
WikiTree Sourcer Safari Beta Test

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This page describes how to test the beta version of WikiTree Sourcer in Safari on Mac.

NOTE: This will not work on iOS (iPad or iPhone). I cannot do a beta test on iOS until I am in the Apple Developer Program


Installing the extension

To test on Safari before it is in the App store you will have to take a few steps (these are described in detail below):

  1. Enable the Develop Menu
  2. In the Develop menu, Allow Unsigned Extensions
  3. Download the WikiTree Sourcer App from my Google Drive page
  4. Run the downloaded WikiTree Sourcer App to load the WikiTree Sourcer extension into Safari

Step 2 has to be done each time Safari is restarted.

Step 1: Enable the Develop Menu

In Safari bring up the Preferences dialog (Safari > Preferences...). Select the Advanced tab and check the checkbox at the bottom "Show Develop menu in menu bar"

Step 2: Allow Unsigned Extensions

In the Safari menu bar click "Develop" and check the item that says "Allow unsigned extensions". This will ask you to enter your password.

Step 3: Download the WikiTree Sourcer App

Click this link to open my folder on Google Drive for the latest beta version of WikiTree Sourcer. The folder contains a file called "WikiTree Sourcer (macOS) 2021-10-10". Select that file and download it to anywhere on your Mac (to download it right-click on the file in Google Drive and select "Download").

Once it is downloaded the zip file needs to be uncompressed. You can just double click it to do this. This will produce a folder next to the zip file called "WikiTree Sourcer (macOS) 2021-10-10 17-32-15". Inside this folder is the app file named "WikiTree Sourcer".

Step 4: Run the WikiTree Sourcer App

NOTE: You only have to do this once. The only purpose of the App is to install the Extension.

This is a little complicated because MacOS is extra cautious about apps downloaded from the internet.

If you just double-click the app you get an error dialog that says:

Instead hold down the Ctrl key and click the app file. This will bring op a context menu. The first item on the menu is "Open". Click that. This will then bring up a similar dialog to when you double-clicked the app but this time there is an "Open" button. If this doesn't work the first time try it again. When you see this dialog click Open.

This will open the App dialog with a button that says "Quit and Open Safari Extensions Preferences...". Click this button.

This should open the Safari Preferences on the Extensions tab and you should see WikiTree Sourcer on the left with a check box next to it. If the check box is not checked then check it.

Sometimes pressing the "Quit and Open Safari Extensions Preferences..." button doesn't bring up Safari or the Preferences dialog. It seems to have still installed the extension though. You can manually open Safari and go to the Preferences > Extensions tab and make sure WikiTree Sourcer checked.

If WikiTree Sourcer does not show up in the Preferences > Extensions tab then it could be that unsigned extensions are not allowed - see step 2.

The extension is now installed. Please note that if you quit Safari you will have to do Step 2 to allow unsigned extensions again.

Testing the extension in Safari

Now that the extension is installed you should see the [1] icon at the top of your Safari window either to the left or the right of the URL bar. It should be blue on web sites that the extension has permission to access and grey on other sites (unless you have changed the system accent color to something other than blue).

The first time that you use it on a supported site your Mac will ask you confirm that you give permission for the extension to access that site. For example the first time you click the extension icon while on the freebmd site:

There is one main difference in the Safari version of the extension as compared to the Chrome and Firefox versions. When you build a citation or table it will ask you to press an additional button to write this to the clipboard. This is due to extra security in Safari.

If you do not see the [1] icon in your Safari window it may be that your window is not wide enough to show all your extensions. In this case there will be a >> symbol on the right hand edge of the window. Clicking this should show "WikiTree Sourcer" but clicking on that will do nothing. In this case you will have to customize your toolbar so that the WikiTree Sourcer icon is visible.

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