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WikiTree Inline Citations

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 2019 [unknown]
Location: WikiTreemap
Profile manager: Mindy Silva private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 93 times.

Next: Inserting a source in your Biography

This is a profile with just the name of the sources. I found the records on FamilySearch so that they could replace those source names. (See Adding a Source from FamilySearch for tips on using RootsSearch)

This is what the profile looked like in Private or Public View mode:

This is that same profile with the full source citation in the Sources section. I hid the links.

Highlight the source. Hold your mouse button down while dragging over the source to highlight it. Let go of your mouse button then move it up to the C and click it.

Insert the source Now you can see that the ref tags are added for you. Hold your mouse button down to highlight the whole source (including the <ref></ref> tags you just added), right click, cut. Move your mouse up to the end of the sentence that you want to match it to. Right click and paste. Click on Preview to see how it looks. Note the reason for change and Save Changes.

Preview Changes You always want to click the 'Preview' button at the end of the biography box to see what your changes look like. It is easy to put in an extra space, etc that doesn't look good in View mode. For example:

Charles died on the 19th of September 1888.

<ref>Charles G. Ferris obituary, Van Wert, Ohio, Van Wert Weekly Bulletin, 21 September 1888, p. 4, col. 3.</ref>

In preview mode will look like this:

Charles died on the 19th of September 1888.


You want the source to show exactly what it is proving. It should go right after the period at the end of the sentence like this:

Charles died on the 19th of September 1888.<ref>Charles G. Ferris obituary, Van Wert, Ohio, Van Wert Weekly Bulletin, 21 September 1888, p. 4, col. 3.</ref>

In preview mode will look like this:

Charles died on the 19th of September 1888.[2]

Now your biography sentences will have sources linked with them to show that those sentences have sources to support them. Congratulations! You are now on your way to creating beautiful WikiTree profiles!



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