
WikiTree Toolkit

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Profile manager: Steven Harris private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,919 times.
This extension is no longer being maintained. Features are currently in the process of the being moved to the official WikiTree Extension.


Comments: 33

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We need a place for the process of solving problems, such as:

1.) Subjects of study: name(s), I.D., categories, focus etc. 2.) Statement of the problem: E.g. similar name, different data or vice-versa, etc. 3.) Scraps of accumulated data {I.e. pieces of the puzzle} 4.) Itemized process of solution {to compare alternatives}

David_J_Rees, Rees-2193

posted by David Rees MD
edited by David Rees MD
Hi David, I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, can you expand upon it more?

Also, please note that this extension is no longer being maintained, and is currently in the process of the being ported to the official WikiTree Extension (currently in progress).

posted by Steven Harris
I withdraw my suggestion. I had wanted wikitree to store what amounts to a worksheet of research work for each of the families. I would do better to use a notebook. Thanks for your query.
posted by David Rees MD