 2003 Surname message board post; web content, Genealogy.com. Refers to Thomas Hawkins and Sarah Stanhope as "Elizabeth HAWKINS, born about 1621 that married Robert LONG."
Hallock Porter Long (1926). Hallock Porter Long, A Long genealogy : a partial genealogy of the Longs of Charlestown and Nantucket, Massachusetts (Washington, D.C. : [Long], 1926), 6 (7-Robert Longe), 6-7 (12-Robert Long, Jr.), 7 (10-Samuel Long), 8 (1-Robert Long); digital images, InternetArchive, generally without references; of the first two generations at New England, this material claims Robert Long of Nantucket is otherwise the son born at Charlestown to Samuel Long. Other claims,
- Robert Longe (1590-1663) married (2) Elizabeth _____. Immigrants to New England; Robert is father of 13 children.
- Robert Long, Jr. (1619-1648); died at Barbados, wife is Elizabeth Hawkins. Mentions Wyman.
Terri's family file. Terri rene Davar. "Adiel's, Michael's & Matthew's Cousins & Ancestors:Information about Robert Long," family file; web content, FamilyTreeMaker, cites,
- 1288. Homden.ged,(Imported: 12 Jul 2002), "Electronic."
- 1289. Submitted by Paul J. Ledbetter II of New Bern, North Carolina, World Family Tree #3121, Volume #001,(Brøderbund Publication, Date of Import: Mar 6, 2003), "CD-ROM."
- 1290. Homden.ged,(Imported: 12 Jul 2002), "Electronic."
- 1291. Submitted by Paul J. Ledbetter II of New Bern, North Carolina, World Family Tree #3121, Volume #001,(Brøderbund Publication, Date of Import: Mar 6, 2003), "CD-ROM."
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