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WikiTree Presentations

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This page has been accessed 635 times.

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Videos: Videos about WikiTree | WikiTree TV | WikiTreers on YouTube | WikiTree Challenge Videos: 2022 / 2021 WikiTreers can spread WikiTree love by sharing the presentations listed here with their local, state, provincial, national and international meetings and conferences. So if any of you have a natural flair for public speaking grab these slides and enjoy sharing.


Presentation Handouts

Introduction to WikiTree

Honor Code

Michael Lee Stills presentation handout on the Honor Code.


Introduction to WikiTree

8 Aug 2022 Intro to WikiTree
Play the Intro to WikiTree.
Presentation to Central Georgia Genealogical Society given by Robinson-27225

DNA and the Global Family Tree

Mags WikiTree Presentation at the Ontario Genealogical Conference 2017, in Ottawa, ON June 18, 2017.

WikiTree's Profile Improvement Project

Slides from the WikiTree LiveCast with Bob Kenniston and The Book Doctor Bobbie Christmas.

WikiTree and DNA, Getting Started

WikiTree LiveCast with Mags Gaulden and Emma McBeth on how to get started doing DNA on WikiTree.

WikiTree and DNA, WikiTree and DNA Matching

WikiTree LiveCast with Mags Gaulden and Emma McBeth on how to use WikiTree as a tool in DNA Matching.

Wikitree and DNA, DNA Features on WikiTree

WikiTree LiveCast with Mags Gaulden, Julie Ricketts, Emma McBeth, Peter Roberts and Kitty Munson Cooper discussing WikiTree's DNA FEatures.

WikiTree and One Name Studies

WikiTree LiveCast with Mags Gaulden and Julie Ricketts featuring Doug Lockwood and Name Studies.

WikiTree and Family Search, Oh the Connections You'll Make

Mags Gaulden's presentation on making connections between WikiTree and Family Search (PDF format).

WikiTree and Surname Studies

Eowyn Langholf and Mags Gaulden's presentation on WikiTree and surname studies.

Plays Well with Others: Pros and Cons of Collaborative Family Trees

YouTube video of Karen Tobo's presentation to the Boulder Genealogical Society in Colorado, USA.

Using DNA and WikiTree to Find our Bahamian Ancestral Heritage

YouTube video of Peter J. Roberts' presentation at the Island Roots Heritage Festival in Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas, May 1st and 2nd, 2015. The discussion of WikiTree begins at 27:39.

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Comments: 3

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Does anyone have an outline of hands-on teaching for beginning WikiTree? I'm going to use the Intro Video, but then have my class participants use their own laptops to create their profile, walk through the basics of the Honor Code, become a member, then learn how to add parents, etc. I'll cover some of the fun things to do like see who you are related to in categories. I'm sure someone has done a hands-on class like this sometime and could give me an outline of what to cover when. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you, Cindy Bourque Cooper

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Just a thought .... Maybe use the WT Academy?
posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Thanks Sandy! A good idea, I appreciate your thinking of it.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper