
WikiTree Sourcer, Build All Citations

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WikiTree Sourcer has an option on certain profile pages to build citations for all of the sources on the profile in one step. The menu item is "Build All Citations". This can be particularly useful if you are transferring profiles to WikiTree from another site.

This feature is currently available for FamilySearch and Ancestry person profiles. On FamilySearch it works on the Details or Sources tabs. For Ancestry it works on the Facts tab.

Build All Citations will get all the sources from the profile, possibly ignore some based on options settings, and then sort them chronologically and generate citations for them. If the citations are inline or inline with narrative then there is also an option to group together the citations that appear to be for the same biographical fact. E.g. all the sources for a particular marriage.

To build all citations when on one of these pages bring up the Sourcer menu and click on "Build All Citations".

Sourcer menu showing Build All Citations

This will build the type of citations specified in the options for this site under the "Build All Citations" tab of the Sourcer options page. See the "Type of citations to generate" option.

Sourcer options for Ancestry Build All citations

However, sometimes you want to override this setting. For example you might be generating citations for a WikiTree profile managed by someone else. You can do this by using the Build All Citations submenu. Click on the ">" to the right of "Build All Citations" to get this submenu:

Sourcer Menu showing Build All Citations submenu

Once "Build All Citations" has been successfully done the citations will be in the clipboard so that you can paste them into a WikiTree profile in the appropriate place.

Another way to build all the citations is to set the options so that it happens automatically during "Save Person Data".

Sourcer menu showing Save Person Data

This is done in the options specific to Save Person Data under the Add/Merge tab. You can individually specify whether Add or Merge should include all the citations. If either of these is set then "Save Person Data" will automatically build all the citations so that they can be accessed during the add or merge process. For example see the "Include all source citations after doing Save Person Data on a person profile (if site supports it)" option.

Sourcer options for Add Person

Note that the citations built by "Build All Citations" are controlled by all the same options that an individual citation is. This includes the option to automatically build household tables. So if you have that option set it will automatically build household tables for all the census sources on the profile.

Sourcer options for auto building household tables


Details specific to FamilySearch are here.


Details specific to Ancestry are here.

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